I Hear You

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I Hear You is a book on personal development. It is about the simple but important skill which is behind the extraordinary relationships. The book is written and narrated by Michael S. Sorensen. He is a marketing executive and also a book reader, writer, researcher, and personal development enthusiast. As in the capacity of a narrator, Michael S. Sorensen did full justice and people loved this book with strong content in the audio format.

I Hear You

In this book, the author will help you discover a lot of things about the most critical communication skill, which is validation. It is surprising to find out that this skill is also the lesser-known of all types. If you are looking to enhance your relationship with your loved ones, including your spouse, parents, or friends then you must look to navigate the tough conversations at work.

In another approach, you connect with your loved ones including friends and family at a deeper level. This book is good in delivering practical, simple, and the most proven techniques for the sake of enhancing any sort of relationship in your life. Developing this basic and simple skill would allow you to calm down and quickly resolve your arguments apart from several other things. You must give this book a go.

It is a book that has got the potential to change things in your relationships for the better. It will allow you to come out of traumatic situations which include your loved ones. Michael was quite clear with his thoughts and this is exactly what made this book successful. Things are quite easy to apply and you might just feel emotional listening to this book.

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