Down in the Zero (Burke #7)

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Down in the Zero (Burke #7) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Down in the Zero (Burke #7) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Down in the Zero (Burke #7) audiobook free

This book has been my introduction to crime fiction by Andrew Vachss. DOWN IN THE ZERO is a fast read; I read the whole book in one day. I like it especially for its first-person narrative of a tough (real tough!) private eye’s gradually developing relationship with a troubled boy. Burke, the private eye, also has a mock BDSM–well, maybe not just mock–affair with a troubled woman. This is harder for me to swallow. I do like the woman’s view that spanking is a sexual act appropriate for consenting adults, not for children. Burke is the protagonist of a series and I’m interested to read more about him and his “family” including Prof and the Mole.


Review #2

Down in the Zero (Burke #7) audiobook streamming online

“Down In The Zero” is Andrew Vachss’ seventh novel featuring Burke, the hard-boiled, in-your-face, ex-con detective, who still isn’t sure on which side of the law he prefers to operate. Abandoned at birth, father and mother unknown, Burke has no real first name. “Baby boy” is the name on his birth certificate. He is a survivor. He’s also a standup guy. The novel is set in early 1990s NYC, just after Mayor Guiliani came to office with the intent to clean up the City’s mean streets.

I have read the six previous Burke books and have became so fascinated with this complex character, and with the strange folks who people his world, that I will probably go on to read the entire series. I am addicted. If you are a Vachss/Burke fan, or have the potential to become one, I would suggest that you try to read the books in order. Of course, every novel stands on its own, independent of the others, but the growth and development of the characters are continual. There are also references to past events, and for a richer reading experience it is helpful to know the history. If you’re just looking for a good read, and not interested in becoming a Burke maven, then by all means, read at random.

Throughout this book Burke mourns the horribly violent death of a little boy for which he feels responsible, (these events took place in a previous novel). He finds himself in a black place – the Zero, he calls it – “a deep black hole you dive into,” and he is unable to climb out. It is not death, but this abyss may be worse than death because one still feels the intense pain of the living.

Then he receives a phone call from a troubled teen who fears for his life. The boy, a rich kid from the Connecticut suburbs is the son of a woman from Burke’s past – a ghost from long ago who once saved his skin. He feels like he owes her a favor and so takes a trip to the burbs and the world of the super wealthy. Here he discovers a string of inexplicable teen suicides all linked to a common experience at a psychiatric clinic.

Burke also becomes involved with a woman, Fancy, a friend of his friend and a member of an elite private sex club. She is definitely not a “vanilla sex” lady. Fancy introduces Burke to the world of S&M, D&S, and encourages him to participate. She is even willing to switch for him and play the submissive. This kinkiness all eventually links-up to the suicides in an extremely convoluted way.

P. I. Burke, as always, is the narrator. And the narrative, at times, goes off on a tangent, like Burke’s thought processes. This occasional stream of consciousness has always been extremely effective and enhances the detective’s persona. However, here Vachss wanders a bit too much and his usual tight writing style suffers for it. While “Down in the Zero” is strong on character development, the storyline is not the best. However, I am into these novels because of my man Burke and the characters who form his “real family.” In this area Vachss does not disappoint.

So…if you are a Vachss/Burke fan, don’t miss this, although your patience may be tried at times. If you are just looking for a good read, check-out one of the author’s earlier books.



Review #3

Audiobook Down in the Zero (Burke #7) by Andrew Vachss

Great story line, great characters, super story development. Building to an unexpected outcome. Vachss has done it again. I can’t wait to start the next in the series.


Review #4

Audio Down in the Zero (Burke #7) narrated by Phil Gigante



Review #5

Free audio Down in the Zero (Burke #7) – in the audio player below

Vachss is a fantastic and descriptive writer. His Burke novels are wonderful, engaging and thrilling. I hope they keep on coming forever!!


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