He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (The Flower Shop Sisters #2)

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He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (The Flower Shop Sisters #2) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (The Flower Shop Sisters #2) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (The Flower Shop Sisters #2) audiobook free

When an author can take a tired, overdone trope and not only make me forget about said trope but be so immersed in the story that I read it in one sitting, that shows true talent, and Morland has talent in spades. Not only did the time fly by, but I was easily enamored by Mari and Liam and I hated for their story to end. Holy hyacinth, Liam and Mari\’s chemistry is out of this world, and theyre hot enough to set off the smoke detector! And if Liam\’s caveman tactics might be a bit off putting to Mari, his sexy Irish accent gives him a heck yeah! pass. These two will have you laughing until you cry, to blushing and back again, as you follow them on their journey to forever. Morland is a master of emotional manipulation and yours will be all over the place, from laughing hysterically at the impersonator priest officiating the spontaneous Vegas wedding and Mari\’s crazy family to the poignant lessons for both of these loveable characters that will squeeze your heart in the best of ways. Youll fall for them without even realizing it, and Mari and Liam will stay in your heart long after the last page. Mari and Liam are easily one of my top five couples for the year. Dont miss their enchanting, heart-warming, phenomenal story! *I reviewed an early copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide feedback and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source.


Review #2

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (The Flower Shop Sisters #2) audiobook streamming online

So many things about this book just didn\’t hit the mark for me to the point I made it a point to write my review. I give the author credit for her effort and obviously others liked it by the 4 and 5 star reviews, but different strokes for different folks and all that. I will say there was humor, but it was over shadowed by the many things I didn\’t like about it. Somewhat spoilers below. Liam and Mari I just couldn\’t connect with. Immediately out of the gate Liam and friends are quick to advise that he will never get married and doesn\’t believe in it. Yet he marries Mari right after meeting her, after she was nothing, but a B to him, says in one turn he wasn\’t that drunk and remembers it and then another turn he was that drunk. Liam\’s sister was a senior in high school, supposed to be whip smart, but the most immature brat (he called her that and I can\’t disagree). Mari was just as much of a brat to Liam so I have no idea what he saw in her and poor development of how he came to love her. For that matter, there wasn\’t much about Liam that struck me why Mari would fall in love with him. Mari\’s sister was also a bit of a loose cannon. She was also a senior and was written to have a similar annoying personality as Liam\’s sister. Both had the very overdone \”we can\’t be together because nothing sticks in relationships, but Mari\’s was a joke. Her mom left for 2 weeks when she was younger and she had to help her dad take care of her two younger sister. Somehow that left a lasting impression that her mother abandoned her and that\’s why she never let anyone in and was always an \”ice queen\” as Liam so appropriately said to her when he had enough of her being a B. There was also a silly scene with Mari\’s ex who cheated on her wants to meet with her. She agrees so he can grovel and make herself feel better. Then he says to her they didn\’t work out because she was always so cold and he wasn\’t sure she even loved him. Then a few sentences later tells her she\’s the only one he\’s ever loved. Why would you love someone who you just said was always so cold and didn\’t demonstrate her love for him?? As I said, you may like it, but it was a no for me.


Review #3

Audiobook He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (The Flower Shop Sisters #2) by Iris Morland

HE LOVES ME, HE LOVES ME NOT is a standalone read with a happy ever after. It is way beyond SEXY and the language is naughty and delicious. If that is an issue for you, better skip this one. They meet at a wedding in Vegas. She is the maid of honor and he is the best man. Liam is a great big gorgeous hunk of an Irishman. He is so full of himself and rightly so. He is the total package and speaking of packages….. Oh yeah. He sends sparks off of Mari. Mari has recently discovered her fiance was cheating on her in their bed. She broke it off, called off the wedding and had a crying jag for a few weeks. She is angry, bitter and having no part of the sexy Irishman. Of course, that just presses all his buttons and he is determined to have her in bed by the end of the night. Not happening as far as Mari is concerned. Mari is the oldest of 3 girls. She is use to being in charge and bossing her little sisters. Her family is a little strange as her mother is all into crystals, taro cards, etc. The dad is a florist and has owned his own business for years. Mari is use to being the good girl. She does everything right and only wants to please her parents. She doesn\’t stray from the straight and narrow. After the wedding and with the sexy Irishman whispering things in her ear that absolutely turn her on but also shock her she winds up having a very good time. So much so that she wakes up in bed with a very naked guy that she barely knows. She escapes to the bathroom only to look down and see a ring on her left hand. She is shocked, hysterical, in a panic, terrified and mystified as to how she wound up in this situation. This starts one of the funniest and lighthearted books I have read in a while. I absolutely loved Liam. He had his flaws and he is very honest with his thoughts and desires and it takes the straight laced Mari by storm. You can\’t help but love this guy. He won\’t allow anything less. A good story with a bit of drama and letting go of past beliefs. I really enjoyed it and I highly recommend it. Now, it does have a lot of sexy scenes as you would expect nothing less from Liam but it is all part of who he is and it is exactly what Mari needs. It was a fun entertaining read. Now, I will admit I was am a person that judges a book by its cover. I don\’t usually even open books with a cover like this one. I would have much preferred a good looking Irish lad on the cover. But for some reason I gave this one a chance and I am so glad I did. I just loved the story. It leaves you with a light heart and fun feeling. I was not paid for this review. I am not a writer nor do I know one. I am not kin to this author. I am a reader and this is my opinion, nothing more, nothing less. 7/15/2020


Review #4

Audio He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (The Flower Shop Sisters #2) narrated by Shane East Victoria Mei

*This review contains potential spoilers* I got this free on kindle and am so glad I didnt waste any money on it. It\’s not that its badly written as such, but the characters are shallow, very 2D, and while the lust between them is palpable, I find it very hard to believe that any real feelings develop between them. Theres certainly no evidence of it, we\’re just told they suddenly love each other and are expected to buy it (I dont). Liam is such an annoying character as well, cocky, sex crazed and domineering, and I know that\’s meant to be kind of the point but he\’s one if the worse examples of that kind of character that I have ever read. There was very little plot development and what it did include was riddled with cliches. So overall, will not be recommending it to friends, although others might find more in this book than I did.


Review #5

Free audio He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (The Flower Shop Sisters #2) – in the audio player below

Covered all the bases believable characters heart can romance and intimacy. Enjoyed it could not put it down starting oops a daisy next with high hopes for more of the same don\’t know why I have not read this author before. Great fine. Thank you


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