Seeing Red audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Seeing Red audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Seeing Red audiobook free
I\’m a big fan of Sandra Brown audio books, especially when read by Victor Slezak. This story is suspenseful with some unexpected twists. The relationships between the characters is interesting. Very enjoyable.
Review #2
Seeing Red audiobook streamming online
Seeing Red is a great mystery involving characters effected by a hotel bombing many years ago. It delves into the lives of a man who rescues a five year old girl and the after effects on their lives. Very in depth book.
Review #3
Audiobook Seeing Red by Sandra Brown
I really like Sandra Brown, always have and I have been anxiously awaiting this book. But it was flat and just kind of blah. I knew who the bad guy was within the first 10 chapters, and it ended up being a long drawn out story with a hurry up we\’re done ending. And I\’m all for a good sex scene but these were a little over the top, like she was trying to make up for the rest of the book being boring. Maybe it was the narrators voice or the rhythm of the production but I was very sleepy and disappointed. Doesn\’t mean I won\’t keep reading her work but this one wasn\’t good.
Review #4
Audio Seeing Red narrated by Victor Slezak
I love Sandra Brown and have read all her books, but this was not a favorite. I struggled to finish it. I found it to be very slow. Definitely did not keep me on the edge of my seat.
Review #5
Free audio Seeing Red – in the audio player below
I really enjoy Sandra Browns writing style! I\’ve read them all and even though they are all mystery/romance, I don\’t feel like they plots are repetitive! She keeps coming up with new material that is believable, entertaining, and well narrated. She is a skilled writer that structures her stories to continue to unfold but carry details throughout that leave the reader in awe.