The End of the Matter audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The End of the Matter audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The End of the Matter audiobook free
Book number four (in reading order) of a fifteen book space opera with psi series. I reread the well printed and well bound MMPB published by Del Rey in 1997 that I bought used since I cannot find my copy in my packed books and there is not a new copy available now. I will continue to read through the series. Flinx now has own FTL spaceship, the Teacher, built and given to him by the Ulru-Ujurrians. And he is pursuing his heritage, trying to figure out what and who he is. So he takes off from Moth after visiting Mother Mastiff for Alaspin, the world where his minidrag Pip is from, with his strange new alien pet, Abalamahalamatandra.
Review #2
The End of the Matter audiobook in series Pip & Flinx (chronological order)
I love this series, so the only problem I had with this book is that I would prefer it had chapter demarcation so I can know I\’m near the end of a chapter before I actually get there. The book itself was good. I\’m reading the series in publication date order instead of \”in book time\” order, so to speak, so I\’ve already read the \”next\” one chronologically in Flinx\’s life. I\’m glad that after Love of Mother Not, it goes back into regular order for the rest of the series as the author stopped writing things out of order. I read them in publication date order because that\’s how they would have been read originally, so it\’s more of what I think of as an authentic experience. I would recommend this series to anyone if you like adventure or science fiction or both in a book. I still think it should be mandatory in a Kindle book that they have chapter demarcation at the bottom of the screen. Other people will do a more thorough job of plot details, so I feel like a simple endorsement is all that is really necessary at this point unless and until reviews are deleted at some point.
Review #3
Audiobook The End of the Matter by Alan Dean Foster
I read these books years ago when they first came out and hadn\’t thot about them for awhile. I don\’t think I ever finished the series but just happened to run across it again and decided to get them on Kindle. I now remember why I loved these books to begin with. Won\’t go into the whole plot line, but if you are looking for something that will keep your attention and not to heavy, this is the series for you.
Review #4
Audio The End of the Matter narrated by Stefan Rudnicki
This entire series is a Must have to any collector of Space Opera or Serial Science Fiction… I have the entire series and re read them every so often
Review #5
Free audio The End of the Matter – in the audio player below
I enjoy all of Mr Fosters work. Imaginative and funny they are a perfect escape for your mind. Thank you