Sword of Mars

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Sword of Mars audiobook – Audience Reviews


Hi there, are you looking for Sword of Mars audiobook free? If yes, you are in the right place! scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it, thanks.


Review #1

Sword of Mars full audiobook free


At the start of this book, I wondered whose adventures was I reading about. I got this series to read about the adventures of Damien and instead there were whole chapters dedicated to Roslyn Chambers. A character that just cropped up a few books into the series.
I also wanted the mystery to get closer to being solved. Instead the focus was in the big battle and side mysteries. Its like the author is dragging the over-arching story to sell more books.
Personally, for me this is the last book in the series.


Review #2

Sword of Mars audiobook in series Starship’s Mage


I, as always, really enjoyed this new Glynn Stewart book! As is typical for this very talented author the book is captivating and you just want to keep reading to find out what will happen next, or what secret will be discovered.
This book actually gave us some big answers for what was going on and how it could even be happening. And, it reminded me of some big questions I’d been trying to forget. I feel like this series is still only getting warmed up.
I would definitely recommend going back and at least reading from Starship’s Mage 1 if you are thinking about this book. You can get most of them as audiobooks so you can knock them out on your commute. You probably don’t need the spin off series following captain Rice, but it was also quite good.
Anyway, I think this was probably even better than the last book. And I highly recommend all of them.
I was given a free electronic review copy in exchange for my unbiased review. Then I put it on pre-order as soon as I could because I want this author to create good things with my money.


Review #3

Sword of Mars audiobook by Glynn Stewart


Obviously by the seventh book in I am pretty invested in this story. The author has done a fantastic job on most of his books, so I can forgive him for screwing up on his pacing in this one. After going from small scale actions in earlier books and gradually building up the size of the protagonist’s engagements, it felt odd to return to the small scale for a big chunk of this one. That was part of the problem, to my mind.

Damien spent so much of the book focused on his small scale spying that it felt like we were tossed off the scale buildup of the previous books and back into Book 2. The author probably should have cut the spy stuff down, but I understand how hard it is to maintain the big engine suspense he has been building up for the last two books. However, all those pages spent on the minutiae of Damien’s spying meant that when we finally reached the big, climatic engagement there wasn’t room for much to happen. It didn’t even make much sense – the Republic has been built up as this massive threat and suddenly the murder of a few thousand and the beating heart of the Republic just rolls over with its tail between its legs? Really? And the epic climax fizzles like flat soda upon the big reveal… it feels like the author was just ready for the book to be over. There were massive political and military problems left over after the big reveal, but they just got brushed over or ignored.

But don’t worry, there is some even greater threat on the horizon, one in which the self-appointed guides of humanity think humanity will be better able to face politically fractured, without its strongest mage (in a world where the king can’t ever leave his home system lest someone use Olympus Mons to destroy Sol), and with a large chunk of the fleet having been destroyed in a civil war.

There is guiding the plot so it makes for a good story, and then there is shamelessly driving it where you want it to go without regard for logic or sense. The author has strayed into the latter.

Now, don’t get me wrong. This is still a good book, this is still one of the best sci fi/fantasy/space operas I have ever read, but there is no denying that this book’s plot and pacing is not up to the standards the author has previously set. I still can’t wait for the next book in the series – though if the author kills off the King for no good reason (you know, the guy who is literally stuck in place on Mars), I will not be happy. Also, the King should be telling Damien to get busy making the next generation of Rune Wrights before he gets himself into another insanely dangerous situation. Like seriously, why is Desmond not all over getting second line of Rune Wrights started ASAP??


Review #4

Sword of Mars audio narrated by Jeffrey Kafer


The Starship Mage series has remained one of my favorites and Sword of Mars is an exciting and very enjoyable addition to the series. Many questions are answered – why did Legatus start a war with the Protectorate? How could they develop an FTL drive without magic? Will Damien recover from his damage?
But, as Glynn often does, just as you get all those strands unraveled, he pulls back a curtain and reveals a new layer of mystery and complexity. Damien Montgomery is one of the best main characters in any of the space fantasy series and he’s always a joy to follow. Highly recommend if you’ve read the previous books. If not, start with book one.


Review #5

free audio Sword of Mars – in the audio player below


I was provided a AR copy of this book. Another wonderful installment of the Mage series. These characters have captured my imagination and I feel I have grown with them as they adventure across the universe. Glynn is an amazing author who can bring the emotion and technology to the page. I am so glad the diversity and complexity of their lives is handled in a masterful way. In this book he concentrated on the technology and strategy. I hope that he is alternating the focus of the books and concentrates on the characters and their lives in the next. When you read it you will know why.


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