Give Me Love (Give Me #1)

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Give Me Love (Give Me #1) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Give Me Love (Give Me #1) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Give Me Love (Give Me #1) audiobook free

I can’t believe I missed this one. I love the books in this series and I definitely love this author…so why I never read book 1, is mystery to me. At least I have corrected my mistake, especially with book 4 being on the way (at least that’s what I heard).

I already knew all the characters going in, so I already liked everyone 🙂

Evie is the lead singer for the band Jamieson. They are at the point of getting really famous. Her bandbrothers are Frog, Cooper, Jake and pretty Henry. All of them were awesome. Her best friend and their manager is Mac. I really loved Mac in all the books and I can’t wait to read her story (book 4).

Evie and Mac’s brothers own a security firm, which is how Evie and Jared meet. Both have been seriously burned in the past, so both have them have some trust-issues they have to deal with. This story is a slow burn, especially because Evie is bit hardheaded, so it takes some time for her to give in.

Ofcourse she can’t resist all that is Jared and these two are really sweet together, once she get’s her head out of her ass. However, when someone from Jared’s job starts stalking Evie, things get a bit tense and mistakes are made.

I really loved this one, but I have to say that book 2 and 3 are still my favorite, especially Casey’s book (3). I also had a feeling that the steam was a bit less in this book…more fade to black. I don’t remember any of that from the other books. It was however very funny and I had more than one LOL moment.

I’m very glad that I’m now caught up with this series and I’m seriously fangirling over book 4, which will be Mac and Jake’s book !!

If you’re looking for books with hot alpha’s and feisty independend women, you should definitely give this series a try. In my opinion, each books just get’s better and better.


Review #2

Give Me Love (Give Me #1) audiobook streamming online

Give Me Love was felt like it was trying to be a few different books, but didn’t really succeed at any of them. It starts off as a romance, Jared trying to win Evie over and get her to admit she has feeling for him. That worked okay, but Evie could be frustrating. I didn’t really understand why she was so adamant about keeping away from Jared. Sure when she was young and acting out she made two really bad decisions with guy and she got hurt, but they were bad people. Jared is not. She is best friends with his sister who keeps trying to push Evie to give him a chance. Mac, the best friend, knows all about Evie’s past, so she should know if Jared was a jerk like the other guys. I don’t know. It was just…I didn’t understand. So you got your heart broken twice you are just going to give up? Date “safe” guys who she likes, but not really like that.

When Evie first met Jared she was instantly drawn to him, and that hasn’t changed since then. She used to live a plane ride away, but as this book opens she is going to be moving to the same town as him. How will she ever keep him from hurting her? Annoying. She obviously really likes him and he her so why not see what happens? She was really frustrating to read and I didn’t like her much.

*Spoiler alert*

Then suddenly she decides okay, we are doing this, and then it is like they are living together right away. Okay, way to move like lightning speed. Fine, but the book is not even halfway over yet. So what is the rest of the story? Well some not so good suspense story. Someone is after Evie to hurt her because Jared and crew where there when bad guys brother got killed or something. It was a bit ridiculous in the way it played out. I just…it didn’t seem realistic especially if Jared and crew had a company where their job was hunting down bad guys and such. They just can’t find this one, he keeps causing trouble and getting away. It was a bit too unrealistic and underdeveloped I think. If it would have been the main focus of the story with Jared and Evie falling in love at the same time it might have worked. As it was it felt like two different books neither of which I really loved.

There are a lot of characters in this story and it can be hard to keep everyone straight, especially with all of the nicknames. I think my biggest issues, the thing I liked the least, was that they all felt very immature. All the names they called each other and such I didn’t really like. I felt like I wanted to tell them all to grow up already. That and the “retard” name calling is not cool.

Oh and there is plenty of extra drama added for no reason. Like ton of guys getting thrown at Evie that make Jared freak out that she is cheating and stuff. By the end I got to the point where it was like really? This is what we are doing now? Why not throw in a few more things just for fun? It was all a bit much.

I did like that Evie was the female lead singer in the rock band. I don’t see too many books where it is a female rock star as the lead. But overall it was not my favorite read.

This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland


Review #3

Audiobook Give Me Love (Give Me #1) by Kate McCarthy

I have had this book on TBR for years. Kate owes me sleep I could not put this book down until I had to force myself at 1am and picked it straight back up at 6am. DAMN I fell in love with Jared within in minutes of meeting him. I knew that he would have to fight for Evie she is so stubborn and him being hot-headed you know that their love story was not going to be smooth sailing. Seriously one of the best books I’ve read this year Kate’s words had made me cry, laugh and so angry I was breathless. Do yourself a favour if you are reading this review ONE CLICK IT NOW!.


Review #4

Audio Give Me Love (Give Me #1) narrated by Ben Hughes Stephanie Macfie

So, I wanted to love this book. I wanted to really like this book. But as much as I wanted to do both, I came away with mostly a “meh”. And this is huge for me, since this was the first book in this series and I can NEVER start a series without finishing it, or at least reading all the books that are available. I put the rest of the series on the back burner.
There were several times I found myself yelling “Oh, come ON!” or shaking my head or calling Evie a whole litany of interesting names. I am self-admittedly hard on heroines, but I could not for the life of me bond with Evie. I even had to work on it with Jared. Henry was the best of them. I loved Henry. However, Henry is the most memorable secondary character. There were SO many different secondary characters that I found myself lost several times throughout the book. I understand and appreciate group dynamics. I love a close group of friends. But if they don’t leave an impression, if they don’t actually stand out to where you remember them, then they are just literary white noise. I hope to one day pick up the rest of the series to see how the author has grown as she continues to write.


Review #5

Free audio Give Me Love (Give Me #1) – in the audio player below

Ive read this book and this series a handful of times. It is a book/series I love although I will admit that this book, book one is my favourite of the series so far.
I love every single character of this book from the hero and heroine to all of the secondary characters. The storyline isnt rushed and there are no faults within the book and editing. Evie and Jared are perfect for one another, they are so cute! The puppy scene had me swooning! I loved the car scene between Jake, Henry, Evie and evil Jimmy if you have read this you will know what scene I am talking about. The further into the book you get, the better the story gets, definitely a five star read in my opinion.

After being burnt by love in the past, Evie Jamison only dates losers and geeks that dont have the power to hurt her. When she is introduced to her best friend, Mackenzies older brother the attraction is instant. Over the years Evie makes it a hobby to avoid him, only becoming friends by having a text relationship. When Evie and Mac move to Sydney Evie is now closer to Jared, making it easy for her best friends to play matchmaker. After a rough start Evie gives in to giving a relationship a go with Jared, but just as things settle down for the two, chaos happens and Evie ends up in a handful of dangerous situations. Will it ever work for Evie and Jared?


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