Inside Out

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Inside Out audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Inside Out audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Inside Out audiobook free

Amazing read. Could not put it down. One of the best I ever read and I love bios but sometimes is a hit or miss. This one is written with details and sense of humor and feels like she wrote it herself just for you. A lot of bios out there are all over the place making no sense just written to make a buck. This one was written for a reader who really wants to know about Demi and her life. Is a true autobiography!
She also names celebrities by an actual name and details encounters with them and her observations. She met some of them before she was famous. Many times famous people mention someone in a bio but give no name… It makes you wonder why they even bothered to write. Demi is not holding back and is very open about her life and very generous to reader . A lot of interesting bits and pieces in this book besides stories about Demi herself. Wish it was longer.


Review #2

Inside Out audiobook streamming online

The sad and disappointing topic of Ashton Kutcher is infuriating. He has moved on and has a lovely family. Someday his young children will be young adults reading these things you have written about their father. Not fair. Did you give any thought to his young family? Or just yourself? I am sick to the core that you chose to share such private and personal information about your relationship with Ashton. Completely inappropriate.


Review #3

Audiobook Inside Out by Demi Moore

I always say if ANYONE wrote their autobiography or memoir, they would do a bit of “get even” as well. So Demi does bristle with snark and anger throughout the book and goes full out revenge mode at times. I’m sure justifiably so in some instances, but is written in such a negative fashion; it becomes a burden to read. Maybe a funny story, or witty sarcasm incorporated here or there, would’ve gone a long way into creating a more compelling account to read. We do want to be captive and feel involved as if it was written for us when reading memoirs, not dragged through unnecessary drama.

Stay with the book; I noted the last half has more style and content into understanding and appreciating her life. However, she does seem ego-bound as if she hasn’t learned to admit fault or not fight to be right. That more than likely prolonged her estrangements with her daughters.
Demi grew up with neglectful parents, and it taught her to learn survival, reject before rejected, and with no determined boundaries. No ownership of her body; she had to appease others if she wanted to be valued or loved.

I had a very raised eyebrow and shame on Demi for how she defended child molester Roman Polanski early in the book. She refers to him as “being a gentleman with her, but had been convicted of having sex with a thirteen-year-old girl.” She then writes in parentheses “(I saw this dynamic all around me. Thirteen was a little extreme, but in my world, believe it or not, relationships with underage girls was the norm.)” OK…what? Thirteen is merely a “little extreme.”?! Also, she uses the phrase “underaged girl”? No, she would be a GIRL. As in barely pubescent and immature emotionally and mentally. She wrote he was “convicted of having sex” NO Demi; it’s RAPE of a child, not sex. Also, it’s NOT “the norm”, it’s rampant abuse even when someone like a famous actress call it the norm. Ah-hem. Sheesh.

Ironically enough, a few chapters later, she writes about her devasted fifteen-year-old mind and body when her mother’s older male friend grooms, seduces and has intercourse with her (sex as she calls it when it’s with a child). Possibly for money, he paid to her mother, but that was never established or concluded in this book even tho used to hype sell the book. How she doesn’t see the hypocrisy of her description of Polanski’s rape of a 13-year-old girl as merely a little extreme, normal, and having “sex”, but views her childhood seduction “and sex” as tragic, devastating, and life-altering and she never got over it. Head scratch moment.

She complains in this book about Bruce’s salary compared to her lower pay as a female actress and refers to it as discrimination. Demi comparing her lacking in Hollywood salary to Bruce, was ridiculous. He was and is a talented, extremely popular, and desirable actor on many levels. His movies during this era were huge, entertaining, crazy fun, and not in your face, or statement pieces with harsh overtones. He made movie production companies huge profits, and he deserved a higher pay. Had nothing to do with gender.

There are little mean exposures of others in the book, like referencing the Bush twins hitting a bong at a party, (Who does that? Who outs people for smoking pot nowadays? Uncool.) Or an actress Demi thought had cheated with Bruce and asked her years later, and the actress exclaims she “wouldn’t have sex with that old man.” She also shares Kushner having multiple sex partners with Demi, and that whole chapter was so offbeat and odd.

Of the privileged Hollywood lifestyle she had; this is what hits the pages? Not the places she traveled, the beautiful surroundings, the people she has met, the fun and excitement of Hollywood events, the actors, and actresses? No funny stories? Not one? None of that is in this book yet she brings up God awful Polanski of all people? I would’ve instead preferred to read what her favorite tortilla chicken soup recipe was. Everyone has one.

She is seemingly becoming healthier as you read the final chapters, but still really holding on to the ego. She really needs to look at other’s perspectives and accept them.

It’s as if she jotted down notes on a steno for a few days then rushed to the publication of the book.
This memoir is a fast read, but not well thought out or edited. She needed better advice on what to include and a ghostwriter (No pun intended.)


Review #4

Audio Inside Out narrated by Demi Moore

I have enjoyed every movie of Demis and she has been an inspiration for me for many years. I feel as if I owe her the respect and love to read her story. We are the same age and similar in childhood experiences. I KNOW her story of healing will be cathartic for me. I havent read this book yet but I am sure this gem will be full of sage advice, laughs and tears and yet more inspiration for me on my rough journey. Thank you Demi for many years of beautiful, talented work you have given. You are a strong, gifted, and loving human being!


Review #5

Free audio Inside Out – in the audio player below

Demi Moore, you are going to be a savior for so many with his wonderful memoir. I see so much of myself in your life. I was fortunate to have great parents, (my father was my knight in shining armor). I had three great kids, two I am very close to and one who took his easy way out through alcoholism. My daughter and I have tried to help him but to no avail. He feels I abandoned him and hasnt accepted that he abandoned himself. I have not spoken to him in over six years and do not know where he is. I chose emotionally broken men to marry but had the strength to say enough is enough. I worked two jobs most of the time to keep a roof over our heads and tried to give them a sense of stability no matter how little new laugh now about how many nights were spent eating Bernie seines out of a sterno pot because the electric had been turned off. Either go to bed hungry or have a dinner with candles. I am now married to a wonderful man and have been for almost 20 years. Enough about me but to Demi, thanks for allowing me to externalize through your book, I feel a great weight lifted off my body. With much love and gratitude, keep up your great work.


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