Misconduct audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Misconduct audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Misconduct audiobook free
Loved this story but it was so hard to listen to. The man was fine but the female voice was too old and angry for this character. She could be describing a flowery dress she was wearing and sounded sooo upset about it.
Review #2
Misconduct audiobook streamming online
Many have complained about the voices in this audio book. When you begin to listen, youll notice Carrie Brach speaks very fast and rushed. While Guy Locke speaks more natural. To make the speech patterns seem more natural, when Carrie spoke, I changed the speed to .75 and kept Guys speed at 1.0. Yes, youll need to switch them but, it is SO worth it! At first Carrie will sound a bit slow, but that quickly disappears and she talks more natural and less rushed. The story is well written and very engaging. I wouldnt let this hold you back. This isnt the first audio book Ive needed to do this on. To me, its an easy fix to a very minor problem.
Review #3
Audiobook Misconduct by Penelope Douglas
Easton had a tragic and frightening event in her past which has shaped her personality traits now and has also left her with a few OCD tendencies too – she\’s ballsy but broken and she lives alone so now it\’s just her and her much loved Brother. She decided to change her career and is now starting a new job Teaching at a Private School for the privileged which is where she meets Tyler again…. and it\’s a very different meeting than their flirty, and all too brief, first one at a Masquerade Ball. Tyler is a very very busy man – he\’s a successful Millionaire business owner, he\’s running a campaign for Senate and he\’s trying to get to know his 14 year old estranged son who\’s reluctantly come to live with him for a year. He\’s sexy, charismatic, smooth, confident and all Alpha. So the last thing he needs is another complication in his life…. but the chemistry and mutual attraction between him and Easton is too much to resist – even though they both try to fight it because ethically a relationship between them would spell disaster for them both, there\’s a 12 yr age gap, she\’s his son\’s Teacher and he\’s \’high profile\’ and if anyone found out it would spell disaster for them both. However, after a stormy start, lust eventually wins out which leads to them getting closer both physically and emotionally and they learn that they\’re so alike, have the same values and just click together. Unfortunately trouble lies ahead for both of them – Easton\’s is in the form of a mysterious person repetitively interfering with her perfectly organized home. And Tyler\’s finds the pressure of their secret relationship is just getting too much for him so he\’s got to cut free from Easton. But too late he realizes that he\’s cut the joy from his life along with her but Easton\’s walls are back up and she realizes she needs no-one….. except her Brother. A good romance, loveable dynamic misunderstood characters, sassy banter, mystery and intrigue as to who\’s messing with Easton\’s head and why, angst with the resentful moody hurt teenage son, emotional conflict, drama and heartache over their secret forbidden relationship and where it\’s heading and there\’s some stolen passionate sexy times. Both undergo well needed character growth too. Dual POV\’s, a HEA ending and a good male narrator but I didn\’t think Ms. Brach did a convincing male voice. Worth a credit? Very smooth flowing, very enjoyable and very creditworthy.
Review #4
Audio Misconduct narrated by Carrie Brach Guy Locke
I LOVE Pen Douglas, she shares my top spot in my fave authors list with two other authors bc I love every book they release…..This was the only book of hers I hadnt been able to read so when it was free through escape I immediately dove in….. I may love her writing, but there has only been a single book of hers that Ive listened to and actually can say I liked the narration (Punk)….idk who selects her narrators but they never fit their character. Case in point Misconduct. Carrie Brach sounds like she should be voicing Eastons mother, not a 23 year old. I admire the amount of emotion and performance she puts in her narration BUT its ridiculous listening to her very mature sounding voice and picturing a young adult. Not to mention it was quite annoying HEARING her take breaths and lick/wet her lips. And her seductive voice was just cringe-y. Guy Locke narrates too slow, like hes talking to someone who has a hard time understanding him or something. As for the story itself, Easton will go down as the worst heroine Pen has ever written into existence. There wasnt a single thing about her I liked and in Pens desire to force the reader to sympathize with Easton, she ruined the story for me in the last few mins. Tyler was just okay. Honestly Christian was the best part of the book and he was only 14. All in all, Im glad I listened bc I have a feeling Christian will show up in the Hellbent series but other than that I couldve done without this.
Review #5
Free audio Misconduct – in the audio player below
I love Penelope Douglas books. Matter of fact most of my favorites are hers. This story is very interesting but I gave up on chapter 15. The narration killed it for me.