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The terrorists didn’t show any mercy when they attacked the land and this made heroes like John Dempsey mad with rage. Since then John has been working behind the shadows against those who are a genuine threat to his country and the rest of the world. This is the third part of the series and the missions are getting more and more serious. The ex-Navy SEAL officer is not worried about his life rather he is worried about the life of innocent civilians who have faced devastating situations in the past because of the terrorists.


Brain Andrews and Jeffrey Wilson are not trying to keep the series in a sequence rather the main focus is on the depiction of the terrorist network that has been operating in the entire world. The group known as Ember has been under the command of John since the previous part and he and the members of the team are ready to go to the roots of evil.

They have been dealing with criminals and terrorists connected to various countries and so far their missions have been fruitful. John has tried to obey the orders given to him all the time but this time the thing has become personal for him. War Shadows and Sons of Valor were just missions this one is for revenge because an Iranian terrorist has killed one of the members of Ember.


It is payback time for the underworld because John is coming loaded with vengeance and hate for the terrorists. But there are some threats related to the use of new missiles that are emerging and if it continues then a new war would be engulfing everything shortly. Ray Porter narrates with the same epic control on his voice and his narration has contributed a lot to this series.

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