Circle of the Moon

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Circle of the Moon audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Circle of the Moon audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Circle of the Moon audiobook free

Nell is just getting back into the full swing of her job at PsyLED Unit Eighteen after recovering and healing from her time as a tree. Their last big assignment was harsh on everyone especially her sweetie, Occam, whom she called back from death. Nell has several tasks as usual between still learning the intricacies of her job, finding the money to get her house up to modern standards so as to obtain custody of her young sister, Mindy(Mud), and figuring out what is going on with her boss, Rick LaFleur. Life has been hard on Rick the last few years especially after his cat shifter taint took hold. Now he may have a connection to someone, a blood-witch, who has a vendetta and is creating curse circles with deadly intent.

Nells own continued transitioning towards a non-human as she is according to Faith Hunter, a new form of nature spirit along with her connection to Soulwood and the troublesome Vampire tree on the church property presents challenges on several levels. Surprisingly, the Vampire tree which is constantly encroaching on Soulwood, may have something to offer Nell in a positive way. Nells relationship with her werecat fellow teammate, Occam, has taken some tentative steps in the direction of more than just casual, but her issues with men are still in the forefront. Occam has a cats patience and after declaring his intent, the ball as the saying goes, is in Nells court.

For those who have been fretting over Jane Yellowrock after her latest extremely major problem, she makes a brief appearance by phone. Janes brother, Ayatas Firewind, is the units newest up line boss coming in at a critical point to help and irritate the team in equal measures. Nell takes a dim view of arrogant males whom she feels underestimate her unique skills. Ricks supernatural past keeps not only catching up with him, but culminates in a way that he may not survive. Nell has a lot of control through Soulwood over the werecats, but is hesitant to exert too much power. She and Soulwood are always hungry to absorb the life of anyone they claim so considerable restraint on her part is needed not to consume those she owns by virtue of their blood having been spilled on her land.

The physical and emotional changes Nell is going through present trials and mysteries as to where things will all shake out. She is not sure what the alterations mean, especially the physical ones, but Nell wants to live life to the fullest and live it abundantly. Fans of Nell will enjoy the thrills, chills, and intensity of Circle of the Moon, #4 in the Soulwood series. The pace and force of this story will keep readers pulse racing and anxious to see how it all turns out for Nell and the gang.


Review #2

Circle of the Moon audiobook streamming online

Circle of the Moon is one of the best Soulwood books yet, packed with everything you both need and want: danger, mystery, a little romance, and supernatural hijinks.

Nell is getting back into the swing of things after her little trip into…being a tree… and there’s a lot going on in her life. With Mud possibly moving in with her, “updating” her previously off-the-grid home, figuring out what she and Occam are to each other, AND heading back to work, you’d think she’d start to get a little overwhelmed.

Instead, Nell is a total bad*ss. I LOVE that she always steps up when she needs to, and, to be honest, even when she’s not supposed to. Her intelligence and sass just continue to both amuse me and extending my list for all the reasons that this series is simply, absolutely wonderful. Nell is, as many of you might already expect, the true MVP in CotM. She’s coming to understand and own her abilities in new ways that I truly wasn’t expecting, and I am continually awed at the creative yet credible ways that Hunter grows Nell’s powers and uses them them within the Unit’s cases.

MVP runner-up HAS TO BE Mud, no contest. What a wonderful little spitfire! The conversations between her and Nell are priceless, and it’s hysterical how well Nell’s young sib gives her a run for her money…that sass is definitely genetic. Not only that, but Mud is independent, brave, and pretty darn street smart. It’s awesome that Hunter has created this character who’s young, yes, but has such potential to be really important and pretty darn useful.

As per usual, the rest of the unit is fantastic- especially my favorite, Occam. I’m a big Bruiser fan, but Occam is some pretty stiff competition. The budding relationship between him and Nell continues to bloom, though, as always, the main story-line takes precedence. Even though I’d love to see their romance speed up a little, there’s enough progress that it feels realistic and still satisfying (AND D*MN ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!).

Now, CotM is a big book for Nell, but it’s also monumental for Rick. For awhile now, life has been a little complicated for him. Since his featured spotlight in Jane’s series, there have been some unanswered questions that piled up, and Hunter has slowly been gifting us with little answers here and there, but there was SO MUCH left to uncover. Curious moments that might have passed you by will reach out, grab you, and make you go “OH SH*T! That’s why that’s happening!”

CotM digs deep into Rick’s past, but the story-line is still totally approachable for for fans who might only be Soulwood readers with no experience in the Jane Yellowrock series. The plot is well-paced and well-developed, unfolding bit by bit in a way that really makes sense and makes it easy for us to follow a case that really is quite complex.

Overall, I laughed, sighed, squealed in delight, banged the book against my head. This book, as Faith Hunter’s usually do, gave me all of the feelings. It’s a great story with characters who continue to develop and just drag me down into their world with absolutely no resistance on my part. I can’t wait to see what happens next for Nell, Mud, and the rest of my favorite PsyLed unit!


Review #3

Audiobook Circle of the Moon by Faith Hunter

Nell is sneaky! Church woman sneaky. Her boss, team and bosss boss underestimate her abilities time and time again.

You will not be disappointed with this installment. faith has done an amazing job bringing this story to life. I dont know how her brain thinks this up. I am in awe

I would like more Mud/Mindy. I love reading about the farm life, and all that it entails. I enjoy the details about the simple life, the stove, the hot water, the cooking, etc. even the bartering! Now that they are entering the outside world, I hope we dont lose that. I would love a short story or novella with just the greenhouse and construction process. I like these characters, would love to read more about mundane life too

Thank you Faith!


Review #4

Audio Circle of the Moon narrated by Khristine Hvam

I put off reading this for about a month because I wanted to savour having it on my kindle knowing that it was there to be read. However it was all over too quickly and now I am left waiting and desperate for more from one of my ultimate favourite authors! Faith Hunter certainly knows how to spin a tale, in fact there is none better. The world and characters she creates are real and addictive, I felt like I know them and could walk into their existence at any moment.

Nell is changing and developing (still), as is her whole team. Unique in their paranormal team status, they continue to be feared and sought after. Up front and central this time is Rick. Now I know he betrayed Jane Yellowrock and he has not always been the best, however I have always felt he was misunderstood and needed a bit of a break. It seems teaming up with Nell is what he needed and we learn a lot about his past suffering (yes of course he suffered) and why he is now the man that he is. I have hope though, that from this point forwards he can move on and grow without his past dictating his actions. It will certainly be interesting to see what is next for him.

Nell herself is making great strides in her relationship with her family and the cult/church that they live in. It seems that she is influencing their actions and not all the men of the church are pleased about that, danger comes from mundane sources as well as magical and Nell learns how to deal with this in usual style, mainly with trees 🙂 Nell’s affinity for who she is and what she can do continues to grow and it is a a beautiful thing to watch.

I can’t recommend this series and world enough, truly one of my all time favourites.


Review #5

Free audio Circle of the Moon – in the audio player below

Nells life as a paranormal detective continues but it’s not been easy. She’s the rookie in her unit and feeling just a touch unsure about her new boss who is Jane Yellowrocks somewhat mysterious brother. Someone is testing a curse, creating magical circles and killing animals in sacrifice. Nells got enough troubles with trying to persuade the authorities that she’s capable of looking after her younger sister Mud and as temperatures rise both literally and figuratively Nell has to deal with bloodlust, black magic and a Vampire turf war !
I loved it but then again I really enjoy reading about this former church woman who is slowly but surely embracing modern life. I want her to have romance and yes I’m firmly in the Occam camp but the author just keeps teasing us with snippets and possibilities although whenever he drawls “sugar” it surely is as they say panty melting !


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