Rescuing Lord Inglewood (Inglewood #1)

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Rescuing Lord Inglewood (Inglewood #1) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Rescuing Lord Inglewood (Inglewood #1) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Rescuing Lord Inglewood (Inglewood #1) audiobook free

Writing is really good! The story is long and boring. Everyone talks around the heroine and for her! The hero talks to everyone, everyone instead of to her. Everyone makes decisions about her life for her. What does she do in this story? She engages in negative self talk endlessly and snaps at others. And paints! He leaves her the morning after the wedding for an extended stay in London. There is no animosity between them, he does it because he thinks this will ease her into her new role as countess! And she just watches his carriage roll out of site. At least up to the 65% where I quit, they hadn\’t spent much time at all together. There is a real absence of emotions personally between these two. The emotions occur in their interactions with others. This story is pretty devoid of any sunshine, humor, or hope along the journey these two take. The talk of future children was even pretty emotionless. This hero and heroine can continue in their colorless world ever after. But I don\’t need to be there.


Review #2

Rescuing Lord Inglewood (Inglewood #1) audiobook streamming online

I honestly tried to like this but I could not. Finally after reading 72% of this, I realized I could not go on. Esther was childish, selfish and consistently quick to jump to erroneousness conclusions about everyone around her. I\’m so disappointed I could not get through this, but it\’s nearly impossible to root for a character with these personality traits. I know Ms. Britton can do better.


Review #3

Audiobook Rescuing Lord Inglewood (Inglewood #1) by Sally Britton

This was probably one of the best regency novels I’ve read in a long time. Simple storyline but depth of character that inspired me. Original plot that kept interest. Wonderful, thoughtful prose. All while being so perfectly clean. Highly recommend.


Review #4

Audio Rescuing Lord Inglewood (Inglewood #1) narrated by Marian Hussey

Oh. My. Gosh. You guys! Can I just tell you how much I loved this book? Once I started it, I did not want to put it down. Nor did I want it to end! I absolutely adored Esther and Silas. I found myself rooting for them from the very beginning. Was it an easy road for them? Absolutely not. Their journey was filled with ups and downs and seeing how they faced it together, endeared me to them even more. The feels were most definitely real. By the time I finished the book, it felt like I had gone on an emotional roller coaster. I laughed, got teary eyed, felt hurt and anger, my heart broke and was mended back together, I let out little dreamy sighs and fell in love. If you are a lover of regency romance, I highly recommend this one! It was seriously amazing! This is only the first book in the series, but I can already tell you that I am going to love all of them! I cannot wait for the next book to be released! I\’m kinda bummed that we have to wait until August. This is one of those times I have to remind myself that writing takes time. I\’m not very patient when it comes to book releases.. ;o) Hehe. Ms. Britton has quickly become one of my favorite authors. I have loved all of her books I\’ve read so far. There a few that I haven\’t read yet and I\’m thinking those need to get bumped up my TBR list. I can\’t wait to see what she has in store for us next!


Review #5

Free audio Rescuing Lord Inglewood (Inglewood #1) – in the audio player below

Rescuing Lord Inglewood: A Regency Romance by Sally Britton is the start of a new series, \”Inglewood\”. Well written, with engaging characters, the plot is powerful, compelling and intriguing. A fantastic, clean Regency Romance. I enjoyed the characters, they were realistic and believable. This story will keep you turning pages as you follow, Silas Riley, Earl of Inglewood, the man made of stone, and Esther Fox, they were made for each other. A poignant and captivating story. I found myself invested in these characters and story. Strongly recommended! AprilR


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