Deviant King audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Deviant King audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Deviant King audiobook free
I\’ll preface this review by telling anyone that hasn\’t read the book yet that it might be smart to hold off until the rest of the series is available because I\’m nearly pulling my hair out over here since I decided that I HAD to hear this book right away and couldn\’t hold. off. I was not disappointed in the LEAST though…. while I don\’t usually buy an audiobook until I know I can binge the whole series one after another, I couldn\’t help myself. The premise sounded too good and it\’s two of my favorite things mixed together: dark romance/anti-hero with a kinky sadistic streak and a bully to lovers romance. I have the option to read the rest, but I CAN\’T do that now that I know how F***ING perfect Shane East\’s voice fits with his character and how amazing Keira\’s voice was too, and I would just end up frustrated I couldn\’t listen to it. I come across gems like this very rarely in the dark romance genre; this book is the real deal, it is no pretender and holds no punches! It\’s a book that\’s both unpredictable yet doesn\’t keep you completely in the dark just to keep pumping out books for cash (the author kindly leaves some breadcrumbs for you to put the puzzle together as more information is revealed without giving away all the nitty gritty details). Not only is the story-line absolutely gripping in and of itself, but the sexiness is off the charts! Shane East and Keira Stevens were made for this series and I can\’t imagine any other narrators doing these books the justice they\’ve done them [so far]. This is a dark book with somewhat dubious consent being thrown into the mix at times but it\’s obvious that there\’s much more that we don\’t know from the beginning and I could feel the chemistry between Elsa and Aiden from the first moment she talks about seeing him at school. If it bothers you in the beginning, keep going. There\’s so much more to it that we don\’t know at first, and it all makes sense in the end. They\’re both kinky and primitive, and they go into some territory that a lot of books with BDSM in them steer away from in order to keep the masses from turning on them in their ignorance). This one does no such thing; the author is unabashed in their characters\’ desires and needs, and I freaking LOVE IT. It\’s actually so hot that it\’s one of those books that I had difficulty listening to on a break at work or around others at my home (even with headphones on, of course) because it\’s the kind of book that will get you hot and bothered with no remorse and you will be so engaged in what\’s happening that you\’re lost to it and don\’t realize you\’re fanning yourself until your boyfriend or husband gives you a funny look. I\’m a tad biased, to be honest, because Aiden\’s my dream anti-hero, doing all the things I personally would want him to do, and I fell in love with his character so much that I am looking forward to the rest of the series more than I can express in words. All of my praise aside, I do have one complaint: since the other books aren\’t available yet on Audible, let the audience know when it\’s going to be available so we know when to come back and buy it! I hate not knowing and just waiting around checking the author\’s page on Audible\’s website over and over again, it\’s irritating and it\’s also a good way to lose a portion of your audience when people are interested but not obsessive like myself and won\’t go so far out of their way to keep checking for new books being added on a regular basis. I may have missed something but I even checked other sites like Amazon and found nothing about the next release in the series, same with social media… all I saw was a tweet about book 2 being released on Kindle in 2019 but nothing else. The 3rd book says 2020 but the second one isn\’t even listed on the series\’ page… is that a fluke or what? I\’m so confused about this and it\’s bad marketing not to have these ducks in a row so whomever is responsible should take a look at that page and fix it. I\’m not trying to be a jerk but I just feel like some consistency and directness would be nice if not from the author from Audible, the publisher, someone, since I am so engrossed with this series that I find myself wanting to know what date to write on my calendar and count down to! Anyways, if you haven\’t been convinced by now, you\’ll never be, but you\’ll be missing out because this is one of the best books I\’ve heard in a while, without a doubt in my mind. Superb story, narration, character development, sense of mystery and intrigue, and spot-on writing. Buy this book if you like dark romance and I can promise you won\’t be disappointed. I give it 4.5 out of 5 chess pieces. 😛 12 people found this helpful
Review #2
Deviant King audiobook streamming online
I have to admit that after the first few chapters I was ready to quit. I didn\’t like the heroine right away and that was the reason I hesitated. I\’m so glad I gave her chance! The book isn\’t an easy listen. The anti-hero is obsessed and is a bully. There are some dub-con moments but there was something about Aiden King that just drew me in. When he got all possessive I literally melted. I\’m a sucker for a jealous possessive hero and Aiden was that and more. Lots of secrets floating around Elsa from those closest to her. I liked that she showed up everyday to school and did her best to not show that her bullies were getting to her. After I finished the book I ended buying the paperbacks so I could finish the series since they are not available on audio yet. I hope they come out soon! Narration This is a duet and was seamless when switching between narrators. Shane East 5 stars he was the perfect alpha Keira Stevens was 4 stars for me. I found her narration a bit harsh to my ears but eventually got used to it. 9 people found this helpful
Review #3
Audiobook Deviant King by Rina Kent
Not my thing. Immature night school silliness. I typically like some young adult but this didn’t capture me enough to stick around for next in the series. 7 people found this helpful
Review #4
Audio Deviant King narrated by Keira Stevens Shane East
The back and forth, the second guessing and repetivness of this book was maddening. The internal dialogue of the female MC made me want to stab myself. Could have been a decent story if the author would have actually given us more content of the actual story then the driveling mind of a teenage girl. 7 people found this helpful
Review #5
Free audio Deviant King – in the audio player below
I hate writing reviews so I’m just gonna keep it short and sweet. This book contains sexual assault and there is no trigger warning. The only warning is in the description and it only says that there are some things some might find offensive. Please be aware and be careful if you’re reading this book! 6 people found this helpful