The Day She Cried audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Day She Cried audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Day She Cried audiobook free
True to her style, K. Webster gives us another mindf*ck of a book but what made this one stand out for me is the semi-normal HEA. When I started I thought this book would be like all the others I\’ve read by this author (btw that\’s a good thing) but by part 3 I realized how different this book was. I love how we got the entire story and when It ended I was satisfied completely. It\’s no surprise that K. Webster did it again, she always give me exactly what I need when I finish her books. If I listen to mostly HEA type of book I need these wtf books to help keep me from getting in a book funk and she always does exactly that. The narration was 50/50 for me! Erin Mallon is my narrator crush! She can narrate anything and I would swoon! Noah Michael Levine on the other hand didn\’t really work for me in this book. He doesn\’t have the voice of a guy in his 20\’s so listening to him narrate Rome made his seem way to old. He did the angry Rome great though!
Review #2
The Day She Cried audiobook streamming online
I read this a couple years ago and never posted my review here so here it is now: The Day She Cried is a fantastic story. Once I started, I couldn\’t put it down. I was dying to see what was going to happen next the whole time. There weren\’t any lulls either. It had great pacing and was solid all the way through. I loved all the characters…well, with exception of the \”mean girl\” with the voodoo kitty. I wanted her to get hit by a bus and then get backed over and run over again. I guess that goes to show that she was very well written for her place in this book. The main characters were great though. I loved them. I connected with them. I could feel what they were feeling and totally understand them and why they did the things they did. I swooned hard over main character, Rome, and felt deeply for main character, Courtney. I also adored the dog, Harvey Benjamin. The Day She Cried had some really steamy scenes. Especially their first sex scene. Damn that scene was so hot! I was actually a tad jealous and wishing for some hot rain sex in my life. This book included some flashback memories. Sometimes, I feel iffy about flashbacks in a story because they can seem out of place or like characters aren\’t moving forward, but that\’s not the case with The Day She Cried. I loved these flashbacks because they tied everything together really well. They showed us why/how he\’s able to be drawn to her even after what happened and why there can even be a conflict of him loving someone he hates. There were a few twists but there\’s this one twist that I\’m not going to reveal but it is freaking amazing! AMAZING I tell you! Okay, okay, I will give a few hints: I was making notes throughout and this is what they looked like: Awh, don\’t do that. Holy crap. OMG No…. Holy f-ing crap! OMG Wow!!!!!! Intense! Awww yay. Love it!! I have so much more that I wish I could say and things that I would love to make note of but I hate when people ruin the details and/or surprises for others, so I\’m going to sit on my hands and leave it at this… I highly recommend this book. Without a doubt, 5 stars!
Review #3
Audiobook The Day She Cried by K Webster
I cant say enough good things about this authors books on audible!!! They have become my new favorites these past few months! All of them delve so much deeper and have such incredible twists you never see coming, amazing characters and often tackle issues in an eloquent way while still giving romance listeners the sexy we crave! Get this book and I would also recommend ALL of them on audible with my FAVs being; Whispers and Roars My Torin A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
Review #4
Audio The Day She Cried narrated by Erin Mallon Noah Michael Levine
Really amazing book. It is what I was expecting and so much more. Really makes you think in regards to online bullying. A story that will definitely stick with you. Also has a nice love story amongst all the heavy issues. Highly recommend but not for a light read, deals with a lot of heavy issues in an excellent way. And love the narration.
Review #5
Free audio The Day She Cried – in the audio player below
This work by K. Webster is gutwrenching and sadly, spot on regarding online bullying. Social media has made it too easy for cowards to target a victim and before you know it, gather almost a mob mentality. My advice is to grab tissues and get ready to cry. At first, I almost couldn\’t listen for this topic is difficult yet I\’m glad I continued. Thank you Ms. Webster for a brilliant work that perhaps may just make a difference. One can hope.