Leader (Light Online #3) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Leader (Light Online #3) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Leader (Light Online #3) audiobook free
I am not a gamer but an avid reader. These books seem very realistic to what it would be like for us to live in a game vs. playing a game. So many books in this genre have over the top violence, rape and torture plus the harem thing (its like reading a teen boy diary,ugh). This series does not and I am so thankful for that. I like the MC because he is very relatable. I will only read and recommend books from this author and those like it. Can\’t wait for more.
Review #2
Leader (Light Online #3) audiobook streamming online
One of my favorite series. It doesn\’t get to heavy into the stats like some LitRPG books but it has great action and character development. However, my favorite part of this series in the building/crafting and leveling of what now is a town. Most books focus exclusively on the growth of the MC but the growth of Meadowlands plays a huge part of this series.
Review #3
Audiobook Leader (Light Online #3) by Tom Larcombe
I really enjoyed reading this part of the series. This book made me go back and purchase all three so far in the series. Now only if our gaming can catch up to this level. Lots of progress all around. I like seeing the characters being fleshed out more. The previous book left me wondering about a few things but this one clarifies everything. My only disappointment was when I got to the end of it and now have to wait for book four to continue the story.
Review #4
Audio Leader (Light Online #3) narrated by Derek Shoales
Every now and than a story comes along that pulls me through as many books as I can get my hands on… sometimes without sleep or food! This is one of them. Solid characters, without completely being OP, with a good amount of character building, town building, and adventuring. LitRPG, but Long Term Immersion, so most of the story is \”in game.\” Trigger warning: in an earlier book, one of his team had a horrific experience when she was adventuring. The situation comes to a head in this book, and is dealt with in a way that I have heard some people are frustrated with. Bear with the story, as more is explained in book 4, and possibly more to come in book5. IMO the author is not belittling or lessening what happened, but trying to keep the character from losing her mind when the situation occurs in book 3. Yeah… I know… kind of vague if you havent read book 1 or 2, sorry!
Review #5
Free audio Leader (Light Online #3) – in the audio player below
This is a decent read. Very easy, interesting to go through, and it\’s good to see progression. But over the three books in the series, it has become very apparent that the author\’s strength is not characters or dialogue. All the characters are one note at best and have very similar \”voices\” – specific and mostly disconnected exceptions aside, everyone reacts and speaks more or less identically. More to the point, nobody speaks like an actual human being in this world. Example: “No, I don\’t mind at all. I was going to tell them myself last night, but something made it slip my mind. I can\’t even remember what, so it must not have been that important, but it did mean that I didn\’t tell them. I\’m glad you did. What did they have to say?” A human would say something like: “No, I don\’t mind at all. I was going to tell them myself last night, but something made it slip my mind. Thanks for that. What did they have to say?” Now, I\’m not a professional writer, but the second reads as much more human. And all of the dialogue is like this. It\’s honestly distracting after a while. I don\’t want to sound like I\’m saying the book is bad. It\’s not – I enjoyed it. But things like this are really starting to detract from the enjoyment of the story.