Salvaged Hearts (No Longer Broken Duet) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Salvaged Hearts (No Longer Broken Duet) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Salvaged Hearts (No Longer Broken Duet) audiobook free
I struggled writing this review as there are not enough words to describe just how much I love this story and how deeply Branch and Ragan have touched my heart and soul. I have truly fallen in love with them and may never get over the hangover that this book has given me. Salvaged Hearts is book two of the No Longer Broken Series by Lilly Wilde and it is so incredibly emotional and deep that I was not only rendered speechless, I felt it deep in the pit of my stomach. There were several times I had to stop reading because I either couldn’t see the words through my tears or my body was shaking with so much rage I couldn’t continue. The injustice Ragan experienced literally made me want to jump in the pages and hurt someone. The loneliness and loss Branch endured pulled me to offer him hugs and comfort although I knew it was Impossible to do so. From Book one we learned of the struggles that Branch and Ragan fought through and the walls that they put up to protect themselves. I was gutted by all that Ragan endured, and her fight for survival endeared her to me. The walls we saw of these broken souls in Shattered Beginnings start to gradually fall in Salvaged Hearts. From circumstances that broke their hearts and mine, Branch and Ragan form a bond that grows into a friendship neither of them understand, one that places a smile on your face and a warmth in your heart. Lilly has given us not only a love story that can change the stars, she has given us characters that we will never be able to forget!! Jimmy, Loretta, Hayley, Jace, Mary, Curtis, and Carrie have added depth and humour to the story in a way that you are pulled so completely into their lives, you never want it to end. I have never felt so many different emotions in one book, one minute I was laughing and yelling “you go girl” and other times I was seeing red and wanting to slap someone in the face. I was emotionally exhausted yet utterly invested in their lives and when it all came to an end I had completely and utterly fallen in love!!!
Review #2
Salvaged Hearts (No Longer Broken Duet) audiobook streamming online
This book thoroughly gutted me and put me back together again piece by piece. The depth of these characters and their lives is truly amazing. They draw you in and you can’t help but feel every emotion possible from simply reading this book. Their backstories and their growth from book 1, Shattered Beginnings, to where they are now is staggering. Ragan is such a remarkably strong woman who’s fought some of life’s toughest battles yet perseveres, always remaining positive. She’s definitely who I thrive to be one day. Branch is the arrogant, sexy, egotistical star football player who exhibits strength and self pride but by peeling back the layers the author reveals that he’s simply human and does experience moments of self doubt too. Making him a stronger, more refined character. I loved Branch, yet I got so angered by him at times. Almost throwing my kindle into the wall several times. Everybody needs somebody on their side sometime or another and these characters found a friend in each other. I had several thoughts about which way I thought Lilly would take the story but was wrong almost every time. Every question I was left with after book 1 was answered in an unimaginable way in Salvaged Hearts. What an epic conclusion to this truly amazing story! The ending was fantastic! I can’t wait to see what awesomeness Lilly Wilde has in store for us next.
Review #3
Audiobook Salvaged Hearts (No Longer Broken Duet) by Lilly Wilde
So, I just finished reading this amazing story about Branch & Ragan and I enjoyed both books immensely, but I have to say that after reading the Untouched series I wanted and expected so much more! I was just like OMW, OMW, OMFW… These can’t be “The End of this story… It just can’t!” My heart was happy, my heart was sad, my heart was smiling, my was excited and my heart was left wanting so much more! Its like, I know this is “The End, but it can’t be because I want & need so much more from this story! So, right now I am pledged with an unbelievable choice to make after reading this remarkable love story… Do I want more Aiden or Branch as Author Lilly Wile asked her readers in her “The Lillies Group” on Facebook and I am totally “dumbfounded” because I love the Untouch Series, but at this very important I just totally need Lilly Wilde and I am begging for her and pleading for her to “PLEASE FINISH THIS STORY BECAUSE I JUST CAN’T & WON’T BELIEVE THAT THIS IS THE END… I JUST CAN’T BE THE END OF BRANCH MCGUIRE & RAGAN PRESCOTT’S STORY… PLEASE PLEASE NOOOOOOOO!” My heart just can’t imagine, that this is & was really “The End”, its just unreal & untrue and I refuse to believe it! I was lost in this story until the very end and now I’m flabbergasted, that its over! I totally dislike that this book is over, but I recommend that if you’re a fan of author Lilly Wile you read this series as well as the Untoched series, but at the end of this read your heart will be completely “Shattered to know that its over, I know that mine was & is @ the very moment”!
Review #4
Audio Salvaged Hearts (No Longer Broken Duet) narrated by Aaron Shedlock Melissa Moran
Ragan and Branch’s story continues. After reading book one, I wanted so much from this book, and Lilly Wilde does not disappoint. The many questions that I had from the ending of book one were answered in book two. I laughed, I cried, I enjoyed every last minute of Ragan and Branch’s story, and you will too. The struggles that they have suffered. The decisions that they have made to come back from a past that could have brought them down and made it so they could not overcome. The friendship that they develop by getting to know each other. The openness of their discussions. Even though Branch was a prayer, and he treated women as a means to get off and then toss to the side, he couldn’t treat Ragan the same. For some reason, she was different, and he fights the good fight with that. The loss that both of them have suffered. There is just so much in this book. And although their story is over, I would love to see more of them in future books.
Review #5
Free audio Salvaged Hearts (No Longer Broken Duet) – in the audio player below
Salvaged Hearts (No Longer Broken Duet Book 2) is the epic conclusion to this picturesque duet. Ragan Prescott is someone who we should all strive to be formidable as she is. Her character is resilient and undauntable with a sassy side. Branch McGuire will melt your heart with his southern mannerisms and sweetness. His pragmatism is exuberantly brash and playful. I absolutely loved every time he called Ragan “Sugar” and the witty banter between Branch and Ragan. Main and supporting character’s are scripted with acuity & a myriad of contrasting personalities. I love the sports tidbits with the electricfying football game showcasing NFL’s Man on Fire Branch McGuire. A superfluous of astonishing twists that will hit like ton of bricks. Grab your tissues & prep for your crying fest as tears drop down your face. The end was polished off in a way that their journey ends with happily ever after. A highly passionate story with the perfect dose of romance infused with angst, and friendships. The writing style is exquisite and a flawless writing narrative that captures all the elements of an excelling tale. I hope to revisit Branch McGuire and Ragan Prescott in future spinoff books, perhaps with Branch’s younger brother.