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Myths of the past have ruled the minds of people who have been in love with literature. Neil Gaiman brings those old myths to life in this book where he combines almost all the old legends.

Book takes us to Ragnarok where all the gods are reborn in a new way; the author has not tried to bring any change like these gods. Odin remains the head of these gods with his superior intellect and ruthless powers.

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No one can challenge the wise ideas of Odin and his decisions are always perfect and error-free. Odin’s favorite son and the next heir to the throne is the god of thunder i.e Thor. Thor though is among the powerful gods but his mind still works like that of a child. Between this father and son, there is Loki who is not Odin’s son but the great king has brought him up like one of his own.

Though naïve from the outside Loki is the god of tricks and can unexpectedly deceive anyone. Neil Gaiman has not only written this book but the author has also narrated it and made it equal to American Gods: The Tenth Anniversary Edition (A Full Cast Production) and The Sandman. Along with the gods the book has other magical and fictional creatures. Dwarves, witches, and evil characters like giants and present to decorate the stories further. Conspiracies among these creatures happen to be more dangerous than those present in the human world. All the time these creatures fight for their rule and show no mercy towards their family members

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