Clawback audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Clawback audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Clawback audiobook free
I had been waiting for this one to arrive in paperback since the title caught my interest. Clawback is the term to describe what happens in a bankruptcy when the trustees in charge \”clawback\” any funds that have been recently disbursed so they can be put back in the asset pot and distributed proportionately. You may have encountered it in reference to the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme and this book deals with a similar theme. As a financial advisor I often look for the flaws in a book of this type but was pleasantly surprised that she got most of it right, right down to the arcane initials of the \”alphabet soup\” advisors often list after their name and the significant differences between insurance and investment operations. A bit concerned about mention of an SEC law requiring the permanent retention of some paper records which was news to me, since I have maintained a paperless \”scan and shred\” operation for some time and no auditor has made an issue of it yet. Basically, Ali Reynolds, the protagonist\’s parents lose their entire retirement nest egg and proceeds from the sale of the restaurant they owned to an apparent investment scheme. When her father goes to confront his financial advisor he discovers his and his wive\’s body and after trying to revive them he calls 911. Naturally, the first police on the scene, finding him covered in blood toss him in the squad car in handcuffs. Discovery of the murder weapon in his car certainly doesn\’t help his case. And we\’re off in a grand march to prove him innocent and recover the funds. Twisty tale, fairly predictable in places, a bit over populated in characters, pretty clear line between the black and white, good and bad guys but an absorbing tale. A bit too much power to the resident hacker who can break in anywhere, get to any traffic camera, beat any encryption but that seems to be a theme in many TV shows and movies. Lots of stereotypical characters. My first J.A. Jance but if I get get done shrinking my \”to be read\” pile, I may try another.
Review #2
Clawback audiobook in series Ali Reynolds
CLAWBACK, an Ali Reynold’s novel by J.A. Jance, starts at a fast pace. Ali’s parents, Bob and Edie Larson, are recent retirees after years of owning and operating the Sugarloaf Restaurant in Sedona, Arizona. The money from the sale of the restaurant, their life savings, are invested with a good friend and businessman, Dan Frazier, owner of an insurance and investment firm, Ocotillo Fund Management. Unfortunately, the OFM went belly up as a result of a Ponzi scheme perpetrated upon the firm with an apparent loss of all funds and leaving many in Sedona and the surrounding area dead broke. Bob Larson drives to his friend’s house to find out what can be done to retrieve their savings. Upon arrival at the Frazier home he finds Dan bleeding from stab wounds and his wife, Millie, also near death from stab wound trauma. Bob renders first aid and calls 911. Because of his blood soaked shirt and a bloody knife found in his Bronco, Bob is quickly taken into custody by two rookie patrolmen and interrogated by a vindictive and not-so-bright detective. But not to worry. Ali’s husband, B. Simpson, owner of High Noon Enterprises and his band of computer hacking sleuths are on the case. There seems to be nothing B. and his dedicated company hackers can’t break into to solve the Ponzi connivance. One of the heroes of this adventure is a young Asian American employee of High Noon, Camilla Lee, whose lifelong ambition is to become a forensic detective. She is a key part of the story and one of the most interesting new characters introduced by the author in some time. Clawback is my 53rd J.A. Jance novel. I speed-read most novels. I read Jance novels much slower savoring every word and thought and hoping the story won’t end too soon. I recommend this exciting novel and give it a rating of 5 out of 5-stars.
Review #3
Audiobook Clawback by J. A. Jance
What a disappointment—I am surprised at the multiple great reviews — One of the prior positive 5 star reviewers managed to review the first 60 pages in about 15 lines of review on the Amazon website without dragging on and on — The characters in my judgment are tedious and the plot is slow moving. Tossed the book after plodding through the first 60 pages and the last 10 or so —Bottom line —Don\’t waste your time or money.
Review #4
Audio Clawback narrated by Kris Faulkner
This was a better book than her last one. A couple of times, early on, it was a little slow, but overall, a fast paced read. I began last night and just finished it. I can\’t believe Ali Reynolds is now in her 50s. I can remember when she was young and raising her son alone, while working in TV. She definitely has matured but still has that sassy, go get \’em attitude. She isn\’t afraid to tackle anything head on and apparently neither is Cami, one of the High Noon Securities\’ fairly new employees. B. had to leave town and as a result left the work of trying to capture the real killers and Ponzi theme guy to Ali, Cami, Stu, and Ali\’s parents. They did a good job with quite a bit of action. As usual, there\’s at least one male chauvinist, but the ladies handle these people with ease. Highly suggested read for a summer vacation day.
Review #5
Free audio Clawback – in the audio player below
Have read all of J. A. Jance\’s books. Enjoyed them all. This book is on a timely subject. Ponzi schemes and retirement funds need to be exposed. A lot of people don\’t understand what Ponzi schemes are all about and the terrible impact these criminals have on our society. Not enough is being done to prevent them. When her new books are posted, I order them right away. This one is fast and easy to read. One of my favorite authors.