Dreamless (Starcrossed #2)

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Dreamless (Starcrossed #2) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Dreamless (Starcrossed #2) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Dreamless (Starcrossed #2) audiobook free

Do you ever have a series or a book that, for whatever reason, you always put off reading? For days, months, sometimes even years? Well, this series happens to be one of those for me. I literally put off reading the first book in the series, Starcrossed, for years. I had been wanting to read it since 2011 but didn\’t actually buy it until 2012 or 2013. I didn\’t read the book until earlier this year. And I just not got around to reading the second book in the series. I don\’t know why I keep doing this to myself because the series is absolutely AMAZING. Like, I can\’t get enough of it. The story line is crazy good. There are so many twists and turns and it\’s not very easy to figure out, which is something that really gets my attention. It\’s not often that a book is insanely unpredictable but this one is. I never know what\’s going to happen next and I absolutely love that. It\’s refreshing to not be able to figure it out half way through or even chapter by chapter. I don\’t read a crazy amount of retellings even though I really enjoy them. I usually stick to contemporary romance but, with my love of retellings of greek mythology, I know that I need to expand my reading material. The ones that I have read, however, have not been like this one at all. Most of the ones that I have read focus on the Gods, the monsters, the Olympians. And, although this series has all of that, it\’s… more. If you\’ve read this book then I\’m sure you\’ll understand exactly what I\’m trying to say. It follows a different sort of path than all the ones I\’ve read before and I really like it. The characters are just as great. Helen, Lucas, their friends and family, and now, Orion, really draw you into the story more and make you want to know what their journey is going to hold. I have to know what happens to them! I\’m probably going to try to get the husband to make a stop at Barnes and Noble this weekend to see if they have Goddess, the third book in the series. A great story, great characters, and an all around great series. I can\’t get enough. Rating: 5 Stars. Character: Lucas & Orion.


Review #2

Dreamless (Starcrossed #2) audiobook streamming online

I went through this one quickly, I still loved the storyline & the characters. It gets 3 stars because it really seemed like a filler to make the series a trilogy. Kind of like twilight, where the second book was weird and all about Bella and her depression when Edward left her? Yeah, it\’s similar in that this book is mainly about Helen and her disturbing trips to the underworld. I think the point was to develop Helen a bit more, and introduce a new possible-love-triangle-thing (which is what kept me going through it) but it kind of dragged out a little. Still a good fast read, if you liked the first novel, you might as well just order the final two, you will want to know what the hell is happening after this middle book.


Review #3

Audiobook Dreamless (Starcrossed #2) by Josephine Angelini

For More Information, visit my blog http://suchanovelidea.wordpress.com Why You Should Buy It This second book in the Starcrossed trilogy takes Helen, Lucas, and all their family and friends on more twists and turns through the modern world of greek mythology. The mixture of mythology, suspense, action, and romance is a perfect blend of magic — it will keeping you hanging on until the very end. My Thoughts I had two issues with this book — the love triangle and the fact that no one could figure out Helen\’s true parentage. But, obviously these were major plot points that lead up to the final book, so I was able to accept them quickly. This book wasn\’t as fun as the first one — and I mean that in the best way. I have found the true point of the second book in a trilogy is to add gut-twisting emotional issues that the protagonists have to work through. The \’happily ever after\’ image has to be shattered so it can be remolded in book three. And this book did hit me hard emotionally. I just wanted to hug Helen all through the book. And Lucas and Orion. All three deal with more than any other characters and are still amazing characters. I also have to say that the ending of this book was rather brilliant. I sometimes hate how books in a trilogy have endings that seem thrown together — just to get you to the next book. But this one ends perfectly. Not that I wasn\’t screaming \”WAIT, WHAT ABOUT…\” No, you still have questions and I wish some things would have been answered in Dreamless, but obviously we will see how they turn out in the final installment. The mythology interwoven in this book is supberb. Angelini really knows how to manipulate the myth into something that is completely realistic for 2012. And that is SO important when writing about something that\’s been around for thousands of years. Overall, this book was an amazing addition to the Starcrossed series. I for one can not wait for Goddess to hit the shelves at the end of this month! Overall Four point five out of Five Stars


Review #4

Audio Dreamless (Starcrossed #2) narrated by Devon Sorvari

This was my second time reading this novel, and it was so much better than I remembered! It turned out that I had completely forgotten almost everything that happened in this novel, so it was like I was reading it for the first time. Helen grew as a character in this book. She was much more important in this one because her character plays a vital role in trying to stop the furies from destroying families and causing fights. She managed to stay strong after everything she\’d been told at the end of the previous book. I did feel bad for her because she couldn\’t stop feeling what she was feeling, even though she knew it was wrong (but we knew that it wasn\’t). I wish I could have told her character that her mother lied to save her all that pain and suffering. But Helen did manage to stay strong. She had a goal in this one that kept her occupied. I loved Lucas so much and I can\’t even understand how much he had to have been hurting for him to react the way he did. Lucas was keeping a lot of secrets in this one which were gradually revealed throughout the story. He also was always near Helen to protect her even though he shouldn\’t and mainly because he couldn\’t stay away from her. My heart ached for him because of all the pain he was being put through because Helen\’s mother is a bitch. I still didn\’t like Helen\’s mother Daphne in this one after what she said at the end of Starcrossed. Even though she was helping Hector & Orion, she had her own motives that she was keeping a secret. Hector is my favourite character in this series. He\’s hilarious and just so sweet. I felt so bad for him because he was separated from his family because of the furies, but it was lovely to see him and Helen together because he was still able to be close to someone he loved. I was very intrigued by Orion. He was suddenly in the Underworld with Helen even though she\’d been there for ages and hadn\’t seen him before. So I was very interested to learn more about him. He was a very sweet and caring guy. He worried about Helen and was determined to do everything he could to help and protect her. I loved seeing Claire & Jason and Matt & Ariadne together! Even though Matt & Ariadne weren\’t a proper couple, I was rooting for them because they would be perfect together. The storyline in this one was much more interesting. There was a lot more going on with Helen and Orion trying to stop the furies; the 100 cousins targeting Helen; Lucas & Helen and Lucas going off the rails. The ending was fantastic! It was gripping, thrilling and I just couldn\’t put the book down. I was shocked by what happened and how everything happened, but I was very interested to see how it was going to affect all of the characters in the next book (especially the Zach thing). Overall, this one was much better than the first book with the introduction of new characters and the fast-paced, action packed plot. This is a series I definitely recommend if you haven\’t started yet!


Review #5

Free audio Dreamless (Starcrossed #2) – in the audio player below

I really enjoyed the first book in this series when I read it earlier this year and in many ways Dreamless delivered just as well as Starcrossed did. I do like the way Angelini uses the traditional mythology: some very famous and obvious, such as Helen and Paris, the Oracle, etc. with others less common. Certainly, I read the book quickly and found it difficult to put down (although the chapters are quite long, so that could explain it!) But I didn\’t enjoy the dynamics between the characters as much as I did in the first book – I missed Helen and Lucas\’s intensity and was quite put off by how their relationship developed/dwindled in Dreamless – I understand why this was necessary for the plot, but I still missed them. There\’s lots of romantic developments for other characters, which if you\’ve read Starcrossed I\’m sure you can guess at – they were fine, but I wasn\’t overly fussed. The baddies are good though and I thought the overall plot was interesting. Angelini\’s skirting around the idea of a love triangle towards the end of the book – I hope she doesn\’t opt for this \’go to\’ plot device in Book 3 as it\’s been done too much recently and I\’ll probably switch right off. Overall Verdict: 4* People who liked Starcrossed will enjoy this I\’m sure – doesn\’t suffer too badly from \’second book syndrome\’. For a mythology YA it\’s one of the better series around.


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