Murder Girl (Lilah Love #2) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Murder Girl (Lilah Love #2) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Murder Girl (Lilah Love #2) audiobook free
Okay. First let me say I really like LRJ stories, but Romance this is not even close. Yes they have sex, yes we are told first hand that there is a weird sort of love, but you don\’t feel the connection between them. There is no feeling in the sex or the relationship between Lilah and Kane. It\’s just not there. And even if there was, you saw him really only at the end of the first book and starting in the middle of this book. Kane is a tough character but you just don\’t get a feel for him. And he\’s not hardly on \’screen\’. This just isn\’t a romance….but it\’s a great mystery and head scratcher. Hopefully LRJ will pull stuff all together because on this one it\’s all over the map. I\’m willing to give her a pass to get to the end game. Here\’s what really TORQUES me off though…..AMAZON says this is a two book series. BULL PUCKY. There\’s 4 books and who knows if that\’s all. When I bought the first book, I saw there was a second in a few months. I\’m willing to wait for that second book, so I bought the first one. When I bought the second, color me stupid as it ends without a true ending……that\’s because it\’s only book 2 of a 4. This kind of writing has to stop. LISA…TELL YOUR READERS HOW MANY BOOKS THERE ARE AND FOR GOD\’S SAKE PLEASE STOP PUBLISHING WHEN YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHEN THE BOOKS ARE ALL GOING TO BE DONE. Have some faith that if you continue to write serials to get more money out of us, that we\’d be willing to pay for all of the series. As it is, I\’m very disappointed. Recap: Disappointed in the fact that there is no romance, that there are 2 more books of the series that I didn\’t know I was going to have to buy, that the rest of the books don\’t have a release date. But what is there is a well written mystery.
Review #2
Murder Girl (Lilah Love #2) audiobook in series Lilah Love
I read this book because I wanted to find out the end of the first book. This book didn\’t really end the story, it continues on. So many problems with this book. First of all, the author spent more time focused on what Lilah was eating, planning to eat, or wanting to eat than on doing any crime solving. Second, the author repeated over & over all the problems Lilah had with her past, her family, her LA boyfriend, her relationship with Kane…..if the author had wanted to she could have easily put book 1 & book 2 into one book. Somebody should have edited her books! Third, I have no problem with profanity but when an author uses it so much for no good reason and has characters that don\’t fit the profile to be using it, it ruins the story. And I\’m totally disappointed that the author couldn\’t finish this book. Too desperate to sell books maybe? Obviously you will need to keep buying her books to ever find out what happens. I won\’t be wasting my time or money on such poor writing.
Review #3
Audiobook Murder Girl (Lilah Love #2) by Lisa Renee Jones LR Jones
Because I read the books back to back (no choice since the first one ends with a cliffhanger) I was a little annoyed with the review. However, I can understand why you would need that if you had a timeline between readings. But the book still leaves you hanging so you have to buy the next book in the continuing saga. But, I did not like the main character, her attitude and her use of the \”F\” word was way overdone. Not enjoyable at all. I won\’t buy another book about Murder Girl.
Review #4
Audio Murder Girl (Lilah Love #2) narrated by Madeleine Maby
4.5-4.75 STARS In this second installment to her Lilah Love Series, author Lisa Renee Jones has (once again) succeeded in spinning an intricate web of suspense and intrigue that I found myself helplessly caught up in. Unlike the first book in this series–which set a slower pace, enveloping me gradually–Murder Girl captured me right from the very start and held me hostage right up until the very end. And lets not forget about the intense and searing chemistry between this tough, abrasive FBI profiler and her temptingly dangerous ex- boyfriend, Kane Mendez. Simply Off. The. Charts! Picking up right from where the last book left us hanging, Lilah continues on her quest for answers to questions that just keep on mounting. Despite her personal entanglement in a case that incessantly pulls her in deeper, no onenot her family and especially not Kanewill stand in Lilahs way. With a gripping storyline packed with numerous twists & turns and an array of characters that warrant a suspicious eye, Murder Girl takes the reader on one helluva sexy, suspenseful ride! But the ride isnt over folks Nope! Not by a long shot. So buckle up and hold on tight. Because as good as Murder Girl is, the next book promises to be even better!! I voluntarily reviewed an advance complimentary copy of this book, which was provided to me through Netgalley.
Review #5
Free audio Murder Girl (Lilah Love #2) – in the audio player below
This second part of Lilah Love takes off at a blistering pace and remains fast moving right to the end. I was on the tenterhooks throughout the whole thing! Lilah, an FBI profiler is still determined to catch the real serial killer despite all the barriers thrown in her way. There is so much going on that one puzzle leads to another and she is now more convinced that everything is tied to the reason why she left the Hamptons in the first place. Her love/hate relationship with her ex, the formidable Kane is entertaining despite her attitude towards him. Together, they solve one mystery after another until she discovers that there is a dangerous secret organisation at play. She is one of the targets, but she doesn\’t shy away from danger. Besides, Kane would rather die than allow anything to happen to her. The biggest issue is who in her surroundings belongs to this organisation. Can anyone be trusted? This is one convoluted story which is very well constructed and one thread of the story intertwines seamlessly with the others. Each time, there is a reprieve, something else is thrown into the mix. Despite all the cover ups and lies, I felt relieved towards the end until the plot turns full circle! I absolutely love this series, but would like to see a more stable relationship between Lilah and Kane. I now look forward to the next book in the series.