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For a thousand years, the cruel king brought havoc and destruction to the land, and finally, in the first book, the land was blessed with a hero in the form of Kelsier. Not noble in appearance the Mistborn has all the passion and potential to stand strong against the cruel king. His powers were aroused when he was imprisoned by the king and though he was not noble in the profession he stood for what was right.

Kelsier made strong allies with the help of which he remained successful in bringing down the rule of the king but the hero has also perished along with the king. The nation wants another messiah who could save all of them from the terrible destruction which has landed on them as a result of the war. Brandon Sanderson with the help of Michael Kramer’s narration talks about the dawn of another hero.

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Kelsier has left his protégé i.e Vin to keep an eye on the land. Vin is the new Mistborn and is fully capable of establishing a stronghold on the land with the help of her allies. However new problems are arising in the form of lawless groups and there is something in the mist which Vin cannot comprehend well at present.

Whatever the change in the mist is, one thing is for sure that it is not at all a present change. The Final Empire and Rhythm of War depict the author’s brilliance much further. A person listening to the works of Brandon Sanderson will not understand the style of the author until he listens to at least two of the works. Sanderson’s books slowly develop in theme and no one can enjoy them fully without listening to them for a longer period.

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