The Lost Quilter (Elm Creek Quilts #14) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Lost Quilter (Elm Creek Quilts #14) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Lost Quilter (Elm Creek Quilts #14) audiobook free
Mrs David Lee writes: The Elm Creek Quilters are one of my favorite series of books. Jennifer Chiaverini is a gifted writer, and she obviously enjoys research for her subjects before putting it on paper. The Lost Quilter had my full attention! I could hardly put it down. That says a lot, because as an older woman who is disabled, I can be worn out on bad days by even reading too long. The descriptions are vivid; I could see the people in my mind. The majority of the characters are believable, though the utter heartlessness of slave Joanna\’s mistresses and masters reveal themselves to be stretches the mind a little. That said, it is obvious that Jennifer did her research. A great story with a rewarding ending.
Review #2
The Lost Quilter (Elm Creek Quilts #14) audiobook streamming online
the story jumps back and forth from first person to second person, and is very well written. When it comes to the civil war battle in Charleston, SC you feel as if you are the midst of fleeing for your life. Slave life in the \”big house\” is the usual mistrust, innuendo, of wrong doing, even thought there is none, and the plight of people being treated worse that cattle. There is one point in the story, where one of the characters rebuffs the advances of the master of the manor and she ducks his grasp causing him to fall near the fireplace. In his anger, he lurches toward her with a hot \”Iron\” (one that a laundress would use), and presses it to the side of her face. She is marred for life, making it highly unlikely that she can escape without being noticed. This is a real page turner. I\’m reading the Runaway Quilt by the same author, and not only does the novel move at a slower pace, but the \”zing\” that I found so appealing in the first novel just in there for me in this second novel.
Review #3
Audiobook The Lost Quilter (Elm Creek Quilts #14) by Jennifer Chiaverini
This is the 14th book in the Elm Creek Quilts series and is one of the historical novels. After Sylvia finds some letters in a desk drawer that had been stuck shut, she begins to further investigate what happened to the runaway slave Joanna that had been taken care of by some of her ancestors. This story picks up after the events in The Runaway Quilt. We find that Joanna was captured and returned her former master, who then sells her to his brother in South Carolina. Joanna suffers through the transport with other slaves and arrives at her new home. Her skills as a seamstress allow her to work in the house. She eventually makes friends and finds love, but her world is torn apart when she ends up being a bridal present to the master\’s daughter. The book portrays an intriguing look at the life of a slave and we see Joanna\’s courage as she struggles to survive and thrive before and during the Civil War.
Review #4
Audio The Lost Quilter (Elm Creek Quilts #14) narrated by Christina Moore
Poignant, Interesting, Eye opening and Thought provoking. This is one of the best Jennifer Chiaverini books that I have read. She is a wonderful writer of historical fiction, and I have greatly enjoyed all of her many books that I have read.
Review #5
Free audio The Lost Quilter (Elm Creek Quilts #14) – in the audio player below
I can hardly put down the books by Jennifer Chiaverini. She is such a skilled story teller you almost feel as if you are there. The amount of research is amazing. She makes historical fiction come to life.