Dating Dr. Dreamy audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Dating Dr. Dreamy audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Dating Dr. Dreamy audiobook free
Dating Dr. Dreamy is the first book in the Bliss River series by the talented Lili Valente. A new series by one of my favorite authors? Yes, please! This is a second chance romance with fun and sexiness! It\’s been four years since Mason left a broken hearted Lark. He just left without a word and now he\’s home and wants her back. It took Lark a long time to get over him and she\’s not giving in. She can\’t put herself through that again. She\’s built a life for herself and it doesn\’t include letting Mason back into her heart. Mason isn\’t going away. He isn\’t giving up. He\’s still in love with Lark and he\’s going to prove to her that he\’s changed and she can trust him. Will Lark give Mason a second chance? Will she be able to let go of all the hurt and move forward with the only man she ever loved? I loved this story! I love a second chance romance, they just warm my heart. It\’s all about forgiveness and healing! Mason and Lark are just made for each other and once they realize they want to try again, it\’s a beautiful thing to witness! I can\’t wait for the next book in the series! Audio: I love Lili and Jason together! Their voices just make me swoon and make me happy. The sexy and sultriness of Lili\’s voice is always a pleasure to listen to! Jason, was great as always!
Review #2
Dating Dr. Dreamy audiobook streamming online
An emotional ride to a second chance. I loved how these characters still have the love and spark they had as young adults but how Lark will make Mason work to get a second chance with her heart. Bliss River Georgia is small town and everyone knows everything about their neighbors so when Lark got her heart ripped out years ago the whole town knew about it and now that the heart breaker is back in town and trying to get her forgiveness they all know that as well. There\’s lots of time to make up for but Mason is willing to do what it takes to win Lark back. Second chances at love are so emotional. They have the baggage to weed through from the original hurt and everything that has happened in between. This is a great story that lets them get to the other side and find the love they once lost. Lili Valente and Jason Clarke were perfect as Lark and Mason. Loved their voices and their timing was perfect. I loved this book and highly recommend it.
Review #3
Audiobook Dating Dr. Dreamy by Lili Valente
Goodness but how I adored Lark and Mason, and that\’s saying something considering I was wholly prepared to totally NOT like the latter, not after the way he left the former and had made little to no effort to reach out or make amends in the four years they were not together. Alas, Mason won me over within the first few pages he made his presence known. There was just something about him that made me believe he was sincere and remorseful. That doesn\’t mean, though, that I wanted Lark to give in right away. Good for her for staying strong and making Mason earn back her trust (because hello, she obviously still loved the guy). The last couple of chapters did feel a wee bit rushed, and I didn\’t really see the need to have a chapter from Aria\’s viewpoint, but Dating Dr. Dreamy made my heart happy. Now, as far as the audiobook is concerned, well, what can I say other than Lili Valente and Jason Clarke are a narrating pair that have proven time and again that they\’re partnership is a successful one for them and a highly satisfying one for listeners like me. Stories don\’t necessarily translate well when done in audio, but with Valente and Clarke taking Valente\’s writing and bringing it to life, I really don\’t have anything to complain about. All I need to do is sit back, listen, and fall in love with this story all over again. Not all that difficult with this writing and narration. The Dating Dr. Dreamy audiobook gets 4.5 stars, and has me counting the days till we get to listen to the second one!
Review #4
Audio Dating Dr. Dreamy narrated by Jason Clarke Lili Valente
Can you really have complaints about a book with Jason Clarke and Lili Valente narrating? The answer is no. You cannot. Absolutely love their voices. This was a great concept for a book. I love second chances, and this was a little different take on it. I love how both of their characters grew and developed throughout. I love the world-building. I can\’t wait to head back to Bliss River in book 2!!! Absolutely recommend this title!
Review #5
Free audio Dating Dr. Dreamy – in the audio player below
I generally look forward to Lilis books – shes a great writer. And this book was written well I suppose, up until the inevitable event that breaks them up. Early on you have these healthy and positive mental health allusions – Mason sought counseling for help, and it helped him, and thats so rare for men to seek help. But then you get to 75% through the book and all I can think is that I dont see how she can redeem herself. Without spoilers, lets just say that in the same hour Lark is both swearing her devotion to him and their life together, and then telling him theyre done forever because of something from 4 years ago. From before he sought help to get better. From before his attempt to come back to her. I can understand her being angry but she blew overreaction out of the water. And then theres Aria. She got zero flack for the BS she pulled – and it makes me so angry I dont even want to read the next book. Again, without spoilers, Aria could have given the box to Mason without snooping. Or to Lark, and let Lark decide what to do. Shes supposed to be the older sister but she acted like a jealous 12 year old. I just had no respect left for her character at all. Im listening to the end of this book right now and I just feel disappointed. Mason deserves better IMO. Especially with everything he overcame and how much he has grown. Narration was perfect; the story just… lacked.