The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection

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The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection audiobook – Audience Reviews



Review #1

The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection full audiobook free


Mma Precious Remotswe and Man Grace Makutsi resolve 3 serious and amusing situations in this charming book; one of the beloved tales about the adventures of the Ladies No. 1 Detective Agency based in Botswana. In this book they are visited by Clovis Anderson, the author of the Bible of Private Detecting, upon which the Detective Ladies have always relied. Grace is start-struck, and her shoes are once again commenting on her activities. Precious is still solving the crimes and gently dispensing earthy wisdom. Mr.Anderson seems to be carrying a secret, but the Ladies are so in awe of him that they are reluctant to inquire. Mma Ppotokwane’s position as head of the orphanage is in jeopardy and Fanwell has been falsely accused of and arrested for a crime he did not commit. To make a bad situation worse, his defense attorney has turned out to be as bumbling idiot. The characters are so well known to followers of the series that little space is devoted to character development. That could briefly confuse someone who has not read any of the previous books. But they can soon catch on to the quirks and foibles of the and other characters. No doubt any confusion will soon be resolved, as the reader is likely to want more of the adventures of these wonderful people.


Review #2

The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection audiobook in series The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency – BBC Dramatisations


This book is another outstanding example of how this series of books about the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency provides wonderful insights into the Botswana culture and indeed to human nature across all cultures. As Precious R. (our head detective and protagonist) so aptly puts it in this book, when discussing how some people are not able to remain good much beyond the hour spent at Sunday church services, when she says its the constant striving to do better each time we fall off the bandwagon that really makes us human.


Review #3

The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection audiobook by Alexander McCall Smith


For us avid followers of this laid back, tea drinking series, this latest (13th) installment brings more of the same, but with a couple of new twists and jolts to keep our interest firmly in check. It begins with a dream of a tall, well-built man standing in the shade, and follows up with the collision of Mma Ramotswe’s detective job with the demands of her friends’ personal life crises.

For one, her friend Mma Potokwane of the orphanage is distraught over big changes proposed by the board of Directors, which ultimately leads to her dismissal; and for two, one of the mechanics gets into big trouble with the law, and his defense counsel isn’t giving them the assurance that he’s going to be very helpful.

It’s not all bad news though, as her dream visitor turns out be someone she respects very deeply, and her Associate and friend Grace Makutsi and her husband Phuti have begun working on their new home. Unfortunately, good news can turn bad unexpectedly, and it seems that Grace’s fundamental dislike of the contractor may not be unfounded.

Together with her esteemed visitor, Mma Ramotswe starts turning rocks to see what she can dig up that will be helpful, but gets help from several unexpected quarters in unearthing the truth and putting the various cases to rest. But there is one last surprise to come.

Other than a little (forgivable) rambling about the good old Botswana days, this is an enjoyable ride over bumpy roads.

Amanda Richards, April 6, 2012


Review #4

The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection audio narrated by Claire Benedict full cast


Ordered 5 #1 Ladies’ Detective Agency Books through Amazon. Received 4 paperbacks in 2 shipments from Amazon thru US Post Office. Fifth book (The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection) came UPS from this vendor. BUT it is a hard cover LARGE PRINT book. While many people need large print, I am not one of them. Did not discover until I went to read it. I have about 15 other books in the series and enjoy the stories very much. However, I am NOT ENJOYING the experience of reading this story because of the large print. This was NOT what I ordered. I would LOVE to send this back and get a standard paperback with “regular” type, but am unsure of the procedure for doing so.


Review #5

free audio The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection – in the audio player below


I have realized that what I most enjoy about the Ladies No. 1 Detective Agency series is the sense of place and community that permeate these stories. This book is no exception. Precious Ramotswe demonstrates time after time her ability to accept others, foibles and all, and uses this ability to think through problems. It’s through her understanding of human nature that she succeeds. These are gentle stories. They draw one in and create interest in the outcome, but without the pulse-pounding anxiety of popular contemporary novels of international intrigue. Don’t misunderstand, I read those novels as well, but Mma Ramotswe offers a respite that we may not even know we need until we are immersed in it.
The addition of Clovis Anderson – the great Clovis Anderson – in this installment of the series adds a nuance. It shows that even Mma Ramotswe can misinterpret human reactions. Perhaps he has too thoroughly imputed to Clovis the wisdom she believes she has derived from his book, but even in her misunderstanding she thinks the best of him. I highly recommend this series, and this particular book.


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