The Great Hunt

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The Great Hunt audio is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is the second chapter in the Wheel of Time novel series. This series is the most recognized work of the author, Robert Jordan. He has produced some brilliant novels. If you want to have a go at his best novels then do check out The Dragon Reborn and The Eye of the World.

The narration of this chapter is done by the veteran duo of Kate Reading and Michael Kramer. Their presence in the narration team of any audiobook stamps success on it. This novel is no different in this regard. Their performance took this audiobook experience to another level.

The Great Hunt audiobook free

The Wheel of Time tends to turn its way and on the other side, ages come and go as well. That leaves some fond memories behind that sometimes becomes a legend. That legend sometimes fades into a myth which then gets long forgotten once it makes a return again. The third age depicted here is the age of prophecy. It is the World and Time that completely hangs in the balance. The different questions in the mind will remain under the shadow.

Gleeman for many centuries has narrated The Great Hunt of the Horn stories. There were plenty of stories regarding all the Hunters involved and there were also plenty of Hunters there to tell of. The Horn itself is discovered now and things would change drastically.

The first chapter of the series was thoroughly enjoyable. The Great Hunt is good but not right up there to be the best or better of the two. Still, going through this novel will be a great experience for science fiction fantasy lovers.

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    The Eye of the World

    The Dragon Reborn


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