Kill Switch audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Kill Switch audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Kill Switch audiobook free
Ok, I am clearly in the minority here, but this book was definitely not my favorite. I LOVE Penelope Douglas, and the Fall Away Series is my all time favorite. I also loved Punk 57, and while Corrupt was ok, I did really enjoy Hideaway. This book however, not so much. Damon in my opinion, had no real redeeming qualities. He was a complete tool for the majority of the book (and throughout both previous books) and then all of a sudden he is a nice guy and everyone just forgives him? It was weird. I also never fully understood why Winter hated Damon so much after her accident and why she didn\’t want to have anything to do with him in high school. He didn\’t cause her accident and she knew that, so I just didn\’t understand where she was coming from. In all of these books, there is some sort of group sex scene, and while sure it\’s kinda hot, these friends are all very incestuous and the storyline becomes very hard to believe. I am also finding with each book that I really can\’t stand Rika. Everyone in some way or another worships her, and I can\’t figure out why. She is obnoxious. That being said, I will continue with Will\’s story because I want to see this series through to the end.
Review #2
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Reviewed For I\’m A Sweet And Sassy Book Whore Kill Switch was one of my most anticipated books and let me tell you something, it was so worth the wait! Penelope Douglas once again BLEW ME AWAY! I have wanted Damons book since Corrupt, even more so since Hideaway but I was not prepared for the emotions, the darkness, the truths revealed and all of the sexual chemistry that had me on edge from the beginning until the very end! I LOVED Damon; he has now beaten out Michael for being my favorite in this series! If I could give Kill Switch more than five stars I would in a heartbeat! Damon and Winter, you think you know what happened that fateful Devils Night years ago but you have NO idea at all! My heart raced, it broke, I laughed, I cried, I raged, I cried some more, and I fell head over heels in love with Damon! I just want to take him in my arms and heal the pain that made him so broken and so destroyed! Damon loves hard, protects what is his harder and feels more than we thought that he ever could. The connection he has with Winter is beautiful at times, ugly at others, heart breaking and healing all in one warped love story that feels more like a hate story for part of the book. You think you know who Damon is but you have ZERO idea! I loved Winters strength, she didnt allow her blindness to hold her back, in fact I think it made her stronger. The push and pull, the hate and love, the chemistry between all of the characters just is intensified. There are a few scenes that will have you desperately needing a wardrobe change because holy $#@! just picturing what happens, lets just put it this way, if you thought the sauna scene in Corrupt was hot that was nothing compared to some of the scenes in Kill Switch! Does Damon make up for his mistakes in the past? I am not going to tell you, duh, you have to read it but be prepared to not get anything else in your life done while reading Kill Switch. I know this will be a book that I read again and again. I am already needing Wills book, I have a feeling it is going to be the one that fully destroys us all. Kill Switch, if you havent already figured out is a must read and must be on the top of your TBR lists. Prepare yourself for a ride you cant even begin to imagine! Received an ARC for which I voluntarily provided an honest review
Review #3
Audiobook Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas
If you\’ve read the Devils Night books you will think that every single word in this book is sheer perfection. I feel like I waited so long for it but it was very much worth it. I\’m already anxiously awaiting the 4th book in the series. Damon and Winter\’s story is exactly what we needed. And just what we would expect from Penelope Douglas. Full of drama, twists and turns and hot, steamy romance. We learn so much about Damon and his past in Kill Switch. I loved seeing him as a child and now as an adult. We can finally fully understand why Damon is Damon. We revisit the past and you must read Corrupt and Hideaway to know what\’s going on in Kill Switch. If not you\’re going to be lost. This book is MASSIVE!! You get to see all the characters from past books. Each one plays a pivotal role and allows the storyline to grow. I can\’t wait to see where this is going. THERE IS SO MUCH GOING ON!! Y\’all I can\’t even. I\’m crushing so hard on Damon right now. And I was so anti-Damon in book 1. In book 2 he was growing on me a bit. Now OMG I\’d be all over that boy… Seriously just read the book. Totally amazing.
Review #4
Audio Kill Switch narrated by Jeremy York Tatiana Sokolov
All of the stars! Kill switch is Book 3 in the devils night series. Corrupt and hideaway need to be read before hand or you will be lost. What can I say about this book. It was outstanding. If youve read the other two books in the series you will know all about Damon Torrance and trust me I didnt want to like him, I really didnt. Hes done some messed up things but some how Penelope Douglas has made me fall deeply in love with Damon. He made me shout at my kindle, cry for him, want to hold him close and tell him everything will be ok. He made me roll my eyes, call him a names and smile so hard I didnt know if I was coming or going. Penelopes writing was exquisite, her story telling pulling you into the moments and making you feel like you are a part of everything. Winter, my sweet winter. She was everything. She fits in so well with the other girls and I love that she has a backbone, so strong! I have been waiting and anticipating this book for a long time and I really didnt believe that it could live up to the other two as I knew there was no way that Penelope Douglas could make me like Damon. How could she make me understand him and feel him. I was so wrong. She did and she did it so well I can feel him in my bones. I thought i knew where this story was going to go…l I had no clue. I thought i could guess the twists…. I didnt have any idea. Im glad I read this book slowly and savoured it because I really enjoyed it. I took in all of the words and felt them, holding them close to me. Michael used to be my favourite horsemen, Damon has taken over and massively surpassed him. This book will tear you limb from limb, get your pulse racing, bring tears to your eyes and consume you. I couldnt have loved this book more if i had tried. Damon is the best kind of anti hero. I couldnt prepare myself for the emotions that this book put me through but I was worth every damn thing. I cant wait for Wills book, I already know its going to be EPIC. Well done Penelope Douglas, I bow down to you. Read the book, read the series and fall in love. You wont regret a thing.
Review #5
Free audio Kill Switch – in the audio player below
Penelope Douglas is a master of words, theres no other way of describing how talented, smart and creative she is. I was hesitantly excited about Kill Switch, Damon certainly hasnt been my favourite Horseman, and I wasnt expecting that to change. Enter Winter, beautiful, intelligent, strong Winter. She was exactly what Damon needed to change the hard exterior. Damon has been somewhat of an enigma, not entirely bad, but also not good, but always an anchor for those he loved. He kept them grounded and pulled them down, depending on his own mood. I love that the Devils Night books have become a saga, as they are so delicately intertwined and so much bigger than one singular book, they are their own universe. Damons story has been different to read, I wasnt as excited to love him, and I didnt think I would forgive him for his many transgressions, but I finally figured out what made him tick, and what started a shift in him. As always Penelope managed to create a world where fear was an aphrodisiac, the good guys were bad and the bad boys were the endgame. The women stand strong behind their men, not to hide, but to cover their backs and the many cameos that we got were once again extraordinary. Of course she also wrote scenes that were hotter than hot, incredibly taboo and pretty much guarantee to put you in the mood! Im blown away by the sheer amount of beauty that hid between the pages and cant wait for the saga to continue!