Sweet, Thoughtful Valentine audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Sweet, Thoughtful Valentine audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Sweet, Thoughtful Valentine audiobook free
Sweet Thoughtful Valentine is a short story in the Isabel Dalhousie series by Scottish author, Alexander McCall Smith. Having hit upon the right gift for Jamie’s birthday, Isabel Dalhousie, owner and editor of the Review of Applied Ethics, treats herself to a wander around her favourite gallery. While there, she encounters an acquaintance and finds herself making a somewhat rash promise. It’s a promise that, with the hindsight of some later-learned information, causes Isabel no small difficulty. A little later, she indulges in a slightly mischievous courtesy that backfires on her. Back home, sorting through young Charlie’s pockets, Isabel accidentally discovers a secret, something she really would rather not know about. Both situations are discussed with Jamie, whose sound advice always gives Isabel pause for further thought. Her dilemmas give rise to questions about promises and obligations. Things do eventually sort themselves out, but Isabel learns that sometimes it’s impossible to please everyone. McCall Smith uses the events in Isabel’s everyday life to spur the reader into considering the philosophical aspects of our daily decisions. A small but very enjoyable dose of Dalhousie.
Review #2
Sweet, Thoughtful Valentine audiobook in series Isabel Dalhousie
I have not read any of the Isabel Dalhousie series, and after this \”short\”, I am quite sure I will not. Isabel is supposedly a philosopher, which we are told means she likes to think about things. But there is nothing interesting in her thoughts and random mental diversions, and certainly nothing deep. What do men want for their birthday? What is the proper thing to do in this situation? Should we greet strangers or not? Each passing thought is over-analyzed. Her musings are no more profound than anyone else\’s, though certainly more dithering and irritating (often to the other characters and certainly to the reader). The best thing about this story is that I have had the song \”My Funny Valentine\” stuck in my head for a few days. Kind of pleasant, actually.
Review #3
Audiobook Sweet, Thoughtful Valentine by Alexander McCall Smith
Another great story from the very prolific Alexander McCall Smith about Isobel Dalhousie and Edinburgh one of my absolute favorite places to visit. It is always fun to see where Mr. Smith will send Isobel and poor long-suffering Jamie! He seems to pretend not to think her \”meddling\” is not a good idea but then later always finds that it is a part of her character he finds endearing. I love to read the stories about their life in Edinburgh and what they get into. This story is no exception. Mr. Smith is so creative it is fun to read the stories and go through the adventures with his characters whether they are in Edinburg or Botswana. His books are not long and easy for me to read in one sitting as was this novella. I am always anxiously waiting for a new book to come out. This story was fun as are all of them and a treat!
Review #4
Audio Sweet, Thoughtful Valentine narrated by Davina Porter
Isabelle Dalhousie lives in Scotland with her husband, Jamie, and two children. Isabelle is a thinker. I thought of Rodin\’s statue, \”The Thinker.\” Whatever she talks about or experiences within a given day is given much thought. Some times her ideas are shared with friends. After reading the short story, I have learned the importance of not just babbling to clear the silence in the room. It is also important to speak truth about a subject. This makes it possible for any of us to become philosophers. Our friends and acquaintances and family will learn about our true identity. I am reminded of one moment when she asked for tea and just that word led her to think of the word truth proving there is always a subject to examine.
Review #5
Free audio Sweet, Thoughtful Valentine – in the audio player below
Isabel and her musician husband Jamie are a happily married favorite couple of mine and this story emphasizes their equal relationship and their supportive attitude towards one another. Isabel, the philosophical queen of ethics, boxes herself in by making a promise that tests her resolve to always act in an ethical manner. While she vents to Jamie and listens to his take on the situation, she formulates her own solution. While I liked the story, it does meander somewhat as Isabel\’s mind wanders. I thought it would have more Isabel-Jamie time.