4:50 from Paddington audiobook
Hi, are you looking for 4:50 from Paddington audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
4:50 from Paddington audiobook free
My Kindle version was unreadable. Quotation marks were replaced with random letters and symbols. Same with commas etc. I tried to power through but gave up after 8 pages. Have asked for a refund. Disappointed as this was the only offering of this book. Even collections did not have this book and I think it is the best Miss Marple story.
Review #2
4:50 from Paddington audiobook in series Miss Marple
I bought this a while ago and just opened it. The book doesn\’t load properly. All quotation marks, apostrophes, and \”drop caps,\” show as multiple letters and characters. This makes the book unreadable. I tried this on my Kindle Fire, iPhone, PC Kindle app, and iPad.It doesn\’t load properly any any of them. Amazon says I can\’t return it so I am stuck,.Do not buy or check as soon as you download this book.
Review #3
Audiobook 4:50 from Paddington by Agatha Christie
I\’m officially rating Agatha Christie\’s \” 4:50 from Paddington: A Miss Marple Mystery (Miss Marple Mysteries Book 8) \” at a Very Good 4 stars out of 5. But, purely because of the ending, I\’d like to rate it a half a star lower (3-1/2 stars). For the most part, the book is very well written and interesting. I also enjoyed Miss Marple using Lucy Eyelesbarrow as a surrogate through most of the book. But, once again, Christie waits until the very last chapter of the book to have Miss Marple just pull the answer out of her bonnet and reveal new information. In this case, the reveal is almost within reason. So, that\’s why I\’m docking the book only a half star instead of more. But, Christie\’s tendency to just string us, the readers, along and reveal something new at the end doesn\’t make for the best mysteries. Again, it\’s a good book. But, it could have been better.
Review #4
Audio 4:50 from Paddington narrated by Richard E. Grant
The only part of this book that I do not like is the short amount that Miss Marple is in the story. Lucy Eyelesbarrow is a great female character, she is intelligent and keeps calm when trouble is happening. She is chosen to find the body that no one can find. It all started when Mrs. McGillcuddy witnessed a murder. While traveling on a train she looks in the window of the train passing and sees a woman being strangled. After Lucy discovers the body it is time for the police to discover the killer. Inspector Craddock is back, the first appearance in the wonderful book A Murder is Announced. Along with Lucy and of course Miss Marple, he will find who the strangled woman was and how she fits in with the Crackenthorpe family. The suspects are a diverse group. There is the painter Cedric the pompous ass Harold and the small-time criminal Alfred. Another suspect is Bryan the husband of the deceased daughter. Emma Crackenthorpe is the surviving daughter who puts up with her cranky father. Dr. Quimper is a would-be suitor. I loved all these characters and how they interacted with the story. The revealing of the killer is always fun and I loved the circumstances that Miss Marple set up to pronounce the outcome. I have read this Agatha Christie book before but it proves that even after knowing the solution you can still love the journey through the book.
Review #5
Free audio 4:50 from Paddington – in the audio player below
This is not a review of the content of the book, which seems like a reasonably good Miss Marple book. Unfortunately, the Kindle edition has many garbage characters sprinkled throughout the text in place of apostrophes and other punctuation, and it makes the text pretty unreadable. I have reported the issue and I hope the publisher cleans up the eBook so that I can finish this cozy mystery.