The Son of Neptune (The Heroes of Olympus #2) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Son of Neptune (The Heroes of Olympus #2) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Son of Neptune (The Heroes of Olympus #2) audiobook free
As a huge Percy Jackson fan\’s, my son and I found this to be another great addition to the series. We love the way Mr. Riordan combines humor, action, and learning about Greek and Roman characters. We can\’t wait for the next book in the series. All we can say is \”Write faster, Mr. Riordan, write faster\”.
Review #2
The Son of Neptune (The Heroes of Olympus #2) audiobook streamming online
As usual Riordan writes a wonderful story and makes me long to be apart of his world. The Roman myths are a bit unexplained but it seems that the Romans dont want to talk about anything. everything seems forbidden to their culture. I did like the way the Romans looked down on all the Camp Half-Blood traditions. Now on to my Headline. Swanson makes most of the characters sound kinda lame. His accent for some of the characters slips and makes it harder to tell if his voice is just a little higher for the girls or slightlydeeper for the boys. All the gods sound like either old dusty cowboys or my old aunts. I cringed everytime Octavius had lines. He can definitely improve in his performance, but he should try it on books that aren\’t written by my favorite authors.
Review #3
Audiobook The Son of Neptune (The Heroes of Olympus #2) by Rick Riordan
This works borders more on the incredulous than even the other books. Since it is fantasy, we can believe in fighting cyclops and centaurs — but fighting blades of grass? The story is good enough to keep buying — but please replace the reader with a computerized text reader — at least then, we would not feel bad about saying things so negative about a fellow human. This reader apparently never practices before he records for production. His articulation is more like a digitized reader. I guess he thinks the next words after commas in English are to sound like the start of new sentences. I have two hours of commutes every day and use it all for audio books. Of the dozens I\’ve listened to, this is the worst reader — period.
Review #4
Audio The Son of Neptune (The Heroes of Olympus #2) narrated by Joshua Swanson
This was one of my favorite books in the whole Percy Jackson series. I didn\’t have a problem with the narrator. I\’m just excited about the next book when everyone finally gets together. I wish Rick Riordan could write as fast as I can read!
Review #5
Free audio The Son of Neptune (The Heroes of Olympus #2) – in the audio player below
Great story, moves fast but not too fast. The narration by Joshua Swanson is much better than his narration of the previous book. (Still not as good in my opinion as the narrator of the first series, so I gave it four stars.) Between the writing and the improved reading you really get a feeling of the character differences between Percy\’s point of view and persona and that of Jason in The Lost Hero. Can\’t wait for the next book!