The Picture of Dorian Gray audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Picture of Dorian Gray audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Picture of Dorian Gray audiobook free
This version is inexplicably bad. It reads as though someone put it through an internet translator and back again, for fun. It\’s virtually unreadable. Here is a sample sentence: \”I do now not be given as proper with that, Harry, and I do now not agree with you do both.\” Here is the exact same sentence, from another version: \”I don\’t believe that, Harry, and I don\’t believe you do either.\” Skip this version, unless you want to twist your brain in knots trying to figure out what on earth the editor/publisher did to Oscar Wilde\’s story.
Review #2
The Picture of Dorian Gray audiobook streamming online
I returned this product to the seller. It was smaller than a regular paperback. I believe its size, literally it is a miniature version. The description does not give you the dimensions, but for almost $19 dollars I did expect a full size hardback. I was very disappointed.
Review #3
Audiobook The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
he Picture Of Dorian Gray starts out with the artist who is painting the title character, Dorian Gray. The artist is enthralled with Dorians beauty and a sense of innocence. The artist, Basil, introduces Dorian to a friend, Lord Henry, as he sits for the portrait. Some could say that Lord Henry introduces Dorian to a life of no morals and selfishness. As the lord is the first to mention that the painting will always be a picture of Dorian forever young and the real Dorian will grow old. In a way, this stimulates Dorian to announce his wish to give his soul for the reverse. This was my second time trying to read TPODG. The first time I just could not get into it. This time, I can not figure out what made me not want to read it. The story is beautiful. Oscar Wildes words paint a portrait of its own. It is written in this mesh of Victorian and Contemporary. So for me that makes it easier to relate to. The words are not like reading Shakespeare. I am not good at critiquing books and getting into every metaphor, or meaning behind it all. When I try that with a book I cant enjoy it. So I just read, and from the beginning, I could tell this was going to be a new favorite author. This coming from a reader who is not a fan of many classics…but I keep trying and here I found one I loved. I bought the book of the complete works of Oscar Wilde and will be next reading The Canterville Ghost. I can not gush enough how much I loved this book. I am curious now to watch one of the movie version of Dorian Gray because I never have.
Review #4
Audio The Picture of Dorian Gray narrated by Ben Barnes
My quick takeaway before a lengthier review: If you\’re expecting a thrilling and entertaining read like I was, you\’ll probably be disappointed (or at least surprised). In reality, the book moves very slowly, not all that much actually happens, and large chunks of it felt like bit of a chore to get through. A number of reviewers who disliked the book to varying degrees mention that it could have been condensed into a short story or novella to much better effect, and I tend to agree; tightening it up it would have made it a far more enjoyable read, I think. But although it wasn\’t the engrossing, suspenseful, edge-of-your-seat book I thought it would be based on on its reputation and what I knew of the concept, it\’s still a book that I\’m ultimately glad to have read, and one that made me think quite a bit. My main gripe with the book is that there is a great deal of repetition in the story, to the point of complete tedium. Over and over, in the same language, we hear of Dorian\’s outer beauty and its effects on everyone around him, of Dorian\’s waning character (although we\’re only told how bad he\’s becoming, but are rarely invited in to actually see his misdeeds unfolding), and, especially, of the hedonistic ideals Lord Henry constantly espouses. Henry just seems to prattle on endlessly throughout the whole book, never changing and immediately quashing with some cynical bon mot anything that might be identified as real human emotion or experience expressed by Dorian (or any other character). This is not a book in which much actually ever happens. There are a few key events that occur, and then most of the rest is just people hanging around at dinners and parties, talking about nothing. There\’s also a strange chapter devoted almost entirely to descriptions of the jewels, tapestries and perfumes with which Dorian becomes obsessed. After a while, the repetition as well as all the florid descriptions of the aforementioned luxuries (as well as every room and party and dress and person to whom we\’re introduced), becomes incredibly tiresome. It all seems to blend together in one endless, meaningless and shallow blur . . . which isn\’t the most fun to wade through, but at the same time is quite effective in impressing upon the reader the kind of ennui and emptiness that this materialistic and frivolous sliver of society seems to have produced to different effect in all of its central characters. And so in that sense, I wonder if the book does in fact succeed brilliantly in painting a picture of how superficial these characters\’ lives are, and how, devoid of any real meaning, they spin out of control chasing ridiculous passions and vices, or otherwise completely stagnate. All things considered, I\’m still trying to puzzle out whether the things I disliked about the book while reading it are actually part of its brilliance, or if it just really could have used some editing down to make for a more enjoyable experience without losing anything essential to the core of the story. It\’s a very short read and despite my issues with it, I\’d still recommend giving it a try and deciding for yourself what you make of it all!
Review #5
Free audio The Picture of Dorian Gray – in the audio player below
I\’m not sure it\’s worth my reviewing the story in this book since everyone is so familiar with it. But if you haven\’t actually read this original version then it is well worth doing so, if you can cope with the beautiful classic writing style. The main reason I wanted to do this review was to let you know just how nice this book is physically. The format is a Flexibound Edition by Barnes & Noble. It\’s basically a faux leather-bound cover. Obviously not real leather, it is a soft feel plastic or rubber which is marginally flexible in the hand. The first and last pages are backed in the old-world style using frantically patterned end papers. The page edges are colour sprayed to complement the cover. There is also a page marking ribbon. Even the relatively thick paper stock has slightly off white colouring and lends itself to the feel of an old original collectable. In short, for the incredibly low retail price of this book you get an absolutely stunning edition, which looks fantastic on the shelf in a collected set and feels great in the hand as you read. Barnes and Noble do a nice collection in this format. Just search for (Barnes Noble Flexibound editions) on Amazon