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After an increase in the use of junk food and the burden of work in the life death rate among human beings has risen to an alarming level. Usually, after forty a normal human being now develops in him diseases like blood pressure and diabetes.

The main cause of it is tension and anxieties which he faces every day but there is another bigger problem i.e the man has no time for himself and his family. Having no time for oneself means that a person fails to provide himself and his family a properly balanced diet. He does not possess the time to think whether he has consumed the precise number of calories that were needed by him in a day or not.

HOW NOT TO DIE audiobook free

Fats and proteins should also be an essential part of the daily diet but they should not be consumed on a large scale. Michael Greger MD wrote this book a while ago and here he narrates it too for the general public suffering from health issues.

Going to medication directly after knowing that you have blood pressure or any heart issues is not the proper way. The author criticizes the doctors too that they don’t try to guide the patient in taking preventive measures instead of medicines.

Michael discusses fifteen basic health issues and then presents their remedies in the daily diet. How to Survive a Pandemic came after this one because in this book the author didn’t talk about the pandemic. Both books are about healthy survival and the techniques presented for the listeners are all associated with the daily diet which we intake. A balanced diet can help us in controlling every sort of t problem linked to our body.

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    1 thought on “HOW NOT TO DIE”

    1. Thank you so much for this. I literally have no words. You are so incredible for sharing this. This really upgraded my life and everyone should be able to read if they have money or not.

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