Ready Player Two

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Ready Player Two Audiobook

Ready Player Two is chapter two of the Ready Player One novel series. It is a science fiction novel that has an extremely gripping tale. The book is written by Ernest Cline. He is an American slam poet, screenwriter, and science fiction novelist. He also co-wrote the screenplay of the Ready Player One movie which was directed by Steven Spielberg. In literary writing. Ready Player One is his best science fiction novel. Apart from this one, his Armada novel also got a lot of recognition and appreciation among his fans and followers, including critics.

The narration of this book is done by Wil Wheaton. It was an above-average performance but not a perfect one. He mispronounced quite a few words which didn’t go well with the audience as such.

Ready Player Two

Wade Watts made an excellent discovery which almost changed everything. This happened a few days after winning the contest of James Halliday who is the OASIS founder. Hidden well within the vaults of James Halliday lies a super technological enhancement that will change the face of the earth yet again. It made the OASIS thousand times more addictive and wondrous. This wasn’t even thought by Wade even and came by total surprise. A new riddle also comes along with it along with a novice quest as well. It was about the very last Easter egg coming from James Halliday who pointed towards some mysterious prize.

Free Audiobook Ready Player Two

Ready Player Two is not as good as was Ready Player One was. People had a lot of hope with this novel after seeing the immense success of the first one but it didn’t happen. This book has got a lot of scope of improvement in many departments of literary writing.

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