Where the Wild Things Bite (Half-Moon Hollow #5) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Where the Wild Things Bite (Half-Moon Hollow #5) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Where the Wild Things Bite (Half-Moon Hollow #5) audiobook free
this book is about a paranoid, germophobic book lover. She boards a small plane to take a rare old book to Jane Jameson in Half Moon Hollow. She wipes down the seats and vents to prevent germs and worried about the plane. There is another passenger who is a vampire aboard also. When the pilot breaks the controls on the plane and threatens Anna to get the book she refuses. The plane is going down and while she banters with the pilot the vampire, Finn just sits there and does nothing. Finally he does help and the pilot jumps out and leaves them with the plane going down. Anna wants to strap in and brace for the crash but Finn has other ideas and grabs her and jumps out of the plane. Now they are lost in the wilderness with no working phones etc. Will they get out alive? Will Jane get her book or will someone else take it. I love this series and this book did not disappoint.
Review #2
Where the Wild Things Bite (Half-Moon Hollow #5) audiobook streamming online
For it\’s genre, this is a cute, sexy, fast read that doesn\’t overdo the vampire element. It cured me, for now anyway, of hating all thing vampire. I recommend it as 4 stars if you like snarky humor with silly paranormal backdrops. It was just what I needed at the moment.
Review #3
Audiobook Where the Wild Things Bite (Half-Moon Hollow #5) by Molly Harper
Starting to get annoyed with beautiful, charming female characters who carry around so many \”Mommy Issues.\” This has to be at least the third book Ms Harper has written with this same story line and that\’s two too many. Having an opossum appear in every story is funny; having your main character thinking about all of the ways their mother has warped them isn\’t.
Review #4
Audio Where the Wild Things Bite (Half-Moon Hollow #5) narrated by Amanda Ronconi
As always with Molly Harper and Amanda Ronconi, I am Amazingly-delighted. I enjoyed Where the Wild Things Bite and am not afraid to shout it from the rooftops!
Review #5
Free audio Where the Wild Things Bite (Half-Moon Hollow #5) – in the audio player below
Molly does it again! She is such an accomplished writer whose story\’s are not just entertaining but well balanced with the perfect mix of adventure, romance and humor. Each story is unique, and the romance between the H/h is always sweet and sexy. Where the Wild Things Bite is another well written, captivating plot with great characters. Anna\’s has a lot of fears, she a germ-phobic, anxiety prone, fears flying, loves statics, socially challenged, and hysterically babbles when she\’s nervous. It\’s amazing she even agreed to fly to Half Moon Hallow to deliver the rare book to Jane Jameson. However, she is dedicated and determine to see the book is safely delivered. Her plans for a safe quick trip go haywire, when she is sky high, and the pilot\’s attempt to steal the book is foiled, and he parachutes out the plan leaving her, and her annoying passenger to fend for themselves. Luckily or not so lucky, the other passenger is a vampire named Finn whose handsome, smart, charismatic, and has stunning chocolate eyes. He takes matters into his on hands and saves Anna by jumping off the plan, and nearly gives her a heart attack in the process. They find themselves stranded in the wilderness, and this is where their wild adventure begins. I LOVED this story, and characters! It was AWESOME! Amanda Ronconi\’s performance ROCKS! She always does a fantastic job on the characters, and emotions. I especially loved how she delivered all the sassy, snarky dialogue. Kudos Amanda on another awesome performance!