Prophetic Secrets: Learning the Language of Heaven audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Prophetic Secrets: Learning the Language of Heaven audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.
Review #1
Prophetic Secrets: Learning the Language of Heaven audiobook free
Grab your highlighters, pens and journal! You are about to receive a refreshing teaching on the prophetic. Jennifer has once again invited everyone who wants to learn about the prophetic, a clear and concise teaching. She has given us another weapon in a ever growing arsenal against poor teaching, or a lack of relatable language to understand the gift that is for everyone in the body of Christ. I know when I dig into her books ( I have all of them) I am going to receive sound biblical teaching. It is vital the church receives this kind of teaching and to train others in this gift. I personally recommend all her books to those I teach and mentor in the prophetic and prayer ministry . I am actually starting a new vein of team building/teaching in my ministry role. We will be launching it using this book! Thank you Jennifer for being obedient to your call to teach and equip the church! Millions will receive heavens reward in this gift and you will receive so much more in blessings as a result of your writing.
Review #2
Prophetic Secrets: Learning the Language of Heaven audiobook streamming online
I have read all Jennifers book and this one was really helpful. I have been having dreams since I was a child and never really paid attention to it. But after reading this book a lot of things I have been experiencing since a child were explained. Especially, the last chapter Wisdom for dreams and visions.
All I can say is have a Bible handy and be ready to learn a lot.
Review #3
Audiobook Prophetic Secrets: Learning the Language of Heaven by Jennifer Eivaz
I have every one of her books. The only thing I’m upset at is not owning it in paperback too! I love her insight. I read it all last night.
Review #4
Audio Prophetic Secrets: Learning the Language of Heaven narrated by Susan Sayers
The experience of peace, I felt reading each chapter with new insights on how to get the best out of reading scriptures and connected with the Holy Spirit. Get your highlighter ready and be connected throughout with scripture quotes. 5 stars.
Review #5
Free audio Prophetic Secrets: Learning the Language of Heaven – in the audio player below
This book is quite unique in the sense that is very practical. Is also welcomed as a study guide. I feel really bold to prophecy and walk in the prophetic gifting. Thanks to Mrs. J. Eivaz
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