The Factory Witches of Lowell

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The Factory Witches of Lowell audiobook

Hi, are you looking for The Factory Witches of Lowell audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

The Factory Witches of Lowell audiobook free

This fantasy takes up the cause of the mill girls of Lowell, Massachusetts, young women hired to operate the power looms that took over the town in the early 19th century. As usual, they were paid less than men for the same work, and in those days long before unions and workers rights, they had to work long hours in conditions that were often dangerous or damaging to their health. It imagines that the women organized a union and a strike to protest these conditions and employed witchcraft in addition to the usual union tactics. The story centers on Judith, the firebrand organizer of the protest, and her friend, the frail Hannah, who has some degree of magical power.

The womens cause is certainly just, and if you havent heard of the mill girls, this short novel makes a good history lesson. There isnt really much magic, however, until fairly near the end of the story. Judith and Hannah are appealing characters, and it was nice to watch them move toward the realization that what they felt for each other was more than friendship, but I never felt strongly involved with them. I didnt get as much feeling for daily life in the mill as I would have liked, either. In short, I found the novel good but not great. It might have been better if it had been somewhat longer and more complex.


Review #2

The Factory Witches of Lowell audiobook streamming online

I found this book well written and an enjoyable read, but felt the character development was rather shallow and the events not fully fleshed out.

It felt like a novella, not a full novel.


Review #3

Audiobook The Factory Witches of Lowell by C.S. Malerich

I was torn between 3 and 4 stars for this book. It had such an interesting premise and I was excited to read it, but I don’t think it lived up to my expectations, so I ultimately went with the lower star rating. I loved individual elements of this book, but they didn’t come together well for me. The magic system was interesting, the setting was believable, and the characters were fleshed out well, but the story didn’t work. I think the problem was that stakes were not clearly outlined at the beginning of the book. It wasn’t until the book was almost over that I understood what I was meant to be worried about. If those stakes had been seeded better at the beginning, this would have been an easy four stars.


Review #4

Audio The Factory Witches of Lowell narrated by Rachel Botchan

Amazing book!! Loved the characters. As a history teacher and union member, this one was close to my heart. The plotting was well done and the pacing was on point. It was over a bit too quickly though. I want to follow Hannah and Judith now


Review #5

Free audio The Factory Witches of Lowell – in the audio player below

Some friends I often talk labor issues with recommended this book, and they were right. This former factory worker gives a high rating.


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