I Can’t Make This Up audiobook
Hi, are you looking for I Can’t Make This Up audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
I Can’t Make This Up audiobook free
I have been an audible subscriber since 2011 and I generally stay in the personal development/self help categories, but I am a Kevin Hart fan and figured this would be a hilarious experience. It was, and you will laugh from beginning to end with this book. What I was not expecting was to receive so many practical lessons and success principles that were on par with the best books in the personal development industry. Most people don’t know the process that Mr. Hart went through to get to the top. Like he states in the book he’s an overnight success 16 years in the making! You will definitely want to listen to this book multiple times. I highly recommend it. Not only is it entertaining but you WILL be motivated to step your game up in whatever arena you have chosen to play in. GET THIS AUDIOBOOK!!!
Review #3
Audiobook I Can’t Make This Up by Jenn McKinlay
Before I got this, I was mildly amused by Kevin Hart. I’d seen him in some TV spots and liked his energy but didn’t really find him rip-roaring funny. I knew little about his background and expected to learn about that through this book. But this audio book gave me so much more.
On one level I did learn about his background, starting with his childhood and how he developed an approach and attitude toward life that helped him through his struggles into adulthood.
On another level though, I heard some profound life lessons, so valuable that I played the book back and forth several times so I could transcribe what he said (I guess I could have just bought a paper copy of his book.)
On still another level I gained a respect and appreciation for him, as a human for putting his life out to the public with all of its blemishes to show that the ugliness in life is often as important as victories when working toward our goals.
And finally, I was surprised I laughed out loud at several parts because rather than just reading his book, he added commentary that showcased his quick wit and high-speed mind, giving the listeners insights into the full-package which is Kevin. And that’s why I feel sorry for people who only read his book because they will miss out on these commentaries that allowed me an even deeper view into his mind and character.
Review #4
Audio I Can’t Make This Up narrated by Susan Boyce
As a post middle-aged white guy of comparatively gentle upbringing , it took me to just a little bit to get past all the vulgarity to appreciate how well Kevin Hart conveys where he came from and where he’s coming from. He shares all and bares all his own mistakes and self-defeating behaviors and attitudes, hard Lessons Learned and the value of sheer determination and persistence. We see Kevin Hart grow up and grow in the course of this book, which he narrates in admirable fashion himself.
hHeartfelt, heart written , t heart spoken, it’s a pleasure to share his bumpy ride to the top of his game. Hart is smarter law enough to learn from his mistakes and hopes that we might as well. A worthwhile listen and wise word among the obscenities.
Review #5
Free audio I Can’t Make This Up – in the audio player below
So sue me. He had me when he put a puppy on his head!
I love memoirs but am really not into the celebrity stuff, couldn’t get into “Yes, Please”. But this was much different, certainly much funnier. It’s a leisurely stroll through a life where there were choices to be made, desperate situations to be lived through. From a dad who B&Es to steal money AND cook grits, to a tiny mom who’ll whup you with a belt for setting all the clocks in the home two hours ahead (There are good reasons for the whole clock thing), to a loving brother who won’t fight your battles for you but will teach you how not to be bullied or be a bully, to a girlfriend/wife who is absolutely positive you’re cheating (and you most likely are…) Hart’s family is most memorable.
And through it all is his stand-up narration/delivery, complete with laughter, perfectly timed hems and haws, and rabbit hole-like digressions galore. It all made me smile, laugh, or spew coffee from my mouth every now and then. Can’t help it, the guy knows how to deliver a laugh (By the way, it’s pretty interesting when he’s barely learning the actual art and craft of comedy).
Inspiring the way he learns to listen to his gut, the way he puts together bands of struggling people, the way he gets himself out of financial ruin… several times. And a few times, the memoir was downright touching as it’s actually written with love.
Not what I expected (expected a lot of shallowness, actually) but definitely enjoyed!
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