The Marriage Bargain (Marriage to a Billionaire #1)

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The Marriage Bargain (Marriage to a Billionaire #1) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for The Marriage Bargain (Marriage to a Billionaire #1) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1

The Marriage Bargain (Marriage to a Billionaire #1) audiobook free

There is nothing that takes place in this book that makes me think the guy is a billionaire. If you read something like Fifty Shades of Grey or the Crossfire series, they takes trips, own multiple properties, fly on private jets, they are surrounded by luxurious apartments and homes, they’re wearing the best brands, owning the best art, etc. In this book, all they really do is go to a fancy party. He doesn’t drive expensive cars, take her on vacations, etc. In addition, the sex scenes are pretty tame/bland. There’s nothing real interesting or unique or intriguing about their sexual interactions and honestly, I almost wanted to skip over the sex because the love story was more interesting than the sex. There are some quite comical interactions between the two main characters that made me laugh out loud. That was far more interesting than the sex. James and Day may not be the best writers, but they do know how to write sex scenes that you don’t want to put down, unlike this book, and they also know how to properly describe the billionaire lifestyle, unlike this book. It’s going to be hard for me to find the desire to want to continue with this series knowing that I’m reading it for the fantasy of a true billionaire lifestyle and wild sex and it’s just not there. It’s also short, and therefore, does not leave a lot of room for the detailed descriptions that made the Fifty Shades and Crossfire series so popular.

Review #2

The Marriage Bargain (Marriage to a Billionaire #1) audiobook streamming online

I absolutely LOVE this book! The story is fantastic, with a wonderful blend of romance, humor, and sensuality. Ms. Probst is a seasoned author, so as you might expect, the book is extremely well written, with three dimensional characters who are so well drawn that they seem real. Furthermore, the book is professionally published, so there are no amateurish editing issues, such as grammatical mistakes, incorrect spelling, or the like. Nick and Alexa are both wonderful characters; and I loved them equally (rare for me, as I usually like the H more than the h) Alexa is a fabulous heroine. She is feisty, smart, determined, witty, bubbly, impulsive, and quirky. Nicholas, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He’s calm, always in control, super organized, and plans every step before making a move. When we meet Alexa and Nick for the first time, she is fourteen and he is sixteen. Alexa and Nick’s younger sister, Maggie, are best friend; Nick is Alexa’s nemesis. He lives to torment the poor girl, but she gives as good as she gets!

After the prologue, the story then jumps ahead thirteen years. Alexa and Maggie are still best friends; although Alexa and Nick haven’t seen each other in almost ten years. Alexa is in desperate need of $150,000 in order to help her family out of a financial crisis. She figures the easiest way to get this money is to find a man who has an extra hundred grand lying around. To achieve this end, Alexa performs a love spell–yes, you read right…a love spell!–asking the earth mother to provide a man who fulfills a specific list of requirements, including having the money that she needs for her family. Her number one requirement?–that he be a Mets fan. LOL

Nick too is in desperate need of a woman–although for completely different reasons. Nicholas is now a successful architect. He needs a wife for one year, in order to secure his inheritance. Getting married is the last thing that Nicholas wants, but his back is against the wall–it’s either get married and get control of his uncle’s architectural firm, or don’t get married and become a figure-head with no real power (these are the terms dictated in his Uncle’s will.) As far as Nick is concerned, the latter isn’t even an option. So a wife a is needed. Nick makes a list of all his requirements for a wife…none of which Alexa meet…well none, except for one “woman I can trust.”

When Maggie discovers that Alexa needs money, she comes up with the idea for Nick and Alexa to get married. He gets a wife for a year, and Alexa gets her $150,000. Nick’s first reaction when Maggie suggests Alexa as a potential wife, is a resounding, hell no! Alexa absolutely does not fit the image he has for his wife. She’s too stubborn, too impulsive, and absolutely too reckless! Unfortunately, Nick has no other candidates in mind, and has a deadline to meet, so Alexa it is. When the two finally meet to discuss the marriage contract, Nick immediately discovers yet another criteria Alexa does not fulfill, “a woman I do not desire to sleep with.” ROTFL Alexa is a hot siren, and Nick can barely concentrate. I laughed so much during the contract scene, my side started hurting. Nick tries to play hardball with Alexa, but she’s more than a match for him. I love the way the negotiations went down…

Alexa: “You have a list of requirements?”
Nick: Just a few qualities I’d like my wife to have.”
Alexa: You want a hostess, an orphan, and a robot all rolled into one…You want a Stepford wife without the sex. Haven’t you learned anything about women since you were fourteen?”

Nick: “As my wife, you’ll need a proper wardrobe. You’ll get an allowance and have access to my personal shopper.”
Alexa: “I’ll wear what I want, when I want, and pay my own damn way.”
Nick: “I have a huge deal on the line, so you’ll need to make nice with the other wives.”
Alexa: “I can manage to keep my elbows off the table and laugh at their stupid jokes. But I need to be free to run my own business and enjoy my own social life.”

And when it came to the sex clause! OMG! I almost choked, I was laughing so hard! In any event, an agreement is reached and the two get married. From there the story progresses to the HEA. Of course the nice, easy, unemotional, business deal of a marriage that Nick envisioned is anything but. Pretty soon he and Alexa toss the “no sex” clause out the window and the two are knocking boots. I’m happy to say that this does not happen right away, and when the two finally do have sex, I thought the timing was perfect. The sex scenes are hot and steamy, and are tastefully done–no crude language!–and add a nice element of sensuality, without overwhelming the story. As time passes, feelings begin to develop between the two and love blossoms.

Nick is terrified of marriage, commitment, and family. He and Maggie had a horrible childhood, being raised by selfish indifferent parents, who had no use for their children, other than as pawns to use against each other. Nick’s biggest fear is that he will turn out like his father, and he doesn’t want to subject a child of his own to the same suffering he had to endure. In Nick’s mind, marriage equals messy emotions, which eventually lead to heartache, and inevitably divorce. As for Alexa, she accepts that at the end of the year her time with Nick will come to an end, but is decided to accept whatever he is willing to give her, and make the most of the time she has with the man she loves. The story that unfolds is sweet, touching, and absolutely captivating! It held me hostage from beginning to end!

The book is just about perfect. It has everything from romance, to humor, to steamy sex. Shoot it even has an epilogue–I love epilogues–where you get to see Nick and Alexa some months after they declare their love, which is very sweet. The book is so wonderful that this is the second time that I’ve read it–both times cover to cover! I loved it so much, that after I borrowed it from the library, I went and bought my own copy. So, if you’re in the mood for a good, grown-up, realistic romance, look no further. Just get yourself a copy of this book, sit back, and enjoy. Happy reading!

FYI, the epilogue in this book is a perfect set-up for book two,

The Marriage Trap (Marriage to a Billionaire Book 2)

. As a matter of fact, the real focus of the epilogue is Maggie, as evidenced by the fact that the chapter is labeled “Maggie.” LOL In any event, Maggie and Michael are the h and H in book two. Both characters are introduced in this book, and the two even have a dinner date, although we, the readers, only hear about it after the fact; apparently it didn’t go well. LOL In the epilogue we get to see Maggie and Michael together for the first time. Michael is a business contact of Nick’s, who appears in the story, and eventually becomes a close friend. Maggie, however, is convinced that Michael is in love with Alexa, and worries that he is a threat to her brother’s marriage. She doesn’t hide her feelings and is very hostile towards Michael. It’s this love that Michael supposedly has for Alexa that he uses manipulate Maggie into agreeing to pretend to be his fiancee in book two. I had to laugh when I read the blurb for that book, because while Michael obviously is very fond of Alexa, I don’t for one second believe that he is in love with her. IMO, Michale has the hots for Maggie, but she can’t see the forest for the trees. I can’t wait to read that book! I have it on hold at my library, but if it’s half as good as this one, I’ll end up getting my own copy of that book too. My poor wallet. Sigh! I just pray I wont have to wait too long for a copy to become available.

Review #3

Audiobook The Marriage Bargain (Marriage to a Billionaire #1) by Jennifer Probst

So first I would like to thank Kelly Elliot for referencing this book in her Broken series because well after hearing about it I felt like I definitely needed to read it and I am so glad I did. This book had me laughing, crying, and swooning.

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”

Nick is a womanizing millionaire who comes from a broken family. He comes from a loveless home, a place where he grew up without acknowledgement, care, or validation that all children need. He determined very early on in his life that he would NEVER be like his father, and therefore he would not get attached to women, he would never get married and he would never have children. However when his Uncle passes away and leaves him his architect firm, with the stipulation that he must marry and stay married for a year in order to acquire said business and achieve his dreams … he has to find a wife, someone he trusts, someone who will walk away after a year, and he needs this to happen fast.

“Cut your losses here and now and walk out the door. This woman is going to turn your life upside down, diagonal and sideways, and youve always hated the fun house.”

Alexa is a fierce, independent, loving, and loyal daughter. She wants nothing more than to help her struggling parents with their financial issues. The thought of her parents losing her childhood home breaks her heart, however unless she can come up with $150,000 they will be forced to sale their home. So Alexa decides to cast a spell, a love spell to send the perfect guy with the extra money to help her parents out.

Maggie, Alexa’s childhood and current best friend has a way to solve both Nick, her brothers problem of needing a wife, and Alexa’s financial problems with one proposal. Nick should marry Alexa! Alexa and Nick have harbored some feelings for each other since childhood and these feelings are sure to reemerge and wreak havoc on this relationship that is supposed to be fake.

Needless to say before long what was meant to be a loveless, sexless, sham becomes so much more … sexual tension radiates and before long sparks are flying!

“She was the type of woman who fell in love, fell hard, and dreamed of happily ever after.”

“She gave for no gain of her own, no goal she needed to reach. Love was not a prize but something she owned inside and shared freely.”

I enjoyed this book … I really felt like the moments when Nick compares himself to Old Yeller and as he sits and has his epiphany’s and realizes how much she means to him and that he loves her … my heart was filled with so much love reading those parts of the story!! Great work Jennifer!!!

I was afraid I had nothing to give. But I do. And I want to give it all to you.

Review #4

Audio The Marriage Bargain (Marriage to a Billionaire #1) narrated by Coleen Marlo

This wasnt really my sort of book – gave up reading it after about 30 pages as I just couldnt get into it
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Review #5

Free audio The Marriage Bargain (Marriage to a Billionaire #1) – in the audio player below

I got this on the recommendation of someone on Instagram that loves these types of books. I wasnt so sure but have been in a reading slump and watching predictable romance films instead so I gave this a go.

It took me about 4 hours to read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Predictable? Yes of course. But the characters were likeable, the sexual tension was believable and the love scenes werent smutty and vulgar.

It was also a nice change that the man was allowed to be protective and the woman was allowed to be looked after while maintaining her independence. It might not be a very feminist attitude but I liked it and it was different from the forced independence of characters in books I usually read where they are criticised by readers for wanting a man!

I really enjoyed it and would definitely read more by the author.

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