The Ables (The Ables #1)

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The Ables (The Ables #1) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for The Ables (The Ables #1) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

The Ables (The Ables #1) audiobook free

Having disabilities myself I appreciate the fresh perspective the author takes. The focus on doing the best you can with what you got is relatable to everyone.


Review #2

The Ables (The Ables #1) audiobook streamming online

I found the storyline of disabled people as superheroes fascinating; something I can relate to, mixed with fantasy. The way the kids become friends seems natural. There were some good moments and lessons. I enjoyed the beginning the most, though towards the end, there was a lot of strong language and darker happenings. These are things I\’d keep in mind, as they might be unsuitable for younger audiences. In the end, the swearing and dark subject matter dampened my enjoyment of an otherwise good story.


Review #3

Audiobook The Ables (The Ables #1) by Jeremy Scott

As a disabled person who has both mobility issues and visual issues, I got the feeling that the author’s understanding of blindness came mostly from stereotypes. While it is true that blind people can have great hearing it’s also true that they can have normal hearing or be deaf. Usually, any perceived enhancement in other senses has to do with the fact that blind people attend more carefully, rather than an actual increase in the ears ability. I have low vision but I have some. While I was dating someone who was completely blind, he pointed out sounds I had never noticed. However, after he pointed them out, I started noticing them on my own. It’s not that he had super hearing with ears like satellite dishes that picked up stuff my normal human ears were not capable of hearing. It’s just that I never had a reason to notice the humming of electricity through the power lines before. Also, as far as navigating, no one actually counts steps now.Instead, it’s by time/ distance and feeling landmarks ( like the edge of grass with a cane). The exception is of course on those educational days when they blindfold some able person and have them count steps to the bathroom. Probably, someone would have taken Phillip on a tour before the first day during which he would have figured out the time/distance thing and any landmarks to watch for. Also, especially if he is completely blind he would likely have a cane, dog or sight-guide. If he is refusing to use any of these for fear of feeling weird, the author should have said so, in my opinion


Review #4

Audio The Ables (The Ables #1) narrated by Eric Michael Summerer

loved the story and its unique point of view! loved the lore build in to the story. all the characters were amazing and the villain was great in my opinion. Solid ending that leaves you wanting more, now time to move on to the sequel Strings!!! keep it up please, want to see a lot more installments in this series!!! ?


Review #5

Free audio The Ables (The Ables #1) – in the audio player below

Unique super hero story from a blind person\’s perspective. Great storyteller and narrator. Counted only 5 sins.


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