Siren Enslaved (Texas Sirens #3) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Siren Enslaved (Texas Sirens #3) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Siren Enslaved (Texas Sirens #3) audiobook free
Lexi Blake delivers once again. I am so happy she decided to re-edit and release the novels she wrote as Sophie Oak. Theyre outstanding and engrossing. Siren Enslaved held me captive from the second I picked it up until I read the final word. Siren Enslaved is the third book in Lexi Blakes Texas Sirens series. The book has been re-released with new scenes. This book can be read as standalone, we see a little of Julian in the first two books in the series, but they deal with another relationship, one we do see in this book. We also see a few of our favorites from McKay-Taggart in this book, which I was totally on board with. Siren Enslaved is written in third person alternating limited perspective, switching between Julian, Dani, Finn, and a few other key players. Julian was so aloof, so unaffected in the first two novels in this series; I was keen on figuring out what made him tick. He was a tough nut to crack; he even seemed hesitant to admit to himself what hed been through and what he needed and wanted. In the end, though, my heart broke for the broken little boy he was and the hard, hollow man hed allowed himself to become. Danis softness and devotion, Finns steadfastness, were excellent complements to Julian. Siren Enslaved is a little insta-lovey, but in this context, in this world where trust has to be so freely and completely given, the openness that is imperative in a power-exchange relationship, lends itself to a deeper, quicker relationship most people are used to, so it felt natural. The added dimension of the traumas Dani experienced in such a short timeframe also lent to a bond that went beyond normal circumstances. I wish Julian and Finns connection would have been more fleshed out. I could feel their attraction to one another whenever they were together, and both of their relationships with Dani were well-developed, while the link between the two men felt lacking. There was one conversation, in particular, that happened off page which I think would have gone a long way to building a foundation for Julian and Finn had we been able to experience it. Lexi Blake is quickly becoming my gold standard for all things BDSM and atypical relationships. Shes able to take these alternative lifestyles and make them feel like they are the standard by which all other relationships should be measured. Her characters are strong yet vulnerable, broken yet steadfast, and the way they help one another accept all the parts of themselves is always fantastic. Her plots are always highly addictive and intense, and Im obsessed with her work. Ms. Blake continually delivers marvelous stories that are highly emotional and wholly satisfying.
Review #2
Siren Enslaved (Texas Sirens #3) audiobook streamming online
I really wish I had remembered I bought this book the day it came out! It got lost in my TBR pile. I\’m kicking myself because I could have read this book another 3 or 4 times by now! Dani and Finn are life long friends that \”love\” each other, but miscommunication has Dani marrying the wrong man with Finn as her bridesmaid! Dani comes to her senses just in time, but the formidable Julian Lodge is the man to rescue her! Julian has a major stick up his behind concerning his idea of Dominant and Submissives. He doesn\’t believe that the heart should be involved. Contracts are the only thing he knows. The love of two subs and their belief in him might just bring him around, but an extraordinary amount of pain will be involved! I loved Dani\’s spunk and Finn\’s love and grace when it comes to Dani and Julian. Julian is just off the charts HOT but, oh so cold! I loved watching him get his comeuppance from his two subs. The torture they go through to be together is painful but well worth it in the end! I wish I could give this book a ten star rating because it hit all the high marks with no low marks whatsoever!
Review #3
Audiobook Siren Enslaved (Texas Sirens #3) by Lexi Blake writing as Sophie Oak
Julian has always interested me, but I fell hard for the man in this book. We see the side of him he never shows, and see that he just as human as the rest of us. Julian breaks my heart in this book, seeing his vulnerability and how it devastated him made my heart hurt for him. Dani makes a life changing call that she hadn\’t expected to make. That call lands her firmly in the hands of Julian Lodge, and the man comes at her like a mack truck. She is emotional, confused, and discovering new things about herself. Fin is realizing he has made some bad decisions that need to be rectified. However to do that her must find Dani first. When he finally finds her, he too is struck with the revelation that his life is about to change in way he never thought. Fin never thought he would get everything he wanted in life.
Review #4
Audio Siren Enslaved (Texas Sirens #3) narrated by CJ Bloom Ryan West
This was book 3 in the Texas Siren series. Julian Lodge is a hot sexy billionaire who is also a dominant. At the beginning of the book he cuts is slave loose to another Dom. When he goes on vacation to a rich that\’s owned by one of his friends Jackson Barnes in Willow Fork, Tx. Danielle \”Dani\” Bay runs out of her wedding to local redneck Jimbo with her best friend Finn Taylor running after her. Dani jumps into a car with a strange and tells him to drive. Turns out she jumps into Julian\’s audio R8 he takes her to the ranch with him. I didn\’t like her sister Val she was a spoiled brat who thought of no one but herself. Finn has been in love with Dani for years but he is too afraid to tell her that that he is bi and not just gay. Dani and Finn are both submissive and Julian see it in both of them he is use to having one male slave and female but only with a contract in place he doesn\’t have sex without it until he meets Dani. I love that Finn was protective of her. When Val conspires with one of Julian\’s ex Jeremy to get Dani out of the way first he puts a snake in Finns care a he get bitten. He also kidnapped Lexi who is Abbey and Dani along with Val. I loved that I got a Ian sighting. The sex scenes in this book were hot Dani learned to stand up for herself. Finn learned that it\’s ok to be a freak and Julian learned it\’s ok to let people in and love him. I liked that Ms. Blake went into Julian\’s past and why he is the way he is. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. I am looking forward to reading about Lucas and Lexi.
Review #5
Free audio Siren Enslaved (Texas Sirens #3) – in the audio player below
Siren Enslaved Texas series 3 We meet the big boss the cold hearted Gray stare , strong willed man Jillian Lodge the owner of the club the dom that scares half of the people and always following the rules. Finn Taylor a tall handsome, green eyes, handsome submissive only loves one woman all his life, scared of what people would say and think of his own sexuality. He told at his job as a lawyer corporate work and now has to go back to his old childhood town will fork to see is only love wed another . Danielle Bay a strong hardworking and independent woman who lives to make others happy and of her childhood in willow fork she had to be a protector for her sister Valerie Bay. Today his her wedding day and she is not in love with the groom? Julian takes a vacation away to see his own friends and ends on a epic journey a hero a warrior a lover that has never been loved. Song Pink it hurts 2b human feat Khalid sums up their relationship and journeys. Absolutely dream loved the characters and romance and storyline highly recommended reading and of course we meet characters from different series Loved it. Julian will be sending a set of nice canes to jimbo!!!and Olivia using a certain gown as a ride