Of Kings and Killers (The Elder Empire: Sea #3) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Of Kings and Killers (The Elder Empire: Sea #3) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Of Kings and Killers (The Elder Empire: Sea #3) audiobook free
Im the first to admit that Elder Empire was my least favorite series of Wills, it lacked the raw style I had come to expect from Cradle and TG, and though the two story gimmick was interesting, it wasnt enough to hold my attention. OKAK has proved me wrong. While Cradle is still my favorite series from him, for the first time I truly see the appeal of Elder Empire, and why it has had such a devoted fan base. It may have taken many years to get here, but it was certainly worth the wait.
Review #2
Of Kings and Killers (The Elder Empire: Sea #3) audiobook streamming online
I hope this doesn\’t sound derogatory (as I certainly couldn\’t write one of these books) but the author has really leveled up his writing for this series. I started liking the first two books in this series but genuinely loved the third book – the pace was great, I had a better sense of what was going on (and why), and there were some really unexpected surprises which really added to the depth of the story. This is such a cool world/cast of characters that I hope we see this universe expanded in a video game series someday. Highly recommended!
Review #3
Audiobook Of Kings and Killers (The Elder Empire: Sea #3) by Will Wight
Just a short review, shouldn\’t be any huge spoilers. One of my favorite authors. I think i\’m one of the few that really liked this series over the cradle series, so when the cradle took center stage for 8 books midway through this one…I was a bit confused. Why would you swap to a simpler, shorter series when you already had one? I can\’t remember exactly where but he did explain about the cradle series just being faster to crank out. I really enjoyed the first 4 books of the series with even Shera(not my favorite) being more interesting in the 2nd book. This one just felt a bit too short and confused. Maybe it was every other chapter jumping to a different time frame, the lack of witty conversations or really any character improvement compared to the first 2. Calder just went a bit on the lame side in this book with a lot of attention payed to what his wardrobe would be lol. I\’d still recommend this series and it does end with an alright ending it just felt like it could use a bit more girth to flesh out the story. To me it just seemed like the books were wrapped up to finish them. On the other hand the cradle series went from kinda an odd DBZ spinoff + pay to win mechanics…to being quite enjoyable and I\’d def recommend that one as well.
Review #4
Audio Of Kings and Killers (The Elder Empire: Sea #3) narrated by Travis Baldree
Some thoughts. The two-sided series comes to a close. I decided to read the shadow side first for each installment. I personally prefer Sheras story, but this last installment was the best for the Sea side of the series. Will does a good job of balancing the stories and not going into the happily ever after zone where none of the main characters perish. There is a realism that a sand born hydra would appreciate. The last in the series has a nice tie-in to the multiverse that Will has been creating. We can continue to hold out hope for an Avengers like cross-over story in the distant future. Im mostly droning on because if youve made it this far in the series than you already know what you are getting and dont need me to tell you. Just waiting now for my next fix from Wills wild twisted mind.
Review #5
Free audio Of Kings and Killers (The Elder Empire: Sea #3) – in the audio player below
First, I dont believe in spoilers, so, read on. Wow. What an incredible story. The wait was totally worth it. Elder Empire is my favorite series by Will Wight. I love how deeply the characters are developed. Its not just a story, the back-story weaved throughout paints a much more vivid picture of the entire story. On to Of Killers and Kings! Pro-tip: read each book from Calders perspective then read it from Sheras.