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Many aspects of our lives have long been given importance by doctors and scientists all over the world. Aspects like reproduction have been given time over the years and a lot has been written on this topic by different legends.

Then comes another vital thing i.e a balanced diet without which we cannot live a healthy life. If our body is not given proper nutrients then it starts deteriorating slowly and we start losing grip over our everyday tasks.

WHY WE SLEEP audiobook free

Although these things are important, there is another one that has never been understood completely by the literate people of the world. Matthew Walker comes forward in this respect and writes this book on the benefits and necessities of perfect sleep. The purpose of sleep has never been understood by the people as to how and why it comes to us.

Matthew Walker brings forward his research about the phenomena we call sleep. According to Walker sleep has an impact on our whole body mechanism. Our eating habits, thinking capability, and power to memorize things depend on our adequate sleep. If we are not getting the proper sleep we start losing our potential to live actively in life.

Not only this, our eating habits get destroyed, and forgetting things become part of our daily habit. The author also answers another very important question which is related to the use of addictive material caffeine.

According to him such materials directly mix in our blood and damage our sleeping habits, which in return destroy the whole process of metabolism. Steve West has enjoyed every word of this book during narration and he makes us feel the same way.

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