Duke of Sin (Maiden Lane #10)

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Duke of Sin (Maiden Lane #10) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Duke of Sin (Maiden Lane #10) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Duke of Sin (Maiden Lane #10) audiobook free

I went into this novel with full knowledge of the hero Valentine Napier, Duke of Montgomery, from other books in the Maiden Lane series. He was really an odd character, and could be ,at times, pretty despicable. I was extremely curious about how he was going to be the \”hero\” of this book. After finishing the audiobook, I am happy to say that Val is now one of my favorite heroes, ever. He is warped, to be sure. But he knows it and realizes he needs Bridget. Some part of him that is buried under his horrific childhood wants to be better. The relationship between Val and Bridget is a wonderful give and take. It\’s wonderful to see them both help the other see their own worth. Just as an FYI, there are some really big trigger elements in this book such as reference to a secret society that engage in pedophelia and a pretty graphic kidnapping scene. This book is graphically violent in ways that I don\’t remember any of the previous books being, but Val is a very visceral guy. It\’s shocking, but it\’s not because violence is part of him because of his past. I was ok with the intensity and the fact that it has so much to do with the plot. Val\’s past weighs in heavily and his strength of character to live through it brings so much to the table to make him lovable. The romance is intense and wonderful. I do highly recommend this next installment in the series. A.


Review #2

Duke of Sin (Maiden Lane #10) audiobook streamming online

I just loved this book. I love when an author is talented enough to take a villain from prior books and give him redemption in a believable way. This book had some really dark themes and scenes which explained Val\’s background and how he\’d become the man he was, but Hoyt expertly tempered the darkness with a sense of humor. There were lines in the book that made me laugh out loud. Val was such a contradiction, sometimes going out of his way to help the underdog at great expense, other times having no idea that what he did was morally wrong. He had a genuine lack of moral compass, but it was endearing in this book. Bridget became his moral compass, his conscience. She was Yin to his Yang. Val was not completely redeemed, which I felt made his story more believable. I still laugh when I think of how he was able to use kittens to do his evil at the end since Bridget wouldn\’t allow him to poison anybody. It was funny, yet endeared him to me even more. I truly felt this book was sheer genius. This series was my introduction to the narration of Ashford McNab, which I loved. I usually prefer dual narration, but I thought McNab did an excellent job with the various voices, even the men\’s. She\’s become one of my favorite narrators, and I\’ll look for more from her. This book is one of my favorites, and I\’ll be listening to it again. It\’s already a classic to me.


Review #3

Audiobook Duke of Sin (Maiden Lane #10) by Elizabeth Hoyt

WOW! This read was excellent. I don\’t know if this or the Duke of midnight is my fav. Everyone loves a bad boy. Well worth the credit!


Review #4

Audio Duke of Sin (Maiden Lane #10) narrated by Ashford McNab

The story as a whole was good but the fairytale bs that was at the beginning of every chapter was so annoying that it really made it hard to get through the book! It was unnecessary to the story adding absolutely nothing! The narrator was hard to handle as well.


Review #5

Free audio Duke of Sin (Maiden Lane #10) – in the audio player below

the overall story was just okay, but the nasally depiction of the hero\’s voice was just awful.


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