Dead Ever After

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Dead Ever After audiobook – Audience Reviews



Review #1

Dead Ever After full audiobook free


Full disclosure, if I could, this would be half a star, and that half would be for book design and not the actual content inside. Buckle up, babies, this is rough.

I ended up waiting to post this because I just wanted to forget how the series ended. For a while I thought I would just go back and reread the books from the series I liked. In reality, since the last book was published I haven’t felt the need to reread them. I finally packed them up and felt it would be fitting to finally do this and be done with the whole thing.

The final Sookie Stackhouse was finally slated to come out. I couldnt make it to the store that Tuesday, and man, waiting was not an option. What if I got spoiled?! There was too much I wanted to know, but I really did want it all to unravel at its own pace. I wanted to experience the results. Sookie and Erics fight for their relationship has been my favorite aspect of an otherwise disintegrating series (because lets be honest the “mystery” portion of SVM went out the window back with book 9. Since then Ive pretty much just shrugged my shoulders at whatever mystery comes along). Yes, the Sookie books have always had that sort of frothy, fun, shallow feel to them, but I didnt mind. I dont mind eating hamburger when I know thats what it is. That said, Ive always admired how the ostracized, insecure Sookie had grown from the first book into the smart, independent, capable woman who was the wife of an equally strong and willful man (vampire). Not only that, but Eric had always seemed proud and admiring of her independence. He very easily accepted her as a woman and as an equal. She was both beautiful and intelligent. No, she didnt have the typical life of the conservative south (babies, a husband, a boring job), but she had HER life and someone that loved her for it. That both she and Eric had endured a history of sexual assault and had stayed strong and managed to put themselves in positions of both power and agency was the literary cherry on top. The coup de grace.

Victims dont need to stay victims. They can not only survive, they can thrive and they can overcome.

Sometimes bad things happen. People say things like, it was my own fault. Theres such a thing as too good to be true. And, I should have known better.

In this case, I really should have known better.

Two weeks prior spoilers went around and people started cancelling preorders. I worried. More than I had in about two years. Maybe Sookie did end up with Sam. Its what Id assumed would happen back when Id read the first nine books. But that was before Charlaine Harris went through the trouble of building Sookie and Erics marriage. Before the plot against Victor Madden they both orchestrated and carried out. Before Sookie told countless naysayers that she loved Eric; he was it for her. Book 11 came. Theyre breaking up in this book, Id told myself mournfully. Time to work in boy-next-door Sam. The book was rocky for them (Sookie and Eric), but they soldiered on. Book 12 came. Ok, this is the book. If theres ever going to be a breakup it has to be here, otherwise its too late for Sam. Along came the dubious ending, but not a definite break. Besides, I had Charlaine Harriss own words to console me.

Sookie and her HEA will overcome many obstacles.

Many obstacles indeed.

How good was it that suddenly Eric had to overcome the very same thing that broke up Sookie and Bill? How good was it that wed see Sookie hold her own and fight for her husband? That shed have the self-respect and dignity to tell off Freyda, because she loved Eric and deserved to be his wife? That together theyd come up with a plan that would finally leave them both free and independent, masters of their own destiny. After all, Sookie had once said to Eric she wanted to own her life, as much as anyone can. Clearly theyd both wanted that.

Maybe, Id said, maybe Bill fans are disconsolate because their reunion didnt happen.

Maybe Sam fans are upset that he really is just her friend.

Or maybe those were straws and I was grasping at them like a boss. You know.

The heartache started almost immediately.

I got my book and cracked it that day, already disappointed that the “shocking” murder that “rocks” Bon Temps was Arlenes, as revealed by the interior flap. Way to go book designer, because mysteries are boring when you dont know the answer ahead of time.

Following this was the most ridiculous dedication page EVER. I’m sorry, but an author reminding adult fans she can’t make us all happy is just absurd. No one expects she can. No one. It’s a paltry strawman argument given when an author’s book bombs in popular opinion.

There’s also the haunting last few words. “I hope you agree that it’s fitting.”

This just sounded so passive-aggressive that I had to roll my eyes. It’s a cop out way of saying, I picked Sam and I know it goes against everything else that comes before, but too bad. This is best.

I hoped I was wrong, still hanging on to my straws and whatever else would have me.

All of this, and I hadn’t even started the actual book part of the book.

Wow. This was gonna be *awesome*.

From there I immediately liked the prologue. Yes, the alternate voices was a different approach, but there was a deal with the devil! To get back at Sookie! Oh man. How would she and Eric cope with this whilst taking on Freyda and even possibly Felipe de Castro and their shenanigans!?

The answer? Easy, they wouldnt.

My initial huh moment was Sams lack of a response to not being dead. Like Sookie herself pointed out, he isnt really all that grateful. All he does is act mopey about having been “dead”. Then Sookie is all bratty as she tends to be when people dont think shes neater than sliced bread.

So hes angsty and shes angsty that hes angsty and Im all, grow up and tell me a story! I paid expedited shipping costs for this!

I waited for Eric to swoop in with some awesome. I waited for the plotting and the scheming. I waited for the romantic moments.
Hell, I waited for anything.

But really, if anything was missing more from this book than a plot or a midol pill it was Eric.

My first taste of him comes from Bill to describe his reaction to the cluvial dor. Thats right, Eric flies off in a huff as a cliffhanger from the last book and my resolution to that is Bill date-rape Compton.

Charlaine Harris, why do you hate me?

I mean, what?

Because the most reliable source for information about your boyfriend is your ex-boyfriend who has a history of hating your current boyfriend.

Its no more jacked up than anything else going on. Really.

Because Arlene gets busted out of jail by a mysterious lawyer and reverend that want Sookie dead. I guess along with suspension of belief because this is a fantasy series I have to have suspension of intelligence as well. Nothing else was gonna stop me from knowing this was Newlen and Glassport. Then Arlene and Sookie have some sort of lame showdown, she doesnt get her job back and ends up in a dumpster. Dead.

To be fair, I did like that someone I so hated ended up in a dumpster. Ive wished characters dead in a hole I cant even say how many times. Finally, I got it.

So there is that.

Of course Sookie is arrested for the murder because Arlene is dead wearing one of Sookies scarves after talking to her about getting her job back. And in a town with the same crack detective work as The Salem Witch trials, thats enough for a conviction.

This is about 100 pages in, by the way, without really anything between Sookie and Eric. Im still holding onto my straws like nobodys business, but the writing is all but on the wall. Which is nice, cos it sure as hell wasnt on the page. In a relationship often thwarted by lack of communication and straight-forwardness, Id really thought theyd eventually have it out.

At least I still had Arlene dead in a dumpster.

Now, at no point would I think Sookie was really going to prison for life, so I am thankful Harris didnt try and draw out that suspense to ridiculous lengths. Because really I already had my hands full with eyerolling because Sookie has this absurd born again experience where she contemplates that jail isnt exactly an inappropriate place for her because she has killed people. Just not Arlene.

People who had been trying to kill her. But whatever, lets not split hairs or really think too hard. Sookie gets out on baila bail Eric paysand right about there is where the plot should get rolling. Sookie needs to prove her innocence and I still want to know whats happening with Eric and the contract. Its been mentioned, but only tangentially. Which I guess is this books theme. Stuff happens off the page or only just barely. What IS on the page is shopping with Tara, talking smack about supes, angsting about Sam, and Sookies tomatoes.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Tomatoes.

I mean, here was Erics chance to crack down and help exonerate Sookie. Instead I got some lukewarm divorce and then Eric telling Sookie afterwards he wants to keep her on the side, and that he should have just forcibly turned her ages ago.

Yeah. Its that book. The book where not only does a character get beaten and butchered, but then spat on. That book that actively has a character contradict things they said just a book or so ago. If I could say any one thing about this book its that it was angry. Angry and vindictive. If anything about Eric could have been construed as selfless and caring it was obliterated either by out of character actions or by other characters telling me outright that Eric is being selfish.

Forget this book. Dead in a dumpster.

About this point I unregrettably tuned out. I mean, I KNEW who killed Arlene. I even knew why. Eric and Sookie didnt seem to be getting back together. Hell, Sookie even contemplated revenge sex with Bill. Which is so wrong in so many ways I cant even be as mad as I want to be because Im just too damn confused. Theres also cameo after cameo like mad. You can tell there was a list Harris just ticked off (along with ticking me off). Alcide, Quinn, Bob, Diantha, Cataliades, Barry, Amelia. It just gets exhausting.

Which brings me back around to Sam. Sam, who was said to just be a squick off since coming back from the dead. Heres a chance to have him be possessed (someone is, but it isnt Sam and it sure as hell isnt even interesting) or to have brought something back from the realm of the dead. But no, the “something off” is Sam has an existential realization that hes kind of screwing around with his life, dating women he doesnt even like. Im sorry. This isnt charming or endearing. Sam is well over thirty years old. His revelation that, hey, I was uncomfortable bringing my girlfriend home to my mom probably means I shouldnt be dating her, is just too childish. What grown man brings home a pretend girlfriend to his mother?!

And if I didnt want to think about Sam, well, too bad because Sookie obsesses about him like mad in this book. Then youve also got Billwho is now all-knowing because Harris relies on outside exposition to convey everythingwho subtly not so subtly makes the assertion that Sookie only used the cluvial dor on Sam because she loves him. No really, this happens. He asks if shed do it for someone like Terry Bellefleur and she says no.

Sorry Terry. Probably best you didnt invite Sookie to your wedding after all.

The book just unravels. By the way, no detective work is going on in this town for Arlenes killer. Yeah, this is the murder that “rocks” Bon Temps. Maybe rocks the casbah, but it does not rock the town. No one is even sorry shes dead. Sookie is mad that Eric does nothing to get out of the contract (to be fair she does nothing either) and Sam has some secret because hes being super indirect. Like more so than usual, and thats saying something.

Look. Sam is a reanimated corpse and I still cant find him interesting. Thats impressive.

How on earth can we find out whats happening? Bill can come over. Because this is what he does.

I cant even think about how Bill likens this reveal to Eric telling Sookie how Bill was ordered to seduce her for her talent. Or how Sookie has the gall to say this incident was what hurt hers and Bills relationship so badly in the past (yes, because its the messengers fault Bill raped and lied to you). I cant think of how she says Bills betrayal hurt worse and she just wants her relationship with Eric to fade away.

Dead in a dumpster everyone.

In the end Sookie finds out Sam really wanted to get Sookie out of jail, but Eric puts up the funds on the condition Sam needs to stay away from Sookie. Is this sneaky? Sure. Is it up there with rape and subterfuge and founding a relationship on a lie? No. But its no doorknob either, so whatever. We have a section where Harris does this lame magic to acquit Sam of past wrong doings. The maenad he slept with who harmed Sookie? He had to sleep with her. She made him. (For someone who mocked the vampire/maker bond all through the series, Sookies cavalier acceptance of this is unforgivable). Oh, and Sam wants her to be his. Thats really how he phrases it. Vampires are possessive users. Thank God Sam swoops in to be different, because treating Sookie like an object is just wrong.

I mean, fine. Sam is the HEA. I honestly have no problem with that idea at all. In a lot of contexts the boy-next-door love interest works and is even great. I can get behind where the book could go with their feelings and the set-up. The problem is the book waited too long and just doesnt really try. Because its less concerned with making the pairing make sense (you know, with buildup and whatnot) and more concerned with making it a twist that was literally saved until the last book because THAT was what the series devolved into. Come on. Make Sookie fall in love with him! Make me see why she should love him! Make me fall in love with him! I want to, help me out!

And the scene between them was just so smug. It totally read as, Sam was the best because hes human, not a nasty, terrible, icky old vampire and people are the best just because.

For someone who championed the outcasted vampires, suddenly Sookie sounds like a bigot. She also tells Sam she doesnt want a real relationship. She needs to take things slow.

Which is why you totally should start out by having sex first.


I wish this book had been about breaking patterns and charting unknown territory. I could have handled an Eric break if it was for Sookie to strike out in a new direction. But she doesnt. Eric is ultimately parceled off to Oklahoma having added on an extra hundred years to his sentence to look out for Sookie. Eric in essence pays for Sookie and Sams happily ever after and neither ever tell him thank you. Never mind this puts Eric right back under someone the way he was as Appiuss child. Eric will now be a sex slave for 200 years. He loses Pam, his area, the bar he built and ran, his vampires and friends, and Sookie. She cant even muster any sympathy. There isn’t even any formal good-bye. He’s just gone and she’s just relieved. A relationship of twelve books just dismissed off the page.

The book winds up with Sookie kidnapped again, masterminded by Claude, who hired Newlin and Glassport to frame her for murder. Again, the mystery is really unimportant and uninteresting. Theres some weird scene with Claude using some faerie sex magic and Sookie uses that as a chance to escape, but its just so rushed and tired I cant care. Because I know nothing irrevocable will happen to Sookie. I cant even think of all the unfulfilled promises the summary on the books flap made. You know, the convenient lie, what passes for justice is more spilled blood? What did that even mean?

In the end it doesnt matter. Its Sookie and Sam, though she admits she doesnt know if she loves him on her own, or because of the cluvial dor. She doesnt care, though the blood bond took a bunch of books to sort out because she needed to know her own feelings. The vampires and supes just seem out of her life and were right back to where she was book 1. Its almost as bad as the whole, this whole series was a dream. In some ways it feels worse, because the broadening of Sookie’s horizons, her adventures and growth are all treated as something that she got away from.

I finished, just feeling tired and bereft. There was no comedy, no suspense, no smiley moments. Sookie simply moves down the line onto a new suitor who has the same problems as all the others. Im supposed to believe the residents of Bon Temps really do accept her, though weve seen in the past they dont ( Andy has said she’s subhuman and Sid Matt Lancaster told her to her face she was unnatural). Its as though she treats her growth from the past 12 books as a bad dream and she is right back where she was in the beginning.

What baffles me most is if this is a series about tolerance, why does Sookie end up with Sam? She and Sam are the two supernatural beings who like to pretend they aren’t. That isn’t tolerance or self-realization. That’s self-loathing. And the biggest problem I have with this is, Sam has never challenged Sookie to find a way to accept her telepathy as a positive thing in her life. Hell, at least Bill could do that. All Sam is concerned with in regards to her gift is whether she can hear him or not. He doesn’t drag her talent out in the open so they can discuss it, he just wants to make sure that it won’t affect them if they don’t want it to.

In essence: Can we pretend you can’t read my mind? Because that’s totally healthy.

I knew what was coming by reading the dedication page, and I just felt angry. I dont see how this was a fitting end to any story. Not when any change and growth is negated. From being a character I always loved, I didnt even like Sookie this book. Pretty much every reason I gave myself for why it had to be Eric, because otherwise the book would be awful, was what happened.

And guess what? The book was awful.

Maybe this book was intended to come after book 3. Maybe the fling with Eric was a plot to sell books. Maybe Sookie had grown into a character whom this ending no longer fit for. No matter what, thats no excuse. Harris is no new author and should have known better. Instead of a definite ending we get some ridiculous open ended crap about she might not even love Sam or be with him come Christmas. From telling us last book losing Eric would leave a terrible void in her life, Sookie just wants him to go away so she doesn’t have to deal with their relationship like an adult. Whats an even bigger tragedy is I dont need an epilogue to know how her and Sam’s lives play out. The life Sookie seemed to staunchly reject is now exactly what shell get. Babies and regifted crockpots. The things she always told the Bon Temps residents she didn’t need to be happy. Was that a lie or did they finally beat her into submission? I can’t know because like everything else necessary for this book to tell me anything, it’s not on the page.

What makes me angriest is I did not conjure up my love for Sookie and Eric’s relationship from nowhere. Charlaine Harris herself fostered it and gave me reason to hope and believe. Then in this last book she slapped me in the face and laughed at me for it. Eric’s bite in book 11 was villified, yet Bill has STILL not answered for his rape. She and Quinn are comfortable friends, yet he betrayed her in a hostile takeover, despite being her boyfriend. She’s sorry Alcide is not for her. But he’s tricked her into using her gift for him time and time again. And she can’t even muster any regrets over Eric, or tender reflections for the man who supported her through torture, who has saved her life countless times, and who risked his own wellbeing to look out for her. I can understand two people just not being cut out for a future. I’d have loved a heartfelt, bittersweet separation. Some acknowledgment that they both HAD loved each other, that other factors had simply been too much. Instead it’s made to seem as though Eric makes a shallow, silly choice to just leave Sookie all for Sam. As though he chooses a life of glitz and glam over her. Instead it’s the fact that Sookie was just too intolerant of Eric’s culture. She says Eric doesn’t love her enough. Clearly, the same can be said for her. Sam loses or gives up nothing for Sookie’s happiness. Eric gives up everything.

I wish this book were dead in a dumpster.


Review #2

Dead Ever After audiobook in series Sookie Stackhouse


I was speechless after reading this book. The excitement in the last few have been dwindling but I couldn’t give up so close to the end. Kind of wish I did. When I first started the series I wasn’t a huge Bill fan. We then get more than half the books (9 I think) of Eric and Sookie romance only to be shut down in the last book for such a crappy reason. So far Eric has been proven to be very clever and resourceful while not letting anyone have the upper hand or be able to control him. Now he is in an agreement signed but not finished by someone who had died. He is apparently trying to get out of it yet we don’t know how because its not explained to us. He eventually wants Sookie to wish him free of the marriage but she uses the wish to revive Sam. Even before Sam’s death Eric hinted for her to use it so they could be together and she doesn’t even though she wants to be with Eric.

From book 1 Sookie is dead set on not being a vampire. In fact many times she is mentions she would not want to live forever. So…why date and fall in love with two vampires? She mentions she wants kids which she knows they can’t give her yet she keeps dating the undead. She gets upset that Eric won’t get out of his legally binding situation and that he had planned to turn her when she can’t give a little for him. She’s upset he won’t stay with her for the rest of her short human life while she ages and he is still a young looking vampire that will eventually be dammed without her. But he’s considered the selfish one never mind the fact that he has saved her life countless times, let Sookie use him to save her boyfriends, allowed him to financially help her, ect.

I’m so shocked and angry with this book that I can’t even find the words to correctly explain how stupid this last book was. Check out some of the other 1 star reviews.


Review #3

Dead Ever After audiobook by Charlaine Harris


Spoilers!!! But you’re probably better off reading them than this book.

Issues, summarized for your convenience 🙂

1) Ending nullifies character growth throughout the series.
At the beginning of the series Sookie stackhouse is a waitress in a bar in Louisiana with a crush on her boss. By the end of the 13 books series Sookie stackhouse is…. A waitress in a bar in Louisiana with a crush on her boss. All of her character development, all of her involvement in the super natural community, all of her self-discovery and tenacity and hard won respect completely down the toilet. Why? That’s really, really unclear – see problem 2.

2) Subverting expectations should never trump ongoing themes.
This series had a lot of things going for it in the theme department. The first 12 books focus on surviving trauma, building courage, finding real love, and knowing yourself. Book 13 feels like an absolute “gotcha” moment. As a reader I put in thousands of pages believing in Sookie, Eric, and their relationship (because, folks, let’s face it; that’s what this series is about) only to find that in this book none of that matters!!! Full disclosure: I rage quit halfway through and skimmed the rest. The ending to this book caused “Dexter” or “Lost” level anger because everything that has been presented as important and genuine in the series was turned on its head. It’s not a nice thing to do to your readers.

3) Unable to suspend disbelief.
How many humans, fairies, and vampires has Sookie killed? How many horrible things has she witnessed? And she’s going to go forward having a healthy relationship with Sam, leading a normal life, and starting a family? The only way the literally dozens of homicides, torture, plotting, and general mayhem could make any sense is with the continued involvement of the supernatural community with their know-how and resources.

How can an author misunderstand her own series so badly? I loved Eric. He was flawed but compelling. Viciously practical but deeply in love. He’s the kind of character that you rush to read the parts that involve him and then go back and re-read them several times to hold you over to the next scene he appears in. Pam and the rest of the gang from Fangtasia were amazing as well. Looking at the other reviews for the series I am far from the minority in this. If you’re in the same frame of mind on this just leave with your happy memories and make up your own ending. It’s painful to watch the contrived dismantling of these characters in this book.


Review #4

Dead Ever After audio narrated by Johanna Parker


Almost two years has passed since the release of Dead Ever After, but after not being completely bowled over by Deadlocked (Sookie Stackhouse #12), I was reluctant to read it. However, I couldnt read a whole series and then miss out the last book! And, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with this final story! Amazingly, I have also been able to avoid reading any other reviews of the book and so have read Dead Ever After with a fresh approach.

Throughout the story Sookie has many worries. To begin with, after raising Sam from the dead, using her magic from the cluviel dor (which could only be used once), she noticed a clear coldness from Eric. Is he annoyed with her for using her magic on Sam and not saving it for him? Well, thats just tough luck for Eric as there was no way shed let Sam die! Not only has she to worry about Eric, but Sam seems to have changed after his experience too.

Sam seems really quiet and a little off with her, or maybe he is shaken up from the whole coming-back-to-life episode. Sam has been through a lot and, when Sookie sees Sam next, he has forgotten a great deal. Sookie then reminds him of everything, even the events he probably doesnt want to remember, as she knows its in his best interests for him to face up to them. This is also a great way for Charlaine Harris to recap the last story, and provides the reader with enough detail to understand what has happened, but doesnt bore the regular reader of the series either.

As the story moves forward Sookie is in for some more surprises. First, Arlene, an ex-friend and colleague, has been released from prison and approaches Sookie at Merlottes bar asking for her old job back. Now a part-owner of Merlottes, Sookie clearly stands her ground and refuses. She cant believe the nerve of her after Arlene had tried to have her killed. Shortly after, Arlenes body is found in the dumpster behind Merlottes, and you can just imagine who will be accused. Yes, poor Sookie!

And then, theres Eric. After everything that has happened, Eric has almost abandoned Sookie for reasons that Sookie and the readers are not sure of. It appears to us that he may be a little irked after the incident with Sam. And yet, there is more going on in the vamp world that he needs to attend to and this will have a definite impact on Sookie. The ever-practical Eric has to do not just what is in his best interests, but also what is expected of him.

Will Sookie be cleared of a murder she didnt commit? Will her and Sam be able to return to a their comfortable friendship? And, will Eric deal with his vamp problem and return to Sookie? Or, will Sookie rekindle her love with her first love, Bill? This final instalment certainly has many questions to answer. And the reader will find out the answers to all as it all wraps up.

Although fairly well written, with plenty more going on, I found it didnt grip me with intensity. However, the storyline itself was good. Sookies love interests were not present too much in the book and I know many wont be too happy with the ending. But, I was fairly happy. As long as Sookie ended up with either Bill, Eric or Sam I was going to be happy as I have come to appreciate all three characters over the course of the book series, as well as tv series.

It is very difficult to read this after seeing the tv series, though, as it is hard to differentiate between the, sometimes very different, storylines but with the same characters. In hindsight, I do wish I had read all of the books first, before watching the tv series. That said, I do like how the book series has gone in terms of keeping more with the telepaths and witches. This certainly adds to the magic of the story, as well as remind us that our focus is Sookie, even though we can all get carried away with the strong male characters.

All-in-all, the book series is a great read, and I would encourage anyone, whether read the series before or not, to start at the beginning and read each book in order to remind ourselves of Sookies journey, and what Charlaine Harris wanted us to get from the series.


Review #5

free audio Dead Ever After – in the audio player below


I have actually had this book since it’s release date last year (7 May 2013) however it has been sitting on my bookshelf all of this time waiting to be read and I have been an avid Sookie Stackhouse fan for a few years now. Two reasons it has been unread and the first being that I have also been watching the True Blood series alongside reading the books and with them being so totally different from each other I have actually found myself getting mixed up on what has happened where which has left me not being as enthusiastic to read the books as to pre True Blood.
The second and most important reason is that the last few books just haven’t been all that great if I’m honest and especially not in comparison to the first few in the series and so other series’ I have been reading have always jumped the queue to be read ahead of this book as I have been eager to find out what happened next with them. I am truly disappointed that I actually picked up this book to read it and actually wish I had left it on my bookshelf to wonder about what happened next. Yes Sookie didn’t end up with who I felt she should have but that wasn’t the reason I feel so let down by the book. I feel so let down as it felt too rushed and everything has been too tidied up. I echo the sentiments of other reviewers in that I think the author has lost interest in the series a few books ago but has carried on writing in order to fulfill her publishing contract. As a Sookie Stackhouse fan I feel very let down by the author who I have loyally stuck with through the last few books in the hopes that they would improve despite them not having the same magic as the first several in the series. I won’t go into what happens in the book in detail as this has already been covered in great detail by others and much longer ago than me reading the book now but I was disappointed in an old faerie turning back up to explain the attempts on her life along with the obvious non solved Eric situation. I was also disappointed that despite Eric and Sookie having this fiery relationship and the feelings for each other that this was so easily let go of by them both as I just didn’t think that this felt real. Anyway I’ll stop moaning now and put the book away on the bookshelf with the rest of the series and maybe just maybe I might be able to bring myself to read it again in the distant future.


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