If Mr. Darcy Dared: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance audiobook
Hi, are you looking for If Mr. Darcy Dared: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
If Mr. Darcy Dared: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance audiobook free
Love Elizabeth Ann west books, but this is a huge disappointment. Her storylines are always inventive and character development is great, but THIS book is such a difference from her others that it makes me wonder if she has a new editor. It was a series of sexual encounters between ODC that were so graphic you lose the story and the romance. It was cringe-worthy and deserved a clear warning of its sexual content, in fact, should be listed under \’intimate p & p variations\’. I hope she rethinks things for her next offering because Ms West is far better than deviation from her other books. As for our characters themselves, THEIR behavior was so out of character a lot of he time that I also wondered if EA West actually wrote the book. Darcy would NEVER act as he did, nor would Elizabeth be so agressive and disrespectful under any circumstances. On the positive side I loved the cover artwork, tho that same artwork is used in other author\’s works…it looks sweet and romantic, but the inside of the book is anything but.
Review #2
If Mr. Darcy Dared: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance audiobook streamming online
Very disappointing. I have read all of Ms West\’s P&P related books and enjoyed them all. Except for this one. I would actually like to give this 2.5 stars. The story plot was well thought out. The characters were a little stiff and things seemed to jump around too quickly. One thing that was very off-putting is the graphic sex, soft porn. There was not a \”for mature readers\” note any where that I saw, unless it has been added since I bought it. The graphic sex really had no place in the story, that is to say it just wasn\’t necessary to the story line. It almost seems as if Ms West felt like she had to put it in so that her audience would continue to buy her books. The story would stand on its own without it. Very unnecessary. A far drop-down from her other lovely novels. Also, I am glad I read it before my grand-daughter might want to. She loves the other books and she is too young for the scenes in this one. If I had known it was written this way, I wouldn\’t have started to read it. Sad to see this author do this to her work. Very disappointing.
Review #3
Audiobook If Mr. Darcy Dared: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance by Elizabeth Ann West
I really regret buying this book for $9.99 as it was not well written and had several grammatical errors. Readers, please review the books you read – and do so honestly. Its books like this that keep me from buying books and sticking to KU instead. The book doesnt offer anything new to the genre. And Chandler and Monica Byng? Absolutely ridiculous. I want my money and time back.
Review #4
Audio If Mr. Darcy Dared: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance narrated by Nina Price
$9.99 for poorly written smut. I enjoy most of Miss Wests writing but this was just cringeworthy. Skipped through entire chapters to avoid the sex scenes – not because I avoid them as a rule, but because West does not write erotica well. I hope shell avoid them in the future And the reference to the show Friends: Chandler and Monica Byng. Why? Totally takes the reader out of the storyline and destroys continuity.
Review #5
Free audio If Mr. Darcy Dared: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance – in the audio player below
I had to force myself to finish this. First, there are distracting grammatical errors throughout the book-it is clear the author does not know the definition of words such as \”dissemble\”. Second, the main source of conflict/angst in this book is simply that Mr Bennet does not want E and D to marry as soon as they would like…pretty boring and his reasoning for it makes no sense. The biggest issue though is how Elizabeth is written. WHY DOES SHE CRY ALL THE TIME?? She cries over everything, many times a day and even multiple times in a scene. Because she is happy, sad, frustrated, you name it. Also, she is so improper…that visit to Netherfield without a chaperone is one example but the way she kissed Mr Darcy in the middle of a ball in front of the entire ton is just unbelievable. The social ramifications, especially when there is gossip that she had been Darcys mistress make it complete idiocy to do such a thing.