Nemesis (Arisen #8.5) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Nemesis (Arisen #8.5) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Nemesis (Arisen #8.5) audiobook free
I\’m assuming anyone checking into this book has *some* idea of the Arisen series already. There have been eight primary novels in the series, co-written by Michael Stephen Fuchs and Glynn James, and another book like this, written by Mr. Fuchs as a sort of prequel away from the main story (Arisen: Genesis). ***There may be very mild spoilers ahead*** The timeline on this one stretches from the fall of Camp Lemonnier (first highlighted in Genesis) and we see some references back to that. It comes full circle all the way to present day, past where we left the Alpha team and the carrier in Book 8, Empire of the Dead. The story revolves around a detachment of Special Forces from the Camp who break out and get out into the boonies. A new hand is being introduced to the team during the chaos which makes that persons life quite…interesting. 😛 Many, many months later they are still surviving but with no real focus or mission. We also come back to CIA analysts Zack and Baxter from the earlier prequel, whose situation has deteriorated and are now firmly in the grasp of an egotistical, genocidal madman and his extremely skilled and ruthless second in command. Last but not least, the ravening hordes are massing on the continent and of COURSE the storm is headed their way, full of Zulu\’s, Romeo\’s, and Flying Nightmare\’s. (Maybe not quite flying, but close enough, and I\’m sure the truly appropriate word would not pass muster here.) Naturally, all three of these groups collide. The new characters are brought in and fleshed out. You KNOW some of them have to go down, and while there were a couple that were either: a) well deserved, you traitor bastard; b) steadily leaning that way and going out in such heroic fashion that you could accept it; there was at least one death that left me just stunned at the end. We are starting to see the broad outlines of a finish shaping up, and while things still won\’t be quite as easy as we would like, there is a glimmer of hope.
Review #2
Nemesis (Arisen #8.5) audiobook streamming online
I am not a used car salesman trying to unload a lemon onto you. Basically I\’m a military sci-fi choice of ebooks. Just recently dived into the zombie apocalypse genre. Many themes and writing styles span this immense plain of writers. I gather more ebooks on my Kindle app than I can wade thru. Finally I got Genesis & Nemesis off the dusted them off since I bought them they have languished in line as I read multiple books at a time to keep my interest stoked up. Read these two back to back before digging into book 1, Britain. Was I elated! The prequel is totally badass. Like a Shushi buffet, the theme is simply the genre, while the action and character development is full bodied with flavors of a story line with the strengths to go past the horizon. Occasionally one finds writers who satisfy our imagination so thoroughly that we gladly give the time to completely immerse our hours in previewing the series. ARISEN for me is head & shoulders in the lead in this genre bar none! Wished I would have Opened the 1st chapter long ago.
Review #3
Audiobook Nemesis (Arisen #8.5) by Michael Stephen Fuchs
This book grabbed me from the very beginning and never slowed down. Loads on interesting action and some basic character development. I\’ve read quite a bit of zombie fiction and rank this entry in the Arisen series as a great read. This is my first read in the series and I knew going in that I might be behind on some of the background for the book, but I was pleasantly surprised to be easily able to pick on on the events in the narrative. I did receive this as a free kindle book, but liked it enough to begin buying the series from the start. I enjoyed the insight in to some of the characters – Brendan, an apprentice leader thrust in to a tough situation and forging his way with the seasoned combat veteran Jake – when the chain of command normally keeping him in a position of authority evaporates during the ZA. It added to the depth of the story. Well balanced and a lot of fun for me to read.
Review #4
Audio Nemesis (Arisen #8.5) narrated by R.C. Bray
I absolutely love this series and am sad to say that I now have to wait for the next book to come out! Right now I am going through withdrawals. I have gone from Genesis, book to book to book up to Nemesis. I have been on a very large roller coaster ride and it hasn\’t stopped yet. There were times when I was afraid to go on to the next chapter, afraid of what was going to happen next but of course I couldn\’t stop myself from turning the pages. I couldn\’t put this series down. The writing is excellent and, there is just enough details about military weapons to be informative while not being boring. The action is fast paced, exciting, edge of your seat thrills with out all the gore. Don\’t get me wrong it is the ZA after all but this more of a human story of courage, resoluteness, bravery and camaraderie as the story line progresses. I care about each and every one of the characters as they all have their role to play in this most wonderful series. I will be impatiently awaiting the next book.
Review #5
Free audio Nemesis (Arisen #8.5) – in the audio player below
I love this genre and this is one of the top three series I have read. Every book is a five-star book and all are full length novels. Still, it is difficult to set this book down and the end always comes too fast. His knowledge of how the military works and the mindset of those who serve is right on target…it drives me crazy when some authors don\’t even take the time to learn the basics. His books are always fast-paced and his characters are complex and believable. This is a \”Can\’t Miss\” series for those who wipe this genre!\’