Overtaken (The Warrior Chronicles #6) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Overtaken (The Warrior Chronicles #6) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Overtaken (The Warrior Chronicles #6) audiobook free
I am very choosy with the books I read & even care to review as I do read a lot. However, this series is one of my all time favorites & I am hoping KF Breene will expand on this series. The audio is fantastic! Caitlin Davies does an amazing job with all the voices and humor! It\’s one series I will and do listen to over and over again as well as read because it is so beautifully written with talent and humor and such love and devotion. All the books were beautifully done! Thank you for an amazing series. I truly hope there will be more to come.
Review #2
Overtaken (The Warrior Chronicles #6) audiobook in series The Warrior Chronicles
This book gets 3 stars only because books 1-5 were fantastic. The adventure, the characters, the world, the magic, and the peoples…the lead-up to the big battle was epic. The final battle? Meh. Seriously, meh. In this book, Shanti is captured fairly early on. She has this realization that she could be happy. She has Cayan, the honor guard, her brother, and all their people, even Sanders grew on her (I love Sanders, btw). And she realizes that they are finally ready to maybe, possibly WIN against Xandre and his armies. Then, BAM, she is captured. After that we have some chats with Xandre\’s closest security officers and of course, Xandre himself. Those chats are sort of illuminating, but a bit dull. And otherwise we follow the honor guard as they follow Shanti to Xandre\’s stronghold. While all that is important, it was mostly really boring. A bunch of whiny teens whimpering and bantering for most of the book, doing stupid things and just getting away with it all. All while there is a quick scene here or there with Shanti or Cayan (alone and separate of course), but that was really it. No epic fighting beside one another. No combining of gifts for a big bang. Like, why give Cayan his \’endless abyss of power\’ if he never uses it? I don\’t want to spoil anything for anyone, so I won\’t get into deets, but… They entire book felt disjointed. It was no longer about Shanti and Cayan, the Chosen. It was about teenagers. There is, of course, the end battle, but it felt like ALL that prep from books 1-5 was for naught. Just a disjointed fight scene that often didn\’t make a lot of sense in a listening format. (as in, because the narrative is jumping from one character to another, and action is coming fast all while there are big reveals and oddball conversations happening, listening to the narrator read it all got a bit confusing.) And the way they approach Xandre\’s fight was just, again, kinda quick and confusing. I had to go back bacause I honestly didn\’t realize Shanti had already fought the guy at one point. Darn pronouns had me thinking it was someone else. By the end of the book, some of that was still happening. I actually googled one of the characters that I was sure had died, but whom the author hardly bothered to explain about. It was just weird. Finally, Leilius had way too much dialogue in this book, because the narrator\’s voice for him was AwFuL. Ick. Like a little kid with the screechiest, whiniest voice imaginable, and at the highest possible pitch. Fingernails on a chalkboard would be soothing compared to that voice. He is supposed to be a spy, for pete\’s sake. Maybe early on, the screechy baby voice might have suited his character a little, but by the time he is battle-tested and officially a spy for Shanti\’s honor guard? No. Just no. Alas, the series was still great. I recommend reading it to a mature young adult. The sexy scenes are quick and undetailed mostly, the relationship between Cayan and Shanti is sweet and believable in how the grow together, The violence is… Very much there throughout but generally not terribly gory. Overall the series was phenomenal. I just was sadly disappointed by this ending, but not devastated. It still had the necessary HEA and tied up most loose ends.
Review #3
Audiobook Overtaken (The Warrior Chronicles #6) by K.F. Breene
narrator was okay, missing emotion, drab. wish she had more inflection. but over all a great series!
Review #4
Audio Overtaken (The Warrior Chronicles #6) narrated by Caitlin Davies
This final installment of the Warrior Chronicles brings everything to a closure with epic battles, tragic loses, heartache and love. All the players are in motion, and all the pieces are finally fit together in a way that no one could have predicted. I am sad to see the series end but I love how thrilling the story was!!!
Review #5
Free audio Overtaken (The Warrior Chronicles #6) – in the audio player below
I have enjoyed all six books in this series. Wonderful characters, great detail and held my interest through them all. Narration by Caitlin Davies was excellent. She added to the richness of the story. I recommend this series to anyone who enjoys a great story.