Though Not Dead

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Though Not Dead audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Though Not Dead audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1

Though Not Dead audiobook free

This book, and others like it, are inevitable when an author builds a family that included older members. The first death we see is natural, peaceful.
After that, the book contains a large number of skillfully written, carefully interwoven flashback vignettes that are spice and history.
This is a particular state, Alaska. Like many of the states, it has its legends, and it’s curses, and it has its romance.
These books grab its legends, curses, and weave romance – mostly the romance of the land with its people rather than the romance of characters, although there are some longstanding human romances built in.
The characters are as deep as the snow they struggle through, except when they are actually meant to be shallow. I have come to think, realizing a shallow character is needed, and being able to write it, may be as important as writing good deep characters.

Review #2

Though Not Dead audiobook in series Kate Shugak Series

Old Sam, one of the oldest Park rats and Kate’s uncle, has died at ninety-something.. Kate inherits a huge piece of property where the hot springs are, and finds secrets (and trouble) there. People are following her and trying to kill her. But the thing that drives this complicated novel is Sam’s instruction to Kate to find his father, a man who disappeared nearly 90 years earlier with a priceless Russian icon that is a actually tribal artifact. Meanwhile, Jim Chopin has been called to California following the death of his own father, and then has his own family mystery to solve while he and Kate miss each other. This entry in the series is special because we learn about 100 years of Alaskan history through the eyes of old timers who lived through it. And everything in the puzzle that Kate races from place to place trying to solve has made her who she is – Old Sam’s history, Auntie Joy’s history, the map, the hot springs, the twenty pound gold nugget, and even the missing Icon. It was quite a breath-taking journey. You cannot read this 18th entry in the series without having read the years of novels that came first. Don’t even try. But it was great and I enjoyed it very much. Hats off to Dana Stabenow, story-teller extraordinaire.

Review #3

Audiobook Though Not Dead by Dana Stabenow

I’ve read every Kate Shugak novel more than once, and this one immediately vaulted to my Top 3 list. Though Not Dead is the most ambitious entry in the series. The usual framework of Kate and her trusty wolf-dog Mutt solving a murder continues, but this is the richest of the Shugak novels, weaving together threads of Alaskan history, the power of family, and the revelation that even the people we know best are never exactly who we thought they were. As Kate explores the past of her just-deceased surrogate father, Old Sam, she finds many new and often unsettling truths about her own family and how her life was shaped by Sam’s adventures and friendships. The family twists and turns, as well as the story thread about an unknown manuscript by a famous American writer, would have seemed contrived in the hands of a writer of lesser skill, but Stabenow makes them all seem natural in Kate’s world. If I have a quibble, it’s the number of times Kate’s head gets clubbed or grazed by a bullet without lasting effect: no matter how tough the lady is, it’s hard to believe she doesn’t even get a concussion. (After 19 books, her MRI should look pretty scary.) As I said, though, that’s a quibble. Kate is as absorbing as ever, if not more so. Kate’s lover, Jim Chopin, learns some things about his own fractured family in a parallel story that’s interesting all by itself. At the end of this beautifully plotted book, Kate, Jim, and even Mutt are all wiser, more sure of who they are, and ready for the next adventure. I can’t wait.

Review #4

Audio Though Not Dead narrated by Marguerite Gavin

We are all fortunate to have Dana Stabenow’s gift of writing in our time. She makes the Alaskan land and the people come to life even for those of us land-locked Midwesterners who may never step foot on those docks or those trails. If you love the natural side of life and real people with heart, soul and human issues- if you love peaking over the shoulder of a cook like Kate Shugak as she cooks hearty, crusty savory meals– if you love the bonds between man and animals and you can handle strong women–then the Kate Shugak series is for you. You will love Mutt, her dog-wolf; you will love Kate’s Aunties- Native American elders wrapped in lore and unending kindnesses. In Though Not Dead, Kate indeed has a load of head injuries but I don’t find the head injuries any less plausible than the accounts of Mutt’s travels in domestic life- on board planes, in offices and as faithful as Lassie ever was. In this tale, Stabenow weaves a complex story and her back and forth style between ages and voices works for me- even the third part of the “braid” which is Jim’s story back home in sunny California seems to “go together” with practiced ease. It’s rich with Maritime antiquities, Alaskan history, the conflicts between people and classes and families, the love and hate between sure, staid ways and progress. Even the loss of Old Sam, but look how much Kate came to know him through his dying. I didn’t want the book to end. I left the last few pages unread just because I didn’t want to be away from these characters. To me a writer exceeds their books’ cover’ when the characters stay with the reader and days later, the reader finds herself asking quietly- I wonder what’s cooking in Kate’s cabin tonight?

Review #5

Free audio Though Not Dead – in the audio player below

Continuing on from book 17 in this series, Old Sam dies aged 87 and leaves the majority of his estate to his niece Kate Shugak. However, Old Sam also leaves a mystery for Kate to solve. Follow Kate as she tries to solve the secrets Old Sam left behind.

I enjoyed reading Though Not Dead and felt quite at home with Alaska and Dana’s writing style. I liked how this novel had a strong sense of belonging and roots. Much fun is made of tourists and their off-the-rack clothing from REI and the differences between Outside and the Park. Yet more local North American words were used for example – coldcocked – which made me feel like a welcome tourist.

Mutt, the half husky, half wolf dog belonging to Kate had a great role to play in the story. I liked how the relationship between a dog and their owner was fully explored – the bond that is shared is beautiful and very strong. Also, all dogs can make you smile, for example when
Dana writes…

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