The Emperor of Ocean Park audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Emperor of Ocean Park audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Emperor of Ocean Park audiobook free
A decent storyline and plausible characters but way to long and repetitive. This book could easily have been condensed in half without reducing the value. I found myself not really listening especially the 2 middle parts and in hindsight it might have been better to get the abridged version.
Review #2
The Emperor of Ocean Park audiobook in series Elm Harbor
This is a curious book – it\’s not really a thriller as the plot is too thin and there\’s little action. But then it\’s not really a literary novel either, which is what it seems to have pretensions to be. As others have commented, the narrator evinces littles sympathy. In fact, none of the characters does. A more self-centred, obnoxious bunch you\’d be hard-pressed to find. Where the book works best is in the description of a troubled marriage and the narrator\’s relationship with his three-year-old son, but this has precious little to do with driving the plot along. There\’s some good writing scattered throughout the book, but there is way too much padding and pointless meanderings. The abridged version is almost certainly a better bet – this is one title that could be cut to a third of its length without harm.
Review #3
Audiobook The Emperor of Ocean Park by Stephen L. Carter
The Emperor of Ocean Park is an excellent book, both suspenseful and rich in characters. The narrator does an outstanding job, as well. I would highly recommend this audiobook.
Review #4
Audio The Emperor of Ocean Park narrated by Richard Allen
it is interesting to see the wide spread of opinions about this book. people seem to love it or hate it, and I am firmly in the first camp. Yes, the book is long, but what a fascinating world the author presents. I was thoroughly engrossed and grew fond of the protagonist despite (or perhaps because of) his foibles. Can\’t wait to read the author\’s second book.
Review #5
Free audio The Emperor of Ocean Park – in the audio player below
Do not waste a book credit or even 37 cents on this audio book. The plot has some interest at times, but, goodness it goes on forever along tangents that are incomprehensible. The author wrote some wretched dialog and I\’m still trying to figure out why the law professor husband didn\’t just sue and divorce his adulterous wife. Character development was non existent. I never did listen to the end and I don\’t even care.