A Court of Thorns and Roses audiobook
Hi, are you looking for A Court of Thorns and Roses audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
A Court of Thorns and Roses audiobook free
What could have made this a 4 or 5-star listening experience for you? This could have been improved if the author did not insist on using every overused cliche available. An unappreciated teen who is saved by a gorgeous and wealthy man, who she inevitably falls in love with thanks to some Stockholm Syndrome. It was trite and the characters had the emotional depth of a shallow puddle. What could Sarah J. Maas have done to make this a more enjoyable book for you? Have some original ideas, make her characters relatable, and generally not support the idea that some beautiful man will come and save sad/lonely girls and make them beautiful too. What about Jennifer Ikeda’s performance did you like? She honestly did a good job. Not amazing, but she did her best to make the characters interesting which was actually quite a feat. What character would you cut from A Court of Thorns and Roses? The main character. She can\’t listen to basic and reasonable directions because she is too busy being a stupid cliche. She was like some whitewashed version of Katniss Everdeen, but her ability to stand up for herself was almost nonexistent. She had no depth and was just generally not interesting. 78 people found this helpful
Review #2
A Court of Thorns and Roses audiobook streamming online
I can get behind a cheesy fantasy novel; I’ll even read a cheesy romance novel. But this story is closer to a 15 year old’s half-furry fantasy of what True Love should be. Most fantasy (or romance) requires some suspension of disbelief. You will need to check your reality at the door, along with notions of what makes for a healthy two person partnership. Even at my most goth sappy teenage girl years, this book would be too much. 53 people found this helpful
Review #3
Audiobook A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
it starts of slow… the. gets real weird… then jusy real awful. if you like books with lots of talk about sex and your not bothered by whether or not its consenual this is the book for you but if you dont like that dont look here. 33 people found this helpful
Review #4
Audio A Court of Thorns and Roses narrated by Jennifer Ikeda
This book is the plot of a million B movies gathering their narration and plots from other B movies based on Harlequin style retellings of watered down fairytales. The characters are one dimensional and the story has been told. 21 people found this helpful
Review #5
Free audio A Court of Thorns and Roses – in the audio player below
Would you try another book from Sarah J. Maas and/or Jennifer Ikeda? Yes i enjoyed Sarah J. Maas\’s other work What was most disappointing about Sarah J. Maas’s story? I had high expectations when I started this book but was very disappointed. The main character was winy and I felt much of the beginning of the book was redundant and difficult to get through. 23 people found this helpful
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