Legendborn (Legendborn #1) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Legendborn (Legendborn #1) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Legendborn (Legendborn #1) audiobook free
This book has left me hungover. I will attempt to write a review, but I have so many emotions that I really don’t even know if the review will be helpful. 1) the book is black girl magic. Period. There is no other phrase for it. This book confronts certain experiences that are unique to black people who sometimes find themselves the only black person in the room. Bree (our protagonist) weaves thru this superbly. 2) the book is a rendition of King Arthur and his knights. TRUST ME. IT. WORKS. The book confronts sexism (girls can’t be knights or squires), misogyny, racism, and it does so in an engaging meaningful way. The book quality is dense; you can’t go thru this many topics without having deliberate world building and specific details. But the pages almost turn themselves. I found this book because Facebook kept recommending it to me in an ad. I broke down and sent the sample to my kindle. I never looked back. Buy the book. Buy it now. P.S. i read often, but I’m just now starting to review books. Please let me know if you found my review helpful.
Review #2
Legendborn (Legendborn #1) audiobook streamming online
I have been waiting for months to read this book, just hoping it would be as intriguing as the synopsis described. The book is well worth the price and anxiously await book two. Thank you Ms. Deonn for giving me an opportunity to escape for two days. This book never faltered in keeping me locked in as I moved from page to page, hoping it would go on. Thank you for giving us a thoughtful, wise, well read, modest, healthy, confident, intelligent, black female lead born into a marriage between a black man and black woman who love each other. There is so much I want day Ms. Deon! I will end with WELL DONE and PLEASE don\’t make us wait long for book 2.
Review #3
Audiobook Legendborn (Legendborn #1) by Tracy Deonn
I read this book in a day and now I\’m going to have to wait most likely a year or two before the next installment. I swear, streaming services have spoiled me… I usually like to wait until a series is finished before I start because I dislike waiting over a year for the next one. All that being said… I loved this book. Some of the names were a little confusing at first but I got the rhythm after awhile and I enjoyed Bree and her feelings about death and legacy. Losing a mother is hard and I totally felt the writer\’s pain as I\’ve felt it myself. She did a great job of navigating those waters. And the action! Lawd! I want to know where you know who went… is she going to pick one or the other… will it be weird having certain people inside you if you want to have a relationship??? Too many questions that I need book 2 to answer. Get on it please!!! Support and buy this book! Great escapism from a crazy year we are having.
Review #4
Audio Legendborn (Legendborn #1) narrated by Joniece Abbott-Pratt
This book is probably one of the best books I have ever read EVER.! I cannot even begin to express how PERFECT this book was. The main character.? Strong and bold.! The plot creative with intricate details that really stick with you. The character development.? Incredible.! The author also intertwined grief throughout the book and it was so well done and relatable. Wow just wow. It was such a well written book and I\’m honestly so so sad that I finished it so quickly. I have to have more.!
Review #5
Free audio Legendborn (Legendborn #1) – in the audio player below
I am definitely split writing this but I won’t give into rewarding something just because it has cultural value. The black part of me likes that the author tried to acknowledge and put in some of our struggles but I don’t think it was done in a productive manner. She portrayed a constantly victimized black person and this is just one perspective that isn’t truly reflective of the total black experience. It’s somewhat unfair to white people making them all seem ignorant or outright belligerent. It’s unfair to black people making it look like we are constantly worried about race. Some of us are proud and extremely happy with what we have achieved and feel a connection to all that came before us without the explicit need for family walls and names. There is injustice and unfairness in black lives but this was a ham handed way to present it. The fantasy book lover in me hated the main character. She was entitled, whinny, and overall weak. She was crazy self righteous and bold but when it came to actually facing enternal and external challenges she ran and or collapsed. It was like watching a child throw temper tantrums to get her way and then when she did and realizing it wasn’t what she wanted throwing it away. The magic system could have been interesting if you didn’t have to wait 85% book to get to it. I applaud the effort but I truly didn’t enjoy the experience.